Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 10, No. 13   April 7, 2014
In This Issue

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

April 17-18

April 10

April 21

October 6

November 17
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Diamond Rio publicity shot


COMPTEL Proposes Managerial Framework to Successfully Guide the Technology Transitions 

On April 2, COMPTEL submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) a proposed managerial framework that outlines the steps that must be taken during the next year to guarantee the success of the ongoing technology transitions and ensure that American businesses can continue to receive innovative voice and broadband services from their preferred providers. This framework would be complementary to the various technology transition trials that have been proposed. 


The managerial framework draws on key recommendations in the FCC's 2010 National Broadband Plan, which recognized the critical role that last-mile access and interconnection polices play in ensuring retail business competition. The plan specified actions that would ensure widespread availability of wholesale inputs that all carriers could use to deliver broadband to small businesses, mobile providers and enterprise customers; guarantee just and reasonable rates, terms and conditions for TDM- and packet-based special access services; clarify the rights and obligations with regard to IP interconnection; and provide a balance in copper retirement policies. 


"The Commission is to be applauded for its focus on ensuring that competition, consumer protection and other key values endure as it addresses the transition from legacy to more innovative technologies. However, in the four years since the National Broadband Plan was introduced, several key issues that are central to the success of the technology transitions still remain unresolved," said Chip Pickering, COMPTEL's CEO. "COMPTEL's proposed managerial framework sets a clear timeline for addressing last-mile access and IP interconnection issues that are critical for competition to flourish, and provides the certainty, predictability, timeliness and transparency to the process so that the Commission can achieve the robust competition envisioned by its National Broadband Plan." 


COMPTEL's managerial framework proposes a specific timeline of Commission actions: 


Second Quarter of 2014

  • Initiate Special Access Data Collection - While the FCC has ample evidence on the record to proceed with comprehensive reforms, the Wireline Competition Bureau should begin as soon as possible the process of gathering data it deems necessary as requested in the FCC's special access information collection order, for which approval is currently pending at the Office of Management and Budget. 
  • Reverse Prior Grants of Forbearance from Dominant Carrier Regulation - The FCC should take actions it deems necessary to begin the process of reconsidering the prior grants of forbearance from the treatment of certain ILECs as dominant carriers in their provision of packet-based special access services. 

Third Quarter of 2014

  • Address ILECs' Anti-Competitive, Exclusionary Special Access Discount Plans - The FCC should take action to prohibit and, thereby, prevent the harmful effects of the ILECs' exclusionary, lock-up special access discount plans. These plans have hindered competitive carriers' ability to migrate to more innovative services and construct their own last-mile connections to businesses. 
  • Adopt Rules Addressing Copper Retirement - The Commission should update its copper retirement rules to ensure the public interest is being served prior to the removal or disabling of copper facilities that have been used to provide innovative and affordable broadband services to small and medium size businesses. 

Fourth Quarter of 2014

  • Clarify Duty of ILECs to Provide IP Interconnection - As soon as possible, but no later than the fourth quarter of 2014, the FCC needs to confirm carriers' rights to IP interconnection for the exchange of facilities-based voice traffic under Section 251 of the Act, so that consumers can finally enjoy the benefits of this innovative service. 

Second Quarter of 2015

  • Undertake Comprehensive Special Access Reform - Once the FCC has identified, through its analysis of collected data, the relevant product and geographic markets in which the ILECs have market power in the provision of TDM-based and packet-based services, it should move quickly to adopt comprehensive reforms of the rates, terms, and conditions for these services in the markets where ILECs have market power. 
  • Address Access to Packet-Based Last-Mile Facilities - Throughout this process the Commission should consider additional actions to address competitive carriers inability to obtain access to last-mile facilities, including packet-based facilities, on just and reasonable rates, terms, and conditions, that could be taken without conducting an extensive mandatory information collection.
AT&T Files IP Interconnection Agreement with Sprint
COMPTEL Commends Precedent-Setting Michigan PSC Order
Forcing AT&T to Comply with Interconnection Obligations

Last week, AT&T fulfilled its obligation to file its IP interconnection agreement with Sprint, in compliance with an order from the Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC).

Upon the filing of the agreement, COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering said "Today marks a victory for consumers, competition and the industry in general. A competitor has finally been able to exercise its statutory right to interconnect with a major ILEC on an IP basis, an action that spurs the transition and allows consumers to further benefit from this innovative technology. The Michigan PSC is to be praised for being the first state to stand up to AT&T and force it to comply with its IP interconnection obligations under the '96 Act. We hope this action serves as a precedent for other states and the FCC to follow so that carriers' rights to IP interconnection for voice communications are honored nationwide."
FCC Launches National Lifeline Accountability Database
New Audit Requirements for Large Lifeline Providers Also Released 
The FCC last week launched a database designed to eliminate waste from duplicative subscriptions in the Lifeline phone service subsidy program nationwide. The National Lifeline Accountability Database, a cornerstone of the FCC's comprehensive efforts to combat waste fraud and abuse in the Lifeline program, already has identified $169 million in annualized savings by flagging existing duplicates for elimination while preventing enrollment of new duplicates. 
Separately, the FCC released guidelines governing a new regimen of independent audits that Lifeline providers receiving $5 million or more a year from the program must conduct every two years. These comprehensive audits are in addition to the regular audits conducted by the program administrator. A list of providers covered by this new audit requirement is in Attachment 2 of the guidelines. 
FCC Announces Agenda for April 23 Meeting
The FCC announced the tentative agenda for its next open meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23, at 10:30 a.m. On the agenda is: 
  • Connect America Fund; Universal Service Reform - Mobility Fund: A Report and Order, Declaratory Ruling, Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Seventh Order on Reconsideration taking significant steps to continue the implementation of the landmark reforms adopted in the 2011 USF/ICC Transformation Order to modernize universal service for the 21st century. An accompanying FNPRM proposes measures to update and further implement the framework adopted by the Commission in 2011.
  • Citizens Broadband Radio Service - A FNPRM that would implement an innovative three-tier spectrum sharing approach to make up to 150 megahertz of spectrum available for wireless broadband use in the 3550-3700 MHz band.
The Open Meeting will take place in Room TW-C305, at FCC headquarters, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., and will be shown live at 

House Committee Releases White Paper on 

Spectrum Policy as Part of #CommAct Update

Last week, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) continued the process of seeking public input as part of the review leading to an update of the Communications Act, with the latest in a series of white papers. The new white paper focuses on spectrum policy

"Today we continue our white paper series as we work to gather information and perspectives for our review of the Communications Act," said Upton and Walden in a press release. "Our inaugural paper generated a great response, and we appreciate the time and attention that went into the informative submissions and encourage continued participation as the series develops. Our work leading to an update of our communications law will be exhaustive, and we anticipate a number of white papers over the coming months that will each focus on a specific issue related to our effort to ensure our laws correspond with the innovation era."

While the questions posed in this white paper address specific spectrum issues, the committee encouraged interested parties to comment on any aspect of spectrum policy. Responses should be submitted to by April 25, 2014. 
Senate Judiciary to Host Hearing Cable Merger
On Wednesday, April 9, the Senate Judiciary Committee will host a hearing on "Examining the Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger and the Impact on Consumers."
The hearing is scheduled at 10 a.m. in Dirksen 226. For additional details, visit the Judiciary Committee website.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

April 8             Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

April 15            Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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