Second Sunday of Easter
April 12, 2015 



"We invite everyone to share communion around God's altar. 

We strive to be a welcoming and relevant Christian community doing what matters through prayer, worship, teaching, outreach, fellowship, and service. 


We will demonstrate the real life application of scripture, tradition, and

reason by providing a safe place to respond to each other's needs,  
hurts, joys, and interests." 

Resurrection Episcopal Church

1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.

Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

Find us on Facebook


 "The Episcopal Church in White County"

In This Issue
2015 Pledge
Pastoral Care Corner
Second Sunday Music Education
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Breakfast
Our New Parish Musicians
Capital Campaign
Piedmont Chorale presents Carmina Burana
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday Pictures
Beth Moore Bible Study
Scouting Fund-raiser
Family Promise Club 180
Children's Chapel Volunteers
Resurrection YCM Shine Time
Social Hour Sign-ups
Caring Ministry


Next Week


Saturday - 11th


8:00 Brotherhood of St. Andrew Breakfast


Sunday - 12th

8:15 Holy Eucharist II

9:15 Christian Education - Dulcimer Group
10:30 Holy Eucharist II

Monday - 13th

5:30 Yoga


Tuesday - 14th

9:30 Staff Meeting

10:00 Exercise

11:30 WRECs' lunch @ Mully's Nacoochee Grill

6:30 Boy Scouts

7:00 Finance Meeting


Wednesday - 15th

9:30 Preschool Chapel

6:45 Choir Practice

7:30 AA Meeting


Thursday - 16th

Fr. Scott @ Monastery

6:00 Compassion Ministry Meeting


Friday -17th

Fr. Scott @ Monastery


Saturday - 18th

9:30 Beth Moore Study

This Sunday
April 5

The Lectionary 
Click here for full texts


The First Reading
Acts 4:32-35

The Psalm
Psalm 133

The Second Reading

1 John 1:1-2:2


The Gospel

John 20:19-31




Worship Leaders


 8:15 a.m.



Jesse Merritt



Dave Maier



Jane Maier


Altar Guild

Lana Brown

10:30 am

Clay Bolton
Reagan Brode
Shelby Scalia

Jack Prince
Don Scalia
Steve Smith

Paul Kimball

Ben Bolton
Jennifer Smith

Stephanie Bolton
Jaymi Hampton

Children's Chapel Snacks
Christy Harris
Nancy Phillips

Community of Hope Minister
Carolyn Clarke
Joanna Moylan
Chris Geidel
Social Hour
Doug & Nancy Phillips

Vestry Person of the Day
Cathy Parrish

If you are unable to serve in your designated ministry, please find a replacement and then contact the church office with the change.
Resurrection Cycle of Prayer

4/12 Pray for the Greer family, Ray Gregory & Katie Lynam, Geoff & Sue Gstalder, Chuck & Jaymi Hampton, Peggy Harrell


4/13 Pray for Bently & Christy Harris, Jill Hazen, Steve & Julie Hill, Curtis & Genie Hixon, Larry & Kathy Holbrook


4/14 Pray for the Johnston family, Peg Jones, Tom Karp, Russ Keen


4/15 Pray for the Kidd family, Dan Kiessling, Patsy Kiessling, Paul & Cynthia Kimball


4/16 Pray for the Kimsey family, Bill Kinsland, Tony & Deborah Koltonski, Richard & June Krise, Bob & Deb Kroll


4/17 Pray for Gretchen Kwatra, Eleanor LaForge, Bob & Nancy Lambdin, Kevin & Nancy LaForce


4/18 Pray for Chad & Katie Rose Ledford, Jane Lenzen, Pat Lydell, Dave & Jane Maier, John & Rene McClatchey

Join Our Mailing List
Quick Links
Welcome to the latest edition of our eNewsletter.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, may you discover God's spirit here at Resurrection. May you experience God's love and feel God's blessing as you participate in the life of the parish.
We will see you in church!
If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please contact the parish office, a member of the clergy, or a member of the vestry.  Please do not hesitate to let us know of any needs that arise.

The Annual Commitment Campaign for 2015 has been completed and thank you to our parish family for being so generous.

If you have not yet pledged, it is not too late! You can make your commitment online through Resurrection's secure website. Simply go to our website at and click on the top left button, "Online Pledge 2015." Just fill out the simple form and your confidential pledge will be forwarded to the church office. It is really easy!

Church is an important part of all of our lives and your pledges support our ministry in the community. Thank you.
Pastoral Care Corner
Please keep in your prayers

  • Peter Beney is recovering at home after hospital stay. 
  • Dennis Bergin is recovering from shoulder surgery.
  • Barbara Brady is recovering from surgery at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta.
Second Sunday Music Education
Yonah Pickers Dulcimer Group
This week, our 9:15 Christian Education session will feature the Yonah Pickers, a Dulcimer group in White County.  They will also perform during the 10:30 service.  You don't want to miss this enriching and entertaining program.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Breakfast
Saturday, April 11 @ 8:00 a.m.

Men of all ages are invited to the Brotherhood of St. Andrew meeting for a warm breakfast and even hotter conversation.  We will continue our Kerygma study asking the questions of who God is and how do we best function by our design.  Join us for this time of prayer, study and service Saturday, April 11th at 8:00 a.m. in the parish hall.
Our New Parish Musicians
Please welcome Becky Johnston and Cameron Carey

Becky Johnston will be our new Minister of Music and will be in charge of the music program and serve as choir director. Becky has her Ph.D. in Choral Music Education and is currently a professor of music at the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega. 



Cameron Carey will be our organist/pianist. Cameron is a senior at the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega and will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Music with concentrations in piano and organ. Currently he is the musician for the Presbyterian Church in Dahlonega.

