Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 10, No. 32July 14, 2014

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

July 15 

July 22

July 25

August 8

August 11

August 25

September 10 

September 23

October 6

October 8

November 17


Eventis seeks

Assistant Fiber Optic Engineer

Product Analyst  






Diamond Rio publicity shot

Early Bird Registration for COMPTEL PLUS Ends Friday

There are only five more days to take advantage of early bird registration rates for the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Convention & EXPO. Register by this Friday, July 18, and save 25 percent off regular rates.

Also, book your room at our host hotel, the Gaylord Texan, to ensure you are in the heart of all the action. 

Get A Sneak Peek at the 

Fall 2014 Agenda

The initial agenda for COMPTEL PLUS is now online. With a mix of general sessions, three educational tracks, dedicated exhibit hall hours and networking events, COMPTEL PLUS gives attendees the opportunity to meet with the top decision makers in the communications industry, learn about new products and services being offered by our exhibitors, make valuable contacts that turn into contracts. 


In addition to hearing from our keynote speaker, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, there will be general sessions, including an executive roundtable, as well as focuses on telecom convergence and megamergers, and over-the-top services and interconnection. Additionally, there will be three tracks featuring sessions on:

  • Cloud Market
  • Broadband Innovation
  • Network of the Future

For more information on this Fall's agenda, visit the schedule-at-a-glance.

COMPTEL Comments on Proposed Market Power Test for the CenturyLink Forbearance Petition 
On July 7, COMPTEL filed comments on the proposed analytical framework for evaluating CenturyLink's Petition for Forbearance from dominant carrier regulation and the Computer Inquiry tariffing requirement with respect to its packet-switched and optical transmission services (also referred to as "enterprise broadband services").

The services for which CenturyLink seeks forbearance from dominant carrier price regulations are purchased by wholesale and retail customers. Only with vibrant competition in the wholesale market -
particularly the wholesale market for contemporary Ethernet services - will the full range of business services be available to consumers.

COMPTEL supports the FCC's proposal to the use the traditional market power approach that it applied in the Qwest Phoenix Order, which states that the Commission must return to the traditional approach
that carefully defines relevant product and geographic markets and examines whether a carrier, individually or jointly, has market power in those markets to prevent further "inappropriate grants of forbearance predicated on competition in a subset of service and
customers."  Additionally COMPTEL believes the FCC should perform its market analysis, for purposes of evaluating CenturyLink's petition, based on the Department of Justice-Federal Trade Commission Horizontal Merger Guidelines.

COMPTEL Supports T-Mobile Request for 
Clarification on Data Roaming Obligations
On July 10, COMPTEL filed comments in support of T-Mobile USA, Inc.'s petition for expedited declaratory ruling with regard to rules that require facilities-based providers of commercial mobile data services to offer data roaming arrangements to other mobile data service providers on "commercially reasonable" terms and conditions.

Smaller wireless carriers have brought to the Commission's attention the difficulties they continue to experience in negotiating reasonable data roaming arrangements with Verizon and AT&T, even after the adoption of the data roaming rules. T-Mobile asserts that its inability to obtain commercially reasonable roaming rates from certain carriers has forced it to throttle and cap its customers' roaming data usage on those carriers' networks.

T-Mobile has asked the Commission to provide additional clarification with respect to the meaning of the "commercially reasonable" standard in the data roaming context, and COMPTEL supports T-Mobile's Petition and its request for expedited relief.  COMPTEL said the  "grant of T-Mobile's request that the Commission provide additional guidance as to the meaning of commercially reasonable, especially with respect to rate parameters, will facilitate the negotiation of data roaming arrangements that are fair to all parties and will promote competition, consumer welfare and nationwide broadband connectivity."
COMPTEL CEO Discusses Importance of Competition in Driving Innovation in Wireless and Wireline Markets
COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering last week published an article in the Summer issue of Skinny Wire, which is produced by member company Walker & Associates.  Entitled "Robust Competition Needed to Drive Continued Momentum in Wireless and Wireline Innovation," the article discusses issues - including the IP technology transition, open Internet, review of the Communications Act, satellite television act and spectrum incentive auctions - that will be addressed in the near future, and why lawmakers and policymakers must continue to promote competition as they proceed.
COMPTEL PLUS Show Daily Deadline is September 22
The COMPTEL PLUS Show Daily is a magazine produced during the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Convention & EXPO, featuring news from exhibitors, sponsors and COMPTEL members. Issues of the Show Daily will hit the newsstands the Gaylord Texan during COMPTEL PLUS on the mornings of Monday, October 6, and Tuesday, October 7.

If your company is an exhibitor or sponsor of the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Convention, or a COMPTEL member, you can submit your news by Monday, September 22.

Show Daily Submission Guidelines
  • All press releases or news items should be sent via e-mail as a Word document. Accompanying graphics should be JPEG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi or better.
  • Please put "COMPTEL PLUS SHOW DAILY" in the e-mail subject line when sending news.
  • To be considered for inclusion, news must either be announced at the show, or within days prior to it. All news sent to Show Daily editors will be held under embargo until the official release date.
  • COMPTEL PLUS exhibitors, sponsors and advertisers will be given space priority in the Show Daily. COMPTEL members who are not exhibitors or sponsors at the COMPTEL PLUS Fall show are invited to submit their news, which will be published on a space-available basis. The Show Daily editorial staff makes every effort to include all news sent to them by the editorial deadline (September 22).
  • News submissions received via e-mail after September 22, or onsite during COMPTEL PLUS, will be included in the Show Daily solely on a space available basis.
Editorial Contact
All news releases and accompanying press materials and graphics should be e-mailed directly to Show Daily Editor Bruce Christian. For questions, he can be reached at 602-481-3764. Please copy Gail Norris when sending news releases.

Advertising Contact
Companies wishing to advertise in the Show Daily should e-mail Publisher Berge Kaprelian or call 480-503-0770. 
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

July 15            Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

July 22            Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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