Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 10, No. 42September 22, 2014

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

September 23

September 30

October 6

October 8

November 17


Enventis seeks
Account Executive






Diamond Rio publicity shot

COMPTEL Responds to House White Paper on 
Universal Service Policy and the Role of the FCC
On September 19, COMPTEL responded to the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee white paper on "Universal Service Policy and the Role of the Federal Communications Commission."

In its comments, COMPTEL noted that effective universal service policies are key to ensuring that all Americans benefit from the world-class communications networks and services available in the U.S. "Unfortunately, implementation of the high cost reforms have been slower than anticipated. COMPTEL has advocated that the FCC should continue on a path toward implementing the reforms expeditiously, maintain its original goal of addressing unserved areas for both fixed and mobile networks and ensure ongoing operational support for such networks where there is not a business case to be made to offer service."

COMPTEL added that "it is important that universal service policies do not discourage competition, but certain FCC policies and rules have that effect."
Cloud Market Focus of Track During COMPTEL PLUS 
Attendees will be able to learn more about the cloud market during the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Convention & EXPO, which takes place October 5-8 at the Gaylord Texan in Dallas.  

Sessions during the cloud track, which will take place Tuesday, October 7, include: 
  • What's the Forecast? Multiple Clouds on the Horizon - Moderated by The Washington Post, this panel will feature thought leaders from CenturyLink Cloud, Cisco and EarthLink, who will discuss partnerships; private, public and hybrid solutions; sales tactics and revenue opportunities; as well as security challenges, compliance performance and support.
  • Locked Down: Key Components for Airtight Security - Presented by Metroplex Technology Business Council (MTBC), speakers from FireHost, InfoDefense and U.S. Department of Homeland Security/U.S. Secret Service will outline the security risks companies face across multiple platforms.
  • Transforming Enterprise Networks: An Aggregated Multi-Cloud Strategy - This panel will provide a 360-degree perspective from all members of a cloud ecosystem, who will discuss how network and cloud service providers are aligning to help competitive operators and global enterprises leverage the benefits of cloud services. Speakers include representatives from Ciena, COMLINK, Equinix and Global Capacity.
Don't Miss Out - Register Today!
If you haven't signed up to attend the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Convention & EXPO, October 5-8 in Dallas, register today. And don't forget to book your room at our host hotel, the Gaylord Texan - rooms are nearly sold out!

Update Your Calendar with 
Can't Miss COMPTEL PLUS Activities
Add our educational tracks, keynote by FCC Chairman Wheeler, exhibit hours and other activities happening at COMPTEL PLUS to your personal calendar. Just visit our schedule-at-a-glance and click on the calendar icons by each event you want to attend to get instant reminders while onsite in Dallas.

COMPTEL Thanks its Sponsors
FCC Set Due Date of December 15 for Data Collection in Special Access Proceeding
On September 15, the FCC released an order on reconsideration in the Special Access proceeding, in which the Wireline Competition Bureau amends the special access data collection, outlined in the Commission's Data Collection Order, to reflect the conditional approval received from the Office of Management and Budget. The order also addresses two petitions for reconsideration. The data collection filing deadline is December 15, 2014.
FCC Extends Deadline to April 6 for Comments on 
Rule Changes in Special Access Proceeding 
Last week, the FCC also extended the deadline for comments on possible rules changes in the special access proceeding to April 6, 2015, with reply comments due May 18, 2015.

COMPTEL Urges Stronger Policies to Achieve
More Robust Broadband Business Market

On September 19, COMPTEL filed reply comments in the FCC's proceeding relating to deployment of advanced telecommunications capabilities pursuant to Section 706 of the 1996 Act. COMPTEL said that AT&T is seeking "to evade critical statutory wholesale obligations that are the foundation of competition. The Commission should not acquiesce to AT&T's wishes. Rather, the Commission should reaffirm and strengthen its competition policies to facilitate a more robust broadband business market."

COMPTEL noted that "wholesale access policies are not just a factor that contribute to competition, which in turn spurs investment, such policies are a necessary component for there to exist any significant competition in today's business market."

All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

September 23   Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

September 30  Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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