Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(December 9, 2012 - December 15, 2012)
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As I See It...


The Holidays are my favorite time of year!


The store is buzzing with busy shoppers looking for just the right wine for dinner or that special gift for their favorite uncle.


Each year just before the holidays, I take time to sit down and write a letter to our valued customers and fellow business owners thanking them for their patronage over the past year and inviting them into the store to do their holiday party shopping and gift giving. I offer the services of myself and my staff to assist them in any way.


Just the other day I received a letter from one of our wine vendors thanking me for my continued business of his brands and offering his services for wine tastings and other events. This person is consistently giving to our businesses and I am impressed with the additional extra effort.


In the day and time we are currently in, with all the social media and impersonal communication, these letters can show your customers you are there for them and care. I believe in great customer service and a letter is just one way to deliver it.


What I'm trying to say, is this holiday season do something to go out of your way to deliver great customer service experiences to your customers. They will remember it and it will show on your bottom line.


I wish everyone a GREAT personal and business holiday season.


Lara Smetana

Voyageur Bottle Shop (Pine City)

MMBA / Coors Light Food Drive Generates 39.7 Tons of Food!!! 
Food Drive Sign 2012   

The recent MMBA / Coors Light Food Drive generated  39.7 tons of food for local member food shelves!!!


This is up from 11.5 tons generated in 2008, 20.5 tons in 2009, 28 tons in 2010 and 34 tons last year!!


Congratulations to everyone who participated!!  Your contributions, large and small, are helping an important need in all of our communities.


The overall winners of this year's contest are:


Miltona (Under $1 million in annual sales) & Hackensack (Over $1 million in annual sales)!!!


The food shelves in these communities will be receiving a $1,000 donation courtesy of MillerCoors and MMBA.


Each of the food shelves in these communities, chosen through a random drawing of all participants (not including the overall winners) by

random.org will receive a $100 donation: 
Baudette Downtown
Brooklyn Center #2
Pickle Factory (Nisswa)
St. James
Stacy Off Sale
Reasons a Customer will Buy from You, Other than Price 

By Geoffrey James , Inc.com, based upon a conversation with Dr. Robert B. Cialdini, an expert on the psychology of influence.


1. You have already helped this customer.  For example, you have provided a unique industry perspective during your discussions or have brought your customer a referral for a potential customer for the customer's business.


(Editor's Note: This week the MMBA office was told the director of a local food shelf said he is going to be making purchases at a member's facility more often, instead of the privately owned liquor store he lives next to, because of the member's participation in the MMBA Food Drive.)


2. The customer believes your offering is unique or rare.  In general, this means that you have established that your firm is the only viable source for what the customer actually needs to solve the problem.


3. The customer considers you an authority.  You have revealed something about your specific background or experience that leads the customer to consider you uniquely knowledgeable about the issues involved.


4. Buying will bolster this customer's self-image.  The customer has made specific statements that define himself or herself as the type of person who needs and buys what you're offering.


5. The customer knows peers who've bought from you.  Customers are deeply swayed by "social pressure" which you generally create by providing examples and references that match the profile of the current customer.


6. The customer likes you personally.  During your conversations, you've uncovered similarities between yourself and the customer, and have communicated in words and deeds that you truly respect that customer.


SCORING: For this checklist, the scoring is cumulative.  If most of items on the list are "true" you're likely to get a "YES!" If only a couple of the items are "true" then, it's iffy.  If all of them are "false," the chances that you'll get a "YES!" are slim indeed.



Two Hunters are Hiking... 


Two hunters are hiking one day, looking for prey.


One hunter trips and accidently shoots his friend in the stomach. The shot hunter falls to the ground and doesn't move.


Panicked, the first hunter pulls out a cell phone to call 911.


He tells the operator he shot his friend and is worried he might be dead.


The concerned operator ask him if he's sure his friend is dead.


The hunter ask the operator to wait while he checks


The operator waits for a response, then hears a gun shot right before the hunter comes back on the line.


"Okay, now he's dead"

Don't complain. Contribute.  
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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