Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(October 21, 2012 - October 27, 2012)
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As I See It...

Steve Martin             


Five regional meetings are in the books and the sixth is coming on November 8th in Bemidji.


We had some great roundtable discussions on mark-ups. We learned some stores are now rounding up to .99 and skipping over the .49 round up to generate extra profit for their city.


Most, if not all stores mentioned the lack of storage and retail space. We discussed how to become better managers of our inventory including purchasing quantity deals to increase profit, increasing inventory turns and the realization of slow movers.


One main point stated in Fergus Falls was that there are a lot of great deals, but they are only "Tony the Tiger Great" if you can turn the merchandise and make profit for your store.


Next in another helpful tool to help with inventory purchasing and management... the Total Register inventory management session regarding the setting of a "minimum" quantity on hand to items in our inventories,


Wow, this is going to be a time saver for me on my liquor and wine ordering days. The plan is to integrate minimum quantity levels into my inventory during the course of this winter and have it running smoothly by early spring 2013, that is IF the Mayan Calendar is wrong and the end of the world isn't on December 21, 2012.


What were they thinking anyways? That would mean we would lose 8 days of sales this year!!!!!


Maybe Steve Martin should do a video for the Mayans too!!





Remember to Vote!

Tuesday November 8th


Michael Friesen

Hawley Liquors



No Beef Sticks in Off-Sales
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The MMBA has learned a snack vendor is going around the state to off-sales saying it is OK to sell beef sticks as long as they are 5 or 6 in a package, bulk etc. 
 According to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement....  
In answer to your inquiry, I am not aware of any change to Minnesota Alcoholic Beverage Statute to allow food items into exclusive off-sale liquor stores under the provisions of Minnesota Statute 340A.412 subdivision 14.
Our agency has had no formal contact with any industry members or members of the food industry related to allowing meat sticks into exclusive off-sale liquor stores.
If the topic had been reviewed, we certainly would not make any distinction related to the size of the product packaging. I hope this answers your question. 
Michael T. McManus
Alcohol Enforcement Administrator
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division
Remember, we sell alcohol and grocers sell foood!

Are You Talking to Your Legislators About Sunday Sales? The Opposition is!!!

Sunday Sales Pro  

Here is an event sponsored by those in favor of Sunday Sales...


Meet Senator Roger Reinert at Four Firkins


Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012

Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: The Four Firkins
5630 W. 36th Street
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Cost: FREE

This will be a fun day in many ways! If you are interested in the prospect of Sunday liquor sales in Minnesota, or have questions about the matter, come on down and have a chat with us, Four Firkins staff, and Roger Reinert, DFL Senator from Duluth.  Roger will ultimately author the bill to propose sales for liquor stores on Sunday. Join us for a night to meet Roger and ask questions about the proposal for opening up Sunday sales.


Richfield Council Approves Liquor Store Rennovation


By Andrew Wig, SunCurrent


As redevelopment in Richfield's unofficial downtown area progresses, the city's oldest liquor store is trying to keep up.


Addressing an aging building, Richfield City Council unanimously approved an $800,000 renovation for the city-owned liquor store at 6444 Lyndale Ave.


 With the area's new features - including the recently opened LA Fitness and adjacent new commercial space, the planned Lyndale Gardens development and an under-construction apartment complex - an anticipated influx of new customers to the shop was one factor prompting the upgrade.


It has been 30 years since the Lyndale shop last received a major update, according to a city staff report, which adds that the building's deteriorating state and dated look has become unappealing to customers. The outlet is the oldest of Richfield's municipal liquor stores. However, it recently  received a new roof and heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, according to Bill Fillmore, city liquor operations director.


The newest upgrades will include exterior work such as new soffit and fascia lighting replacement and landscaping improvements, along with miscellaneous concrete work.


Inside, customers will notice the most conspicuous change when they look up: The current ceiling tiles will be removed, giving way to an "open ceiling," with exposed joists and ventilation system. The floor also gets a new look, with polished concrete replacing the current carpet.


Additionally, entry doors will be replaced to be compliant with the American with Disabilities Act, while the project aims to increase the building's energy efficiency by installing new power-friendly lighting, plus energy-efficient glass at the south and east windows.


The new windows will be installed above a new "knee wall," a 2.5- to 3-foot interior wall topped with a ledge. The current windows extend almost to the ground; the remodeled store will instead feature a brick face abutting the bottom of the glass, again intended to provide greater energy efficiency while improving aesthetic appeal, the staff report says.

When renovation is finished the shop will also feature a new, expanded cooler complete with black shelving to be accompanied by LED lights. With that lighting and color combination, "the product will almost look like it's floating there," Fillmore said.


All the work is meant to bring the municipal liquor store up to speed with market demands, providing the "modern and today kind of look, and kind of interior that today's shoppers want in a facility like that," City Manager Steve Devich said during the Oct. 9 council meeting.


Devich noted that Richfield "for many years" boasted the No. 1 municipal liquor operation in the state, and that the store on Lyndale Avenue near 66th Street was once the city's top-selling outlet. But the closing of Kmart and the Lyndale Garden Center hurt sales.


Now, the city's liquor store at 66th Street and Cedar Avenue is the city's top store, bringing in about 19,000 customers a month, according to Fillmore. The store receiving the upgrade attracts about 16,000 customers a month, but Fillmore believes once the current streak of redevelopment in its vicinity is complete, sales at the remodeled store will rival that of the outlet near Cedar.


"I think there will be a lot of synergy and a lot more activity in the area," Fillmore said.


Even now, the shop in the evolving area is the No. 2 liquor store in the city. Behind it, the location at 64th Street and Penn Avenue  attracts 15,000 customers a month, while the store at 77th Street and Lyndale  Avenue brings in 6,000 customers per month, according to Fillmore.

The northerly Lyndale Avenue store will be gutted when remodeling work, based off a Wold Architects design, begins, as anticipated, in January. Work is expected to take six weeks. During that time, customers will be directed to one of Richfield's other municipal liquor stores, which employ 10 full-time and 50 part-time workers.


Some see risk as a reason not to try.


Some see it as an obstacle to overcome.


The risk is the same; to try or not depends upon on our perspective.

Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


November 8 - Bemidji


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Two Assistants and their Boss ...

Two assistants and their boss are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a genie appears. He says they will grant them each one wish.


The first assistant says, "I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world." POOF! She's gone.


"I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, and endless supply of rum drinks, and the love of my life," says the second assistant. POOF! He's gone.


"You're next," the genie says to the boss.


He says, "I want those two back in the office right after lunch."

Contact Trinchero Family Estates 
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