I recently went on vacation.
We traveled to Virginia and while on the journey, I patronized a few off sale establishments in a couple of different states. (Still looking for the elusive Admiral Nelson Spiced Cherry Rum that no one sells in Northern Minnesota!)
I observed different things.
In Virginia they have state owned package stores. They only sell hard liquor, as wine and beer are sold in groceries and convenience stores. All employees are state employees; only store managers are full time and have benefits. The stores layout is designed by the state and the state decides what to sell. (No spiced cherry rum here!) The employees were very knowledgeable and helpful.
I also went to a private wine store to purchase local (Virginia) made wine. It was a huge store with aisle after aisle of every wine imaginable. (Overwhelming!)
There were three employees at the front of the store near the checkout registers. No one greeted me and I had to ask where the local wines were kept. I was pointed in the direction.
As I stood looking at my choices for over 10 minutes no one asked if they could help me. Another customer joined me in the aisle; she also had no clue as to what to buy. I finally picked by the picture on the label and color of wine!
Then I started wandering the store looking for other things to buy. No one asked if they could help me. I was not a happy customer by this time.
I went to the check out where the three employees stood B.S.ing. I wasn't greeted, asked if I found what I wanted or even had eye contact. I wish I would have spoken up at that point, but I just wanted out.
My intentions going in the store was to buy wine as souvenirs/gifts of our vacation. If they had only had some customer service skills they would have sold more than two bottles of wine!
We stopped in Ohio to put on gas, they sold liquor in their gas/convenience station. (No spiced cherry rum here!)
My next stop was in Michigan. They sell liquor in a convenience store type setting. At last I found the Cherry Spiced Rum I was looking for!
The employee that helped me was very happy to sell me two bottles at a really good price. (At this point I was willing to pay almost anything!) He even smiled when he carded me.
We had a great trip; it was good to see family and friends. I just wish everyone believed in customer service. A simple greeting and a question of "can I help you find anything?" goes along way.
Shelly Dillon
City of Callaway