Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(January 6, 2012 - January 12, 2013)
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As I See It...


I hope this makes it to the press on time.  It was my turn to be sick this week,  as it seems, all of my staff is taking turns filling in for the each other as we try to fight the bug!! 


As I see it...I hope everyone had a Great "2012". 


2013 has started out slow as usual, which gives us time to stop and reflect on last year and what we need to do this year.  I hope all of you read last week's article.  Cathy had a great list of things to do during the slow time of the year. In fact, I printed myself a copy.


We are preparing for Legislative Day where we talk to our elected officials about liquor issues, to make sure they understand the importance of these issues and what they mean to our municipal liquor operations.


Please call and talk with your senator and representative. If you're unsure of what to say, just call a director and we will help you with the right words.


Let it snow, let it snow, so we all have a great winter season. 


One last thing - Boot Camp is just around the corner. We would love to see as many of you there as possible.


Have a great "2013"! 


Vicki Segerstrom

Milaca Liquor


Missing Buyer's Cards 
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MMBA has learned many facilities have not received their 2013 Buyer's Card from Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement (AGE).
AGE sent the following note:
There was a technical glitch in our computer system and unfortunately not all the Buyer's Card renewals expiring 12/31/2012 were printed and sent out.  We are rectifying this issue and 2nd notices have been mailed.
We will not be listing any of the accounts for non renewal until the 15th of February.
Tips From a Top Server
Thumbs Up  

By Warren Wolfe, StarTribune


The following is part of an occasional series about everyday Minnesotans who exhibit mastery -- the combination of knowledge, skill, experience and understanding that offers a deep command of a topic or activity.


In her four-table section at Manny's Steakhouse in downtown Minneapolis, Nancy Olson, 45, is a star performer.


Clearly in charge, she serves cold drinks and piping hot steaks with the physical grace of a Fred Astaire, the charm of a Meryl Streep, the steely-eyed field awareness of an Adrian Peterson.


She racks up three to eight miles a day, four days a week, in a profession where servers are often seen as "waitrons" -- robotic and faceless parts in the restaurant food chain.


Achieving excellence as a server means breaking out of that mold, she said.


"I can really be myself here -- like an actress on stage," Olson said. "I love food and learning about food, and most of all I really like my customers. I make a decent living at a job I love, a job I'm very good at."


But she's not the best server at the popular and high-priced steakhouse, she said, where it's easy for a couple to drop $200.


"I've been here 10 years and I'm probably about in the middle," she said. "But just being at Manny's means you're among the best" -- a notion food critics generally support.


She started 30 years ago in ninth grade as a server at Bridgeman's Ice Cream in Roseville and never left the business. Along the way she got a sociology degree at St. Catherine University. Like many in the field, she was working in restaurants until a better job came along.


"But after I started at Manny's -- it took about a year, because there's so little turnover in the staff of 24 servers -- I realized how much I love this work, how fulfilling it is for me," she said. "When I retire, it'll be from Manny's."


Sitting in the dining room as a recent lunch-hour crowd began to swell, Olson talked about achieving excellence as a server.


What makes an excellent server? "You learn to read your tables, anticipate what they need. You may be quiet and reserved at one table, but joking and rowdy at another. Every customer should leave saying, 'That was a great meal and great service.' 'Good' isn't good enough."


Can servers really make $100,000 a year? "I think that statement [by gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer in 2010] was a little exaggerated. Maybe somebody does. Here we do very well -- much better than I've done before -- but it's still minimum wage plus tips. Tips are higher because the food's more expensive."


How do you get to the top? "Remember you're always on stage. You're here for the customer and you leave your problems at home. Watch experienced servers, ask questions, talk to the chefs, learn where the food comes from, how it's prepared. Learn about wine. Be yourself as much as they'll let you, and try to make every dining experience perfect."


What's the best and worst about the job? "I love my job, I make a good living and work with great people and get to laugh every day. What I like least -- it's not very often -- is having to cut someone off from drinking. And guys getting out of line? You learn to head that off before it's a problem."


Do servers need mentors? "I do. I'm always learning, always finding people who know more and are willing to show me the ropes. It started with my dad, who had three salvage yards in St. Paul, sold trucks and taught me to care about people. It continues with people I work with. No matter how good you get, you've got more to learn."


What's the sacrifice? "I've been married eight years and my husband and I have opposite work schedules. I've missed a lot of family celebrations over the years. I've got enough seniority that now I have weekends off. It's been a sacrifice -- but I'd do it again."

Minnesota Legislature Convenes
The Minnesota Legislature convened on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2013. It must adjourn by May 20.

Legislators must pass a two-year budget by June 30 or state government shuts down. All other items are optional.



Click Here for FAQ's about the Minnesota Legislature

A Patient Says to his Doctor...
A patient says to his doctor, "Hey, Doc! I've been getting these migraines for a long time now! I can't think straight! I need help!"
The doctor says to his patient, "You know what? I used to have the same problem, and whenever I do get migraines, I go home to my wife. She cooks me my favorite meal, rubs my toes, gives me a passionate kiss and well (smiles sheepishly), you know what happens next!"
The next day the patient returns. The patient says, "Hey doc! Thanks for your advice. It worked!"
The doctor replies, "Oh really? That's good to hear!" "Oh by the way, the patient adds, "You've got a great house!"
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day


January 28, 2013

St. Paul, MN


Click Here for Details


 2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


Click Here for Details


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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