Twitter Joins COMPTEL
Leading Internet, International, Wireless, Backbone and Business Providers Add to COMPTEL's Growth
COMPTEL last week announced that Twitter has joined its member ranks. In the past year, COMPTEL has grown into a competitive industry powerhouse, adding Netflix, Amazon, Google Fiber, AngelList, T-Mobile and now Twitter in its fight for competitive network policy. "Twitter embodies the spirit of competition, innovation and free expression that has defined our nation's greatest era of technology expansion," said Chip Pickering, CEO of COMPTEL. "Twitter's policy and media expertise will be a valuable addition to COMPTEL as we lead the fight for open and more competitive network and content policies." COMPTEL Builds Coalition of Competitors from All Networks By organizing and unifying the leading competitive companies across a wide spectrum of technology platforms - including Internet, streaming, cloud, fiber, wireless and international firms - COMPTEL has built a stronger voice for new network builders, providers and entrants. "COMPTEL is a leading voice for competitive telecommunications policies," said Colin Crowell, head of Global Public Policy for Twitter. "We look forward to working with the association and its member companies on strategies that promote consumer choice, investment, innovation and Internet freedom." "With our increasingly diverse membership, COMPTEL is now the only trade association that effectively represents the needs of companies using every type of network, platform and technology to deliver communications services," said Pickering. "This broadened scope increases the efficacy of our advocacy, and raises the importance of competition across all networks."
COMPTEL Opposes USTelecom Petition for Forbearance
COMPTEL has filed an opposition to USTelecom's latest attempt to free ILECs from compliance with a number of statutory and regulatory requirements that would impair access to critical wholesale inputs that support competition in the communications industry. COMPTEL asserts that the Commission should deny the petition, stating "[a] healthy and vibrant wholesale market is critical to the creation and preservation of competition in the retail market. The statutory and regulatory provisions from which USTelecom seeks forbearance remain necessary to protect consumers and ensure that innovative services continue to be developed and offered in the retail market and that end users continue to have a choice in providers." To read the full filing go to:
Exhibit at COMPTEL PLUS and Get the Attention of Top Decisionmakers in the Communications Industry
With more than 65 percent of attendees having purchasing authority, COMPTEL PLUS has earned the reputation of the place where business deals are done in the communications industry. Don't miss out on this important sales opportunity - plan to exhibit at the COMPTEL PLUS Business Expo 2015, April 12-15 in Orlando. Prime spaces are filling up fast. Email Kevin Morris for more information about COMPTEL PLUS and how you can secure your exhibit space.
Not only do we bring together the top industry decision makers, we make it easy to find and connect with prospective customers. Our one-of-a-kind COMPTEL PLUS Business PLANner app allows all pre-registered attendees to search the attendee list and set up meetings with both new and existing customers prior to the show, enabling a more robust selling environment and experience while onsite.
This spring, the Exhibit Hall will offer exclusive hours, without any competing sessions and/or receptions occurring at the same time. Attendees will be treated to free food throughout the event, including a full lunch on both Monday & Tuesday in the exhibit hall, and evening networking receptions featuring live entertainment.
Share Your Industry Expertise by Hosting a Webinar Via the COMPTEL Webinar Program
Looking for a way to share your expertise about the latest trends and technologies that can benefit the communications industry? With the COMPTEL Webinar Program, COMPTEL can help you produce live or recorded webinars. We offer a variety of options and will help you promote your webinar to the COMPTEL membership and beyond. Please email Tracy MacDonald or call 202-296-6650 for more information. COMPTEL's Webinar Program is powered by PGi.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted. All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.
December 9 Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
December 16 Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
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