Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 10, No. 47November 3, 2014

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

November 7

November 14

December 15

April 6

May 18

Enventis seeks Electronics Technician


Walker and Associates seeks

 Regional Account Manager


SmartRG Applications Engineer






Diamond Rio publicity shot

FCC Chairman Shares Tech Transition Proposals
On Friday, October 31, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler shared that he is circulating proposals designed to protect consumers, competition and public safety in the ongoing technological transitions in the communications industry. 

In his blog, Chairman Wheeler talked about the two items under consideration, one that concerns retirement of legacy networks and discontinuance of legacy services, and another that addresses the transition of public safety to IP-based networks. 

COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering commended the Chairman for his leadership and commitment to ensuring that public safety, competition and interconnection are preserved during the technology transitions. 

In a statement, Pickering said "We applaud the Chairman for circulating an item to initiate a proceeding that considers critical issues impacting business, education, nonprofit and government markets, and residential consumers, as the industry - led by competitors embracing advanced IP technologies - continues its transition to next-generation services. His actions today offer the clarity and certainty needed to ensure ongoing investment, new deployments and unrelenting innovation from competitors that will benefit business customers across the nation."

He added that "to foster robust competition in the business market, there must be sound policies that ensure wholesale access to the last mile. Any evolution in transmission technology does not change that fundamental fact. As the Commission proceeds, it must ensure that incumbents do not exploit their transition to IP technologies as a way to diminish or eliminate the wholesale access to last-mile connections on which competitors rely to serve business customers. In particular, it is important that the Commission adopt standards that, at a minimum, require equivalent wholesale access when incumbents seek to discontinue legacy services used by competitors to reach and provide innovative service to their customers. We look forward to continuing to work with the Commission on these important issues, so businesses can continue to benefit from the services our members deliver."

Pickering also discussed the Chairman's proposals in his blog.
COMPTEL Invites You to November 15 
Competitors' Reception in San Francisco
NARUC is holding its Annual Meeting November 16-19, 2014 in San Francisco. COMPTEL invites you to join us at the Competitors' Reception on Saturday, November 15, at the San Francisco Marriott. Please note that the Competitors' Reception is not sponsored by NARUC, nor is it a part of the Annual Meeting agenda.

COMPTEL thanks CompSouth, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, EarthLink, HyperCube LLC and Midwest Association of Competitive Communications (MACC) for agreeing to sponsor the reception. If your company would like to join these organizations as a sponsor, please e-mail Karen Reidy or call 202-296-6650 today.
Tech Transitions, 911 on Agenda for Nov. Meeting
On the tentative agenda for the FCC's November Open Meeting: 
  • Emerging Wireline Networks and Services: The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), Declaratory Ruling, and Order to facilitate the transition to next generation networks by promoting and preserving the Commission's public safety, consumer protection, and competition goals. 
  • 911 Governance and Accountability: The Commission will consider a Policy Statement and NPRM regarding its approach to 911 governance and proposing mechanisms to ensure continued accountability for reliable 911 services as technologies evolve. 
  • Modernizing Contest Rules: The Commission will consider a NPRM to provide broadcasters greater flexibility in their disclosure of contest terms.
The Open Meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 21, at 10:30 a.m. at FCC headquarters in Washington, D.C. The event will be shown live at

FCC Approves Level 3 Acquisition of tw telecom
Late last month, the FCC approved the acquisition of tw telecom inc. by Level 3 Communications.  The Commission noted that "the transaction is likely to increase competition by resulting in a combined company with a larger network footprint and a strengthened ability to compete for business customers."

FCC Blogs Focus on Open Internet, OTT
In recent blogs on the FCC website, FCC officials have talked about key competition issues, including:
  • Multichannel Video and OTT Providers - FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's blog on multichannel video packages and over-the-top (OTT) video providers noted that consumers should have more options and should have the ability to purchase the programs that they want. Additionally, the Chairman called on his fellow FCC Commissioners to update video competition rules. 
  • Open Internet - The FCC's Jon Sallet, Roger Sherman and Julie Veach authored a blog focusing on the Open Internet. The blog summarizes the recent Open Internet Roundtables and welcomed participation on this topic.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

November 4     Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

November 11   Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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