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Vol. 10, No. 9     March 3, 2014
In This Issue

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

March 3

March 11

March 18

March 21

March 31

April 10





Diamond Rio publicity shot

INS, AT&T Propose Tech Transition Experiments
During the past week, Iowa Network Services (INS) and AT&T proposed various experiments related to the technology transition of the public switched telephone network.  


INS filed an application to conduct a service-based experiment concerning the TDM-to-IP transition for centralized equal access service. Comments are due on March 21, and replies on March 31.  
AT&T filed a proposal for two trials involving the transition of two wire centers - one urban and one rural - to all-IP services, and, in part, to wireless-based service. Comments on this proposal are due March 31, with replies due April 10.
COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering commented on AT&T's experiments: "As AT&T has proposed its trials, COMPTEL and its member companies look forward to fully engaging and participating in this process, and, at the same time, vigorously advocating for the continuity of sound competitive policies. Competitors have been at the forefront of the IP transition for over a decade.  While AT&T's trials offer a narrow and very limited test, we look forward to a variety of proposals that will enable the Commission and industry to paint a complete picture of how the transition will impact the services and applications offered across the country, in all markets."

He added that "COMPTEL and its members will continue to work with every segment of the industry and FCC leadership to ensure that this transition proceeds on a proper path and achieves the FCC's stated objectives. It is our hope that together we can come to a consensus on future-looking policies that will support even greater competition. There is clearly broad agreement that wholesale access is vital and is the lynchpin for achieving the enduring value of competition. With an effective wholesale market, retail competition will thrive, spurring economic growth, job creation and even greater innovation. Also of importance during this transition is that critical anchor institutions - such as federal agencies, public safety organizations, local governments, schools, libraries and healthcare facilities - continue to have access to competitive alternatives, and that providers can deliver services in the most efficient and effective way possible. It is critical that the competitive forces that have led to the IP evolution we are experiencing today are fostered and can continue to grow."

Business Track Explores Innovative Strategies

Looking for new ways to expand your revenue?  Wonder what the future holds in terms of mergers and acquisitions?  Then you can't miss the business track at the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2014 Convention & EXPO. This track, taking place Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18, at the Aria Resort, will explore Innovative Strategies to Boost Revenue Streams, with sessions focusing on:

Update Your Calendar with Can't Miss COMPTEL PLUS Activities

Add these business sessions, and other activities happening at COMPTEL PLUS, to your personal calendar.  Just visit our schedule-at-a-glance and click on the calendar icons by each event you want to attend to get instant reminders while onsite in Las Vegas. 


Register Today and Avoid the Lines in Vegas

Online registration for COMPTEL PLUS will only be open until March 13, so take advantage of the ease and save your time in Las Vegas for doing business. Also, if you want to network on the links, don't forget to sign up for the COMPTEL PLUS Golf Tournament, which will take place Sunday, March 16, at the Spanish Trail Country Club.


Show Daily News Submission Due Today

Today is the deadline for submitting news to the COMPTEL PLUS Show Daily. For full details about how to submit your news to the Show Daily and other editorial guidelines, please visit the Official Publications page on the COMPTEL PLUS website. 


The Show Daily will hit the newsstands in the Aria Resort at COMPTEL PLUS the mornings of Monday, March 17, and Tuesday, March 18.   

Companies wishing to advertise in the Show Daily should e-mail Publisher Berge Kaprelian or call 480-503-0770.

Absentee Ballots Due Monday, March 10
COMPTEL Board elections will take place on Monday, March 17 during the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2014 Convention & EXPO.  If company representatives are not able to attend in person to vote at the elections, they may submit absentee ballots by electronic mail.

If you vote by email, you must provide your name, your company's name, your company's membership category (small, medium or large), your signature and the date on a cover sheet accompanying the ballot. Your emailed ballot must be received by COMPTEL no later than 10 a.m. E.D.T. on Monday, March 10. All ballots should be e-mailed to the Corporate Secretary Mary C. Albert
COMPTEL Files Comments on the Paperwork Reduction Act Inquiry Related to Rural Call Completion Rules
On Feb. 28, COMPTEL filed Paperwork Reduction Act comments on the FCC's new rural call completion data recording, retention and reporting requirements. COMPTEL expressed concern that the FCC has significantly underestimated the burden that the information collection requirements will impose on providers and that the estimate "is neither objectively support nor supported by the record." Specifically, COMPTEL noted that despite the Commission incorporating four new data points to be recorded and reported, in addition to the eight proposed in the NPRM, the FCC, without explanation reduced the estimated average response time for information collection requirements adopted in the final rules by 25 percent. COMPTEL also argued that the FCC's estimated costs for compliance are far below the estimates submitted by industry members.

COMPTEL urged the Commission "to take a harder look at and make upward adjustments to the calculations used to arrive at the burden estimates for compliance with the rural call completion data recording, retention and reporting requirements before requesting approval from OMB. OMB is entitled to a more accurate estimate of the time and financial burdens that compliance will entail before conducting its PRA analysis."
House to Host Hearing on Satellite TV and Localism 
The House Energy & Commerce Committee will host a hearing on the Reauthorization of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act on Wednesday, March 5 at 10 a.m.  Witnesses include representatives from DIRECTV, National Cable and Telecommunications Association, Schurz Communications, Inc. and TiVo. For more information, visit the Committee website.
Guthrie, Matsui Establish Caucus on Spectrum Issues
On February 27, Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) and Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) announced that they were establishing new Congressional caucus on spectrum issues. COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering commented that "COMPTEL and its members are grateful for the work that Reps. Guthrie and Matsui are doing in the area of spectrum policy. The creation of a Congressional Spectrum Caucus is a natural evolution of their efforts to educate Members of Congress on the crucial issues surrounding spectrum policy for the next generation."

Pickering added, that "as the founder of the Congressional Wireless Caucus during my tenure in the House of Representatives, I understand how valuable these efforts are to ensure that Congressional leaders have a strong understanding of these complex issues and how they profoundly impact the economy. We look forward to working with Reps.ß Guthrie and Matsui on these important issues." 
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

March 4           Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

March 11         Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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