Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 11, No. 20
May 26, 2015

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

June 4

June 15

July 1
July 22





Diamond Rio publicity shot

COMPTEL Now Accepting Session Proposals for 
Fall 2015 Business Expo in San Francisco
Do you have unique insights into strategies that are driving successful companies in the communications industry or innovative technologies that can increase profits, improve service and meet customer demand? If so, COMPTEL wants to hear from you. 

We are now accepting session proposals for the COMPTEL PLUS Fall Business EXPO 2015, which will take place October 18-21 in San Francisco.

We're looking for session proposals that encourage interactive discussions about current and future trends on topics, such as: 
  • Cable
  • Cloud Services
  • Data Centers
  • Disruptive Technologies
  • Enterprise Network Management
  • Ethernet
  • Financing strategies for your business
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Municipal Investment in Fiber Networks
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Next-Generation Networks and Products
  • Open Internet
  • Security/Privacy
  • Social Media
  • Special Access
  • Over-the-Top (OTT) Revenue Opportunities
  • Technology Transitions
  • Telemedicine
  • Voice over LTE
  • Wireless

Session proposals are due Friday, June 19, 2015, and must be submitted online

For more information, visit the COMPTEL PLUS website. If you have questions, email Chris Ballman or Tara Smith.
COMPTEL, Consumer Leaders Say Stay of 
Open Internet 
Order Would Harm Competition
On May 22, a unified front of competitive companies and consumer leaders came together to oppose the stay request filed by large Internet service providers, and their trade associations, in an attempt to delay Open Internet protections put forward by the FCC. Several companies - including COMPTEL members Cogent, ComSpan, Fatbeam, Level 3, Netflix and Sonic - filed declarations to support the filing. 

"The stay request is a desperate attempt by those who seek to block, delay and deny content from moving quickly over the Internet without tolls," said Chip Pickering, CEO of COMPTEL. "Four million American voices urged the FCC to support strong Open Internet protections. They want more competition, and they don't want content on the Internet controlled by gatekeepers." 

The filing states that Open Internet rules put forward by the FCC will increase competition, bolster investment and improve interconnection, helping deliver faster content and services online. 

Some highlights from the declarations of COMPTEL members opposing the Open Internet stay request include: 
  • Mark Scully, CEO, ComSpan - "ComSpan supports the Open Internet Order and the Commission's new rules. We believe that these new rules are important for protecting consumers from intentional misconduct and overt malfeasance in our industry, as evidenced in past documented transgressions. But just as important, we believe that the rules will also help promote competition among broadband Internet access service (BIAS) providers. Alternatively, without the Open Internet Order, companies such as ComSpan throughout the country have no practical timely recourse if harmed by dominant carriers abusing their market power." 
  • Dane Jasper, CEO, Sonic - "Sonic believes that every home and business in America should have fast, reliable and affordable access to an unfettered and Open Internet where customers may access any lawful Internet content, application or service they choose. Sonic's BIAS services do not disadvantage any source or type of Internet traffic and they are not subject to usage caps. Sonic supports the FCC's Open Internet Order and rules not only because they will protect consumers from unreasonable behavior by their BIAS providers, but also because they will protect and promote competition among BIAS providers. I look forward to the day when broadband competition develops to the point where regulation of providers is no longer necessary, but that day has not yet arrived."   
  • Greg Green, President, Fatbeam - "Fatbeam often enters markets by building fiber optic networks for individual school districts. Once the network is fully constructed and operational, Fatbeam offers broadband capacity to other entities in the community, including hospitals, local government offices, banks and telecommunications and Internet service providers. With the new rules in place, Fatbeam intends to continue to expand its networks, deploy fiber and provide smaller third- and fourth-tier markets with competitive fiber optic broadband options. The availability of robust, high-speed broadband fiber optic access service is a powerful catalyst for economic growth and development and such growth and development benefit all residents of the community."
Member Company Fatbeam Provides Expertise 
at the May 20 FCC E-rate Fiber Build Workshop

Last Wednesday, COMPTEL Board Member and Fatbeam President Greg Green (pictured above at far right) was one of the expert speakers during the School District and Local Case Study panel at the FCC's E-rate Fiber Build Workshop. Throughout the workshop, speakers provided E-rate applicants, providers, and state and local policymakers with information and tools for planning fiber build projects under the new E-rate rules, with a focus on issues applicants need to consider in order to choose the most cost-effective plans for deploying fiber.

COMPTEL Commends Renomination of 
Jessica Rosenworcel to Second Term on FCC
On May 20, President Barak Obama nominated Jessica Rosenworcel to a new five-year term on the FCC. Rosenworcel has served as a Commissioner since 2013.

In response to the announcement, COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering, said, "New network policy requires leaders for a new generation. Jessica Rosenworcel is smart, determined and visionary. An education champion, Jessica's dedication to E-rate and digital learning has helped transform the lives of students, teachers and parents across the nation. Her efforts to shepherd strong Open Internet protections have opened the door to innovation and new ideas for start-ups and small businesses. COMPTEL looks forward to working with Commissioner Rosenworcel for another term at the FCC. Shaping the right network policies will strengthen core principles like competition, while providing greater access to more Americans." 
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

June 2             Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

June 9             Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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