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February 13, 2015         Volume 9, Number 3
Our Mission:
our Birthright
in Wisdom
in Gratitude
SHARE God's Love 
In This Issue

Spirit Blog

Upcoming Events

Church Happenings
This Week
Sunday Service
10:30 AM

Weekly Office Hours
Wed &Thurs
(813) 239-1951
408 E. Cayuga Street 



Murder Mystery Dinner Valentine's Photos

Sign Language Class

Unprotected Texts

Bible Study

Bi-Sexual Meet Up

Lenten Experience

Trans-Life Matters

Social Change

Card Drive

Book Club 

Movie Night

Drag Queen Bingo

Tampa Pride

Spring Yard Sale

Relay For Life



Bulletin Submissions

Pastoral Search Info

Prayer Shawls

Bingo Items Needed

Board Meeting

Finance Meeting

Facebook Page  



Homeless Count

Domestic Ptnr Registry

Pop Tops For Shriners HIV Testing



Join Our Mailing List



Information / Updates about Pastoral Search Committee:

The PSC Committee has started the process and are hard at work for MCC Tampa.  If you are interested in receiving updates regarding this process, please provide your email address on the sign up sheet located at the back of the sanctuary.  Emails will be sent providing updates to the congregation from Update information and email signup is also available on the website under "Resources/Pastoral Search Information."


The Pastoral Search Committee needs your input. We will be conducting a survey to determine what attributes you are looking for in our next pastor. We will have computers set up in the back of the sanctuary before and after worship service on Feb 8, Feb 15, and Feb 22. Please plan to complete this survey on one of these dates to make your voice heard.


Spirit Blog


Dear Members and Friends:


I am writing to you regarding a powerful worship opportunity we experienced this past Sunday at our 10:30 service.  I preached on the subject of TITHING using the scripture, Malachi 3:10, as an example of how God has spoken to God's people about giving as part of their response to God's loving care:


Malachi 3:10

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the Holy One, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows."


Working ahead of time with our Stewardship Team, we came up with a vehicle we believe is perfect for our congregation to learn the spiritual benefits and growth that can come from trusting God and beginning a tithing practice.  This vehicle is "God's French Fries."  Our children's lesson helped illustrate how everything we have is a generous gift from God - already purchased and personally delivered by God.  Burger King supported our effort by donating enough French fry boxes for every one in the congregation to receive one.


We spoke of our joys and our fears; of the times fear and anxiety around finances caused relationships, happiness, and peace of mind to crumble.  It seemed to resonate with many who responded that the fear we spoke of was real and had been experienced even though we all had often wanted to step out and risk more, to stand on our faith in God the Provider----in a way that would be a greater blessing for our church and community.


At the close of the sermon, I offered an opportunity to all in attendance to "test the Holy One" as the scripture says, and go on an adventure together by committing to tithing (giving the first 1/10th of our income) to the church for the next 120 days with the following understanding:  "if at the end of 120 days you are in a financial crisis because of tithing, or you have not received a special blessing, you will receive all your offerings back for that 120-day period."  Sounds pretty bold, I know, but you're well aware that we know at MCC of Tampa that we cannot out-give God!


The response was positive and overwhelming, and we don't want to limit the excitement of this spiritual experiment to just a few.  So if you were not able to worship with us at that particular service, we don't want you to miss out! 


Following this letter you will find a form to fill out and return to the church office as soon as possible.  It will identify you as a tither already, or someone who in faith will tithe for the next 120 days.  Please note that for record keeping purposes it is necessary for us to have your name.  If you will not be participating in this program, please let us know your reasons for not doing so, (identifying yourself is optional).  We will be praying mightily for those who are participating.  We will also be praying mightily for those who shared that they couldn't.   Because in the end, our greatest hope is that person after person will experience the amazing love and closeness of the One who knew us first and desires good things for each of us, just as Christ taught us! 


REMEMBER - Tithing means contributing every week whether you are worshiping, working, or away on vacation.  Mark your check, GFF, or give cash in an offering envelope (available at church) and write GFF on it, or go to the iGive station before or after service to share your tithe and use the designation line, GFF.




