Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(December 16, 2012 - December 22, 2012)
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As I See It...


As a board member we are asked to write an article for the newsletter once every ten weeks or so.


With Christmas right around the corner my thought was to write a real cheery article but as I said we don't get to write often so there are some things that are on my mind I would like to share.


Over the past two years I have attended all but three MMBA Regional Meetings and I have done a POS training at each one of them.


Some sessions are well attended, which is great. Others not as well, which is concerning.


What I hear many times is that other than the manager, and sometimes not even the manager or the people overseeing the liquor store at city hall, nobody understands what the POS system can and should do for them.


In this day and age, if you do not use the POS system to your benefit you will be left behind and eventually be calling MMBA for help.


This goes out to city administrators and city councils that run or oversee the liquor store operations...Iit is not good enough to just run a municipal liquor store these days. You need to be able to make money and show a profit. Otherwise residents will be asking/telling you to get out of the business.


If your operation is not performing as you think it should, you need to ask for help.


Here are some simple things you should be asking yourself and your manager:

  • What % of sales should my inventory be at?
  • Do we do cycle counts and what is the dollar amount we are over/short after each cycle count?
  • What is our gross margin percentage?
  • What percent sales are we in liquor, beer and wine?
  • What percent are our labor costs vs sales?
  • Are the stores discontinuing old product or are they just letting it collect dust and therefore just taking up space and not making any money?
  • How do we price our products (price ends in .49 or .99) and what percent do we markup liquor, beer and wine?
  • Do we run promotions? Do we have a wine or beer club? Do we promote a liquor, beer or wine of the month?

As administrators and councils, these are a few of the questions you should be asking yourself and your managers. If your manager cannot answer all of these questions, then this could help explain why your operation is not making the money you think it should.




If our bosses do not ask these questions of us, who will?


Administrators and councils, MMBA is here to help. You just need to contact us and we'll do what we can.


All that we ask is that you act on our recommendations, otherwise we have wasted each other's time and energy to help fix the problems.


Managers, if you have questions and concerns about your stores, contact a board member; attend Boot Camp in February; the annual conference in May or a regional meeting in the fall.


I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you get to spend quality time with your families during this busy time of year!!


Steve Grausam

Edina Liquor
Isle Taxpayers Get Early Christmas Present 


By MilleLacsMessenger.com


The Isle City Council announced a Christmas present for city residents at their Dec. 11 meeting: a $135,000 cut in the city's levy.


The council adopted a final budget for 2013 that takes $150,000 from the municipal liquor store and applies it to the levy, Mayor Rod Schultz said.


Last year's levy was $548,059. The council adopted a 2013 levy that will be $413,958. "That's why we need people to support the Muni," Schultz added.


Do You Have a Return Policy? 
A member recently asked about Return Policies. 
They were especially concerned about shoplifters who might try to return a stolen product for cash.
Here is an example policy:

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. In the event that an opened product needs to be returned, we will gladly do so with an accompanied receipt.


If the customer does not have a receipt, liquor and wine may be exchanged for other merchandise of equal or greater value as long as the following criteria is met:


1. The product is in good condition and label is intact.

2. It is a product and size that Lakeville Liquors carries.

3. Seal has not been broken.

4. Wine product must be of current vintage date.


No beer product or packages may be returned without management approval.


No cash may be refunded for any merchandise without management approval. All exchanges must be for equal or greater value.


To complete a merchandise return in the register system, follow instructions in the operational procedure portion of the manual.

Snacks at Sampling Events
Cheese and Crackers  
The MMBA office has received a couple of calls asking if exclusive liquor stores can provide snacks to customers during an in-store sampling event. 
According to Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement, this is not allowed. 
Whew! It was a lot of work but I'm done ... got the tree up!!

I Just love the smell of pine!
Tree Up
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day


January 28, 2013

St. Paul, MN


Click Here for Details


 2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


Click Here for Details


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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We all understand the importance of asking for help.
 However those who achieve big things are the ones who accept it when it's offered.
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