Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 11, No. 25
June 29, 2015

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

July 16

July 31

September 25







Diamond Rio publicity shot

More Choice, More Competition: STOP Big Broadband Petition Gains 6,500 Signatures in One Week
In one week, 6,500 people signed a petition stating, "We want MORE choice for broadband service. We do not want a monopoly or duopoly controlling our access to the Internet."  

Let policymakers in Washington hear your voice that you want more choice and competition for broadband service, and sign the petition now. 
COMPTEL Joins with NTCA and ITTA to 
Urge Congress to Update Video Policy
On June 22, COMPTEL, NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association and ITTA-The Voice of Mid-Size Communications Companies sent a letter to Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) urging the committee to hold a hearing to examine video marketplace failures and the need for reforms of, or updates to, existing laws and regulations.

The letter recommended that legislators update the retransmission consent regime and other outdated regulations to ensure that all providers continue to have the opportunity to compete and offer high-quality broadband and video services to their subscribers.

In a statement, COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering said, "Video content is fast becoming a building block that fosters investment in new networks. If our goal as a nation is to deploy more broadband networks and stimulate more competition and more choices for every American, then we must make video reform a priority."
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Discusses Vision for 
Broadband and Competition at Brookings Institute
On June 26, Federal Communication Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler delivered a speech before the Brookings Institute during which he discussed his vision for broadband and competition.

The Chairman said: "Expanding broadband requires better network technology. It requires more competition. It requires that companies continue to invest to satisfy consumer demands for bigger, better, and more broadband. It requires that broadband providers not be able to limit competition in broadband-dependent markets, like apps or online services, by invoking their gatekeeper power. And it requires that limitations on consumer demand - whether on the basis of geography, or economic circumstances, or disability - be removed. Simply put, broadband should be available to everyone everywhere. My message today is simple: the job of the FCC is to exercise its authority with both discretion and determination so that technology, competition, investment and consumer empowerment are able to work together to reach our nation's broadband goals."

Following the speech, COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering noted that it was "encouraging to hear FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's desire to put the pedal to the metal on the new network and connection agenda. We applaud his commitment to competitive access, interconnection, consumer protection, public and national security. The risk to our networks is real. Networks are being degraded and abandoned without notice, while competition is denied and public safety is put on the back burner."

Pickering added that "in 2014, a unified FCC came together around a set of core values to guide the technology transition. This network compact has the support of both consumer and competitive network coalitions. We stand united in our support for Commission action to achieve a transition that upholds competition, safety and access for a better broadband future. COMPTEL strongly agrees with the Chairman's call for new networks. We embrace all measures to achieve broadband investment in new networks fixed and mobile -- licensed and unlicensed. Expediting deployments through accelerated access to poles, and critical infrastructure and streamlined permitting is needed. Video reform and new opportunities for new over the top entrants are welcome news. In short, we support the Chairman's broad agenda for broadband competition, innovation and investment. The second half of the Chairman's competition season starts now. Our companies are fiercely competing in the market and join the call to promote and protect competition."
FCC Announces Agenda for July 16 Open Meeting
The FCC will host an Open Meeting on Thursday, July 16 at 10:30 a.m. at Commission headquarters in Washington, D.C. The tentative agenda includes: 
  • Incentive Auction Procedures - The Commission will take the next step to commencing the incentive auction in the first quarter of 2016 by considering the Procedures Public Notice, which adopts a balanced set of auction procedures that will ensure an effective, efficient, and timely auction. The Public Notice establishes and provides information on final procedures for setting the initial spectrum clearing target, qualifying to bid, and bidding in the reverse and forward auctions.
  • Mobile Spectrum Holdings - The Commission will consider an Order on Reconsideration addressing petitions for reconsideration of certain aspects of the Mobile Spectrum Holdings Report and Order.
  • Competitive Bidding - The Commission will consider a Report and Order, Order on Reconsideration, Third Order on Reconsideration and a Third Report and Order that provides meaningful opportunities for small businesses, rural telephone companies, and businesses owned by members of minority groups and women to participate in the provision of spectrum-based services, and also strengthens the Commission's rules to protect against unjust enrichment to ineligible entities.

FCC Seeks Comment on Small Business Exemption from Open Internet Enhanced Transparency Requirements
The FCC last week released a public notice requesting comment on whether small providers should be exempt from compliance with the enhanced transparency requirements of the Open Internet Order. 

The Open Internet Order granted a temporary exemption from the enhanced transparency disclosure requirements for broadband Internet access service providers with 100,000 or fewer connections and directed the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to seek comment on whether the exemption should be made permanent.

Comments will be due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. 
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

June 30            Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
3:30 p.m.          Contact Karen Reidy

July 7              Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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