Joyfully companioning you on the journey,


Rev. Pressley Sutherland and the Stewardship Team

Please email this form to or print and bring it Sunday and put it in the offering plate.

UpcomingUpcoming Events



Don't miss our annual Murder Mystery Dinner - Great Food and Grog, Silent Auction, Raffles and figure out WHO DONE IT!!   Dinner and mayhem start at 6:00pm.  Tickets for the Captain's table are currently on sale for $50, after March 8th they increase to $60. General seating tickets are $30, after March 8th they increase to $40. For more information see MCC Tampa's facebook page and look under events or email  We are also looking for some events tickets and/or gift cards to put in our silent auction for this event.  If you can donate please drop it by the church office or see Cathy James.



Grab your family, friend, partner, etc and get a photograph memento for Valentine's Day 2015. Photography by Elizabeth Renae McKinney & desserts by Jeff Morton.


SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS - SUNDAYS, FEB 1, 8, 15 - 12:30-1:30 PM - You can learn ASL (American Sign Language)!  Acquire this second language! We will start off with a beginner's class then continue to offer four week sessions during the year to develop greater proficiency with ASL.


UNPROTECTED TEXTS - MONDAYS, FEBRUARY 2, 9, 16 - 6:30-8:00 PM - Join us for a fun and informative class looking at key scriptures that have shaped Judeo-Christian attitudes toward gender and sexual expression.  We will engage ancient scripture with today's wisdom from progressive spirituality and embodiment theology.


NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE STUDY - THURSDAYS, FEBRUARY 5, 12, 19, 26 - 7:00-8:00 PM -     Discover how historical research can illuminate the New Testament in this riveting class that combines biblical scholarship, archaeological discoveries, and literary analysis.



We offer a safe place for honest discussion of the experiences and challenges of being bisexual. We believe that for us sexual desire, identity, and preference are fluid and we support each person's freedom to love whomever we choose. We also offer social events where people can socialize free of judgments.  


INFINITE LENTEN EXPERIENCE - WEDNESDAYS, FEB 18, 25, MAR 4, 11, 18, 25 - 7:00-8:00 PM

Join us weekly in contemplative prayer and meditation throughout this Lenten season. These gatherings will be reflective of the work of Thomas Merton and his arrangements of psalms, prayers, readings and reflections he shared in "The Book of Hours".


a TRANS-LIFE MATTERS - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 - 7:00-9:00 PMThe objective of this therapy group is to provide a safe and caring space where members are given the opportunity to interact in a confidential setting to discuss concerns related to being transgender. Facilitated by Sara Fackelman, LMHC, CST


ANIMATION FOR SOCIAL CHANGE - Saturday, February 21 - 10:00am-4:30pmPresenter, Cecelia Yocum, PhD will help you develop skills to "fire up" others to work together on mutual goals for social change. You will learn how to successfully "animate" your collaborators on behalf of a common mission. This workshop is co-sponsored by The Bridge of Tampa.


"WE MISS YOU" CARD DRIVE - FEB 22, MAR 1, 8, 15, 22  - 12:00-12:30 PM - We invite every attendee of Sunday services throughout the Lenten season to take ten minutes each week to think of someone that you have met and worshiped with at MCC Tampa yet haven't seen in months. We want to use our "church (home)-made" cards from the Greeting Card Workshop to send well wishes and let them know we still care and think about them. 


BOOK CLUB - MONDAYS, FEBRUARY 23, MARCH 2, 9, 16 - 7:00-8:30 PM "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven" by Sherman Alexie (Price of the book $12.97 on  Each week dinner will be served with a heaping dose of conversation and fellowship. The Movie Night March 21st will feature "Smoke Signals"  based one of the stories from the book.


MOVIE NIGHT: "Joyful Noise" - Saturday, February 28 - 6:00-8:00 PM - Join us for this family friendly, musically charged movie. Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton star in a funny and inspirational story of music, hope, love, and renewal. No Fee, refreshments will be provided.


DRAG QUEEN BINGO - March 4th Hamburger Mary's Clearwater location.  A $10 suggested donation gets you 3 bingo cards for all 10 games.  Enjoy a fun evening out and help us raise some cash form MCC Tampa.  As the beneficiary of this event we need to provide the prizes.  Please help us out with wine, gift cards, etc.


TAMPA PRIDE MARCH 28TH, 2015 - Please mark your calendars and plan to attend Tampa Pride 2015. Ybor City.  MCC Tampa needs a coordinator for our parade/booth contingency. Contact the church office, if interested.  Tampa Pride is looking for volunteers to assist with various aspects of this Pride Event. Contact them at:

MCC TAMPA YARD SALE - APRIL 24 AND 25, 2015 - 8 AM - 1 PM

Time for your spring cleaning!!!  We are accepting donations now for MCC Tampa's semi-annual Yard Sale.  For more information contact Richard Skinner.


RELAY FOR LIFE 2015 - MAY 1ST- 2ND - MCC Tampa will be sponsoring a team to participate at Hillsborough High School on May 1st and 2nd. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is the world's largest and most impactful fundraising event to end Cancer. Please visit the information table at the back of the Sanctuary after service to sign up and get information about this powerful event, If you have any questions, contact Dave Lindsay or Sonya Bufe.




HappeningsChurch Happenings


BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS - We have a new E-Mail address for all submissions to the weekly bulletin. Please send  complete information for the bulletin announcement to: The deadline for submissions is 12pm each Tuesday.


INFORMATION / UPDATES ABOUT PASTORAL SEARCH COMMITTEEThe PSC Committee has started the process and are hard at work for MCC Tampa.  If you are interested in receiving updates regarding this process, please provide your email address on the sign up sheet located at the back of the sanctuary.  Emails will be sent providing updates to the congregation from Update information and email signup is also available on the website under "Resources/Pastoral Search Information." 


PRAYER SHAWLS - We currently have shawls available on the prayer wall for anyone managing life's challenges. 


ITEMS NEEDED FOR UPCOMING BINGO EVENTS - We have an ongoing need for items for bingo prizes; gift cards, wine, event tickets, etc.  Please drop off in the church office as we have several bingo events scheduled in the upcoming months.


ATTENTION SHOPPERS - FOUND MONEY AT SMILE.AMAZON.COM - The next time you shop at please go to instead and select Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa as your charity of choice.  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to MCC Tampa whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.  There is no additional cost to you and MCC Tampa benefits from your purchases.  Here is the direct link .


MONTHLY BOARD MEETING - The monthly board meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:15 pm. All board meetings are open meetings.


MONTHYLY FINANCE MEETING - There is a monthly finance meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm.  This is an open meeting.

OUR FACEBOOK PAGE - Follow MCC Tampa on our Fan Page.  Go to MCC Tampa, under church and organizations to "Like" and "Share" with your friends.  Also spread the word about upcoming events and invite your friends to join us. 


SocialSocial Justice


2015 HOMELESS COUNT - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 - 4:00am-11:00pm - HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY - The Homeless Count in Hillsborough County, coordinated by the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative, will need hundreds of volunteers to canvass the streets, visit meal and service sites and do data entry on the day of the count. There will be early morning, mid-day and late afternoon/evening shifts deploying from several areas of Hillsborough County. Please support this initiative through our Social Justice Team's participation.


TAMPA DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP REGISTRY - Is open for business at  the City Clerk's office at 315 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, FL. The fee is $30.00 (cash or check payable to the City of Tampa). A Driver's License or Class 1 ID is required for each person. Both partners must be present at the same time to register. 


POP TOPS FOR SHRINERS HOSPITAL - MCC Tampa's recycling ministry is now collecting the pop top tabs from aluminum cans. We will donate them to the Shriners Hospital to help with children's medical needs.


TAKE THE TEST & LEARN YOUR STATUS! - When was your last HIV test?  Has it been a while?  If so, its not too late!  Metro Wellness & Community Centers will be providing confidential HIV testing services at MCC Tampa. The next date is March 15th from 11:00am -1:00pm.  Test results provided within 20 minutes! 