Resurrection is so fortunate to have these two extremely talented individuals join our music team.  We look forward to embarking on this next phase of our music program.
Capital Campaign Begins!
Interview Process

The next step in following the vision God is laying before us is now under way. Our plan calls for a new parish hall, refurbished kitchen, new classrooms, new sound system, repaving parking lot, and retiring our debt. 


In order to more successfully equip ourselves to respond to God's call, we are planning to conduct a capital campaign in the Fall of this year. We have engaged Franklin 'Zip' Long, a consulting pastor with Horizons Stewardship Company, to conduct a study. As a part of this study, we are asking 25 families as a representative group of the members to meet with Reverend Long for personal, confidential 30-minute interviews on April 21st and 22nd.

If you are selected and called by Sonya Chesser to be part of the interview process, we hope you will make every effort to participate. What a privilege to be part of such an exciting time in our life together. Thank you all in advance for being members of this growing family.

Easter Egg HuntApril 5, 2015

Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015

Beth Moore Bible Study
Saturday, April 18, 9:30-11:30 a.m.


All women of the church (and their friends) are invited to a Beth Moore Bible Study entitled "He Is."  There is no cost to participate, but please RSVP to Denise Dorsey (706-969-0514 or so that she can plan for brunch and distribute discussion notes.




 "He Is" is a video collection of four one-hour messages by Beth Moore.  Based on Hebrews 11:6, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that HE IS and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." 

Around the Campfire Ring - 
with "The 689"



Cub Scouts kicking off second big fund-raiser


Every spring, Pack 689 begins the sale of CAMP CARDS - which helps our Cubs raise money for summer camp.  These discount cards cost only $10, but they provide many opportunities for you to save money at many popular local or nearby establishments - like McDonalds, Bass Pro Shops, Yonah Burger, Zaxby's, Subway, La Cabana, Domino's, Donut Palace, and Atlanta Braves tickets!  The discounts are valid for an entire year, and they are guaranteed to save you lots of money.  Buy a handful to share with your friends and families.  All of the sale proceeds stay with our local Pack.  CAMP CARDS will be on sale until May 12, so don't miss out.  Watch for Cub Scouts conveniently selling tickets after the 10:30 service at church, or place an order through Bill Owen or the church office.

Thanks for your support of Scouting at Resurrection.


Family Promise of White County has initiated its eagerly anticipated Club 180, an easy way to help local homeless families who are working to gain the skills and confidence to reach independence.  Club 180 is a way for individuals and businesses to support Family Promise and assist families in remaining or becoming independent.  With a donation of at least $180 (only $15 monthly), donors can provide families with children a safe, nurturing environment to reside; professional assistance finding jobs, housing, or child care; and their daily needs like food, medications, and transportation.  For as little as 50 cents per day, you can make a huge difference in the lives of homeless children.

Forms for donations can be obtained from FPWC by phone: (706) 865-7725 or by mail:  P.O. Box 905, Cleveland, GA 30528.  Onetime or recurring monthly donations can also be made online at:

Family Promise of White County is a local, non-profit organization helping homeless families working to gain the skills and confidence to reach sustainable independence.  FPWC is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions are tax deductible.  For information, please contact Bill Owen at (407) 808-6414.
Children's Chapel Volunteers Needed
We are blessed with amazing children and youth at Resurrection.  We want to "bridge the gap" between our children and older members.  Please consider being a volunteer children's chapel teacher.  We would love to have the children learn about and meet all the amazing parishioners.  You can sign up at:  Children's Chapel Sign-up or by letting Mallory Nonnemaker know the Sunday you would like to teach or bring snacks.  

Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. for Resurrection "Shine Time."  We will continue to follow the Weaving God's Promises Year One curriculum, but are calling this program "Shine Time" based on Matthew 5:16 - "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven."  Weaving God's Promises helps us learn how we can let our lights shine!  This year, Weaving God's Promises focuses on Weaving our Faith.

We will no longer meet on Wednesday evenings.  Fr. Scott will be leading a class for adults at the same time, so everyone can learn! 
Social Hour Sign-ups

We are still in need of hosts for our Social Hour after the 10:30 service each week, especially later in the year.  THIS SNACK SHOULD BE VERY SIMPLE - IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A MEAL.

If you would be willing to host the Social Hour one Sunday, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex or contact Denise Dorsey at, 706-969-0514, or just tell her at church. The dates available are listed on the Social Hour Sign-up Sheet below.  If enough people participate, no one should have to do it more than two or three times a year.   Please prayerfully consider being a part of this parish life ministry.

Who Cares?  We All Do

The Caring Ministries committee needs volunteers to sign up to provide meals for parish members who are shut in, those returning from a hospital stay, or those suffering from the loss of a loved one.  Please contact Madeline Braswell at 770-617-2455 or to volunteer.  The more volunteers, the less burden on each.
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 
1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Keith Whitmore, Assisting Bishop
The Rev. Scott Kidd, Rector
The Rev. Frank Wilson, Assisting Priest
Eleanor LaForge, Parish Musician
Brandon & Mallory Nonnemaker, 
Directors of Youth and Children's Ministries
Sonya Chesser, Parish Administrator & Preschool Director
Bob Kroll, Sexton 

Stephanie Bolton (2015)
Cathy Parrish (2015)
Jennifer Scalia, Junior Warden (2015)
Paul Abele (2016)
Denise Dorsey (2016)
Paul Kimball, Senior Warden (2016)
Michelle Boyce (2017)
Linda Perry (2017)
Becky Schacht (2017)
Larry Holbrook, Treasurer 
Patsy Kiessling, Recording Secretary
Patsy Kiessling
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection