VOL. 11, NO. 48
December 21, 2015

January 6, 2016
Comments Due in Special Access Reform Rulemaking

January 8
February 5, 2016
February 26

from the Board of Directors and Staff of INCOMPAS

FCC Extends Small Provider Exemption in Open Internet Order 
The Commission granted a one year extension on the small provider exemption from Open Internet requirements related to enhanced transparency. Small providers are defined as those that serve 100,000 or fewer broadband connections. 

The extension will last until Dec. 15, 2016. The Commission plans to review the comments submitted on the burden of complying with those requirements from the Paperwork Reduction Act process submitted earlier this year.
FCC Grants Forbearance in USTelecom Petition
On December 17, the FCC granted full or partial forbearance from most of the categories of rules covered by a forbearance petition filed by USTelecom. The order eliminates: 
  • rules that governed the entry of the Baby Bell local phone companies into the long-distance marketplace.
  • "equal access" rules protecting stand-alone residential long-distance. Equal access "grandfathered" for remaining subscribers to stand-alone long distance, although ILECs may seek permission to eliminate equal access for these customers if they can demonstrate how the consumers will be protected.
  • Requirements for the ILECs to provide access to their networks for competitive providers of "enhanced services," such as voice mail and fax - subject to a discontinuance process to ensure a smooth transition.
  • A rule requiring ILECs to provide a voice-grade channel (64 Kbps) on fiber networks for use by other providers.
The order denied forbearance from:
  • The obligation to provide voice service to consumers living in rural areas at affordable rates.
  • Prohibition of using "contract tariffs" for business data services in areas not previously deemed to be competitive.
  • Safeguards for enterprise stand-alone long-distance, protecting competition in this market, which has different characteristics than the consumer market.
The Order granted partial forbearance from:
  • Required sharing of newly-deployed ILEC entrance conduits.