LifeIn the Life of Our Church


Ministry Opportunities

Please consider becoming "one of the many ministers in the life of this church." You've been longing to become active and involved in your church, so here are some of the many ways you can do so in life of your church. 
Below is a list of ministries and contact people. Please see them, visit the church website:  or call the church office at 813-239-1951 for more information.

MINISTRY                                                             Contact Person 


Audio Team                                                          Mac McGowan

Board of Directors                                                 Sonya Bufe

Children & Families                                                Tris MacWilliam
Congregational Care                                              Ross Scudder
Creating Sacred Spaces                                         Ross Scudder 

Deaf Interpreters Ministry                                       Catherine Gill
Eucharistic Ministry                                               Vance Hamilton

Food Pantry                                                          Tina Brunner

Hospitality                                                             Frank Azzarello

Lectors Ministry                                                     Kevin Klahr
Living Green Ministry                                             Tina Brunner

Music Team                                                          Jeffery Morton

Office Angels                                                         Robert Krebs

Pastoral Search Committee                                     Kevin Klahr
Programming Team                                                Ellie Weber

Sacred Grounds                                                     Richard Skinner

Social Justice                                                        Cathy James

Ushers                                                                  Chad Hobbs

Visuals Team                                                         Paul Budrow
Welcome Ministry                                                  George Summers 



We want to remind you that if you, or someone you know, is in the hospital, becomes homebound or is in need of some congregational care - Please let us know. We now have a very active Congregational Care Team, and they are here to serve your needs.  The team is available every Sunday before and after worship service.

If you need special prayers, have concerns you would like to discuss, need someone to talk with, or would like a call,  then visit our Congregational Care  Ministry Table in the foyer, or E-mail us at or call the us at 813-230-1542

In addition to making your own commitment-use others' money to grow that commitment and ensure MCCT's financial security.
Tithes and Offerings: It's not too late to make a pledge that makes a difference.
Ministry Volunteers: Feel your passion and join a ministry team that nurtures you as you fulfill your commitment to "Serve in Gratitude."
Fundraisers: Please support church efforts to nurture you and your friends and family at our special events throughout the year.  Watch for announcements on upcoming events.
Corporate Matching Gifts: Give to MCCT without spending a dime-your employer may be one who matches giving to a 501c-3 (nonprofit) organization. Check with your Human Resources office to see if you can double your giving at no cost to you but with great benefit to MCCT.
Travelers and Social Butterflies Website: Book through go to and click on "travel." Either way, making travel arrangements (air, sea, land), sending flowers, buying theater and other event tickets benefits MCCT through commissions.
Recycling: The Living Green Ministry can use your help with greening MCCT while raising money from recyclables. Bring in newspapers (complete with slicks),cardboard, phone books, magazines, basically anything paper that tears. Aluminum cans (soda/beer), printer cartridges, cell phones (no chargers) and junk vehicles. Please recycle your plastic bottles at home at your curbside. LETS' KEEP IT GREEN!! and greener $$$$$$$$$
Surf the Web at and MCCT receives one cent for every search.  What could be easier and more helpful? It's the search that keeps on giving.  How about getting a surfing team together that raises $20 each month?  How about challenging others to do the same?
Shop online at and more free $$$ comes back to MCCT.
Recurring Credit Card Donations
We are now able to offer automatic debit withdraws for tithes and offerings. These forms are available on the table in the lobby. Once you have completed the form, the church office will process your information and you will receive a confirmation of when the first payment will be processed.  You may choose what day of the month you would like the withdraw to occur and you may cancel recurring donations at any time; however, we ask that you notify us 10 days prior to the date of your next donations so that we can process your cancellation in a timely manner.  If you have any questions concerning this process, please feel free to talk with a member of the Board of Directors or contact the church office.
The church office can also process one time donations from credit cards.  If you would like to make a one time gift, please see the church office for the one time authorization form.  Your gifts and offerings have a direct impact in the life of MCC Tampa and continue to make a difference in our church and our community. Thank You!
To learn more about what is happening in the MCC Fellowship, visit their Website at:
Sign Up for the MCC Churches Newsletter!

�Copyright 2005 Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa All Rights Reserved
For more information feel free to contact us