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Vol. 9 No. 41              October 21, 2013
In This Issue

We are now accepting session proposals for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2014 Convention & EXPO, which is scheduled for March 16-19 in Las Vegas.

Proposals must be submitted online by no later than Tuesday, November 12.

For more details and a look at the themes under consideration, please visit the COMPTEL PLUS website.


For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

October 31

November 5






Diamond Rio publicity shot


COMPTEL Warns of Factual Distortions in IIA Paper 

IP Transition Policy Must Be Based On Accurate Data and Analysis 

COMPTEL today released a statement addressing claims made by the Internet Innovation Alliance (IIA) in an October 8, 2013, white paper entitled "Telecommunications Competition: The Infrastructure-Investment Race," authored by Anna-Maria Kovacs. 


COMPTEL stated that the  "nation's transition to IP technology holds great promise for consumers and carriers. Indeed, competitive carriers have been at the forefront of introducing IP-based services to consumers, and many of our members' networks already are all IP. Discussions on the best policies to support a successful transition of the industry to IP, one where competition flourishes and consumers are protected, should be based on hard data that is accurately portrayed, analyzed and supported. Unfortunately, much of the analysis underlying the core claims of the IIA white paper fail to meet such a standard. 


COMPTEL identified five critical flaws in the IIA Paper:  

  1. The claim that ILECs are continuing to make significant investment in legacy (time-division multiplexing, or TDM) networks is not supported by the underlying data.  
  2. The claim that ILECs are being forced to waste capital and operating funds on obsolete networks by "monopoly era" regulation is not supported by any analysis.  
  3. The claim that U.S. communications traffic has almost completed the transition to IP is definitional gamesmanship.  
  4. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has not failed.  
  5. The IIA paper ignores the financial benefit of depreciated plant. 

COMPTEL noted that the above assertions in the IIA paper have the potential to distract from - if not distort - a reasoned policy discussion on the IP transition. The IIA paper is a reminder that statistical data often requires an in-depth evaluation before it can be useful. 


To read COMPTEL's full statement, click here.

House to Host Hearing on Evolution of Wired Networks
On Wednesday, October 23, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology will host a hearing on "The Evolution of Wired Communications Networks." Representing COMPTEL on the panel of witnesses is Mark Iannuzzi, president of TelNet Worldwide. Other witnesses include 
Jim Cicconni, senior executive vice president-External and Legislative Affairs for AT&T; Randy May, president of Free State Foundation; John Burke of the Vermont Public Service Board (PSB) representing NARUC; and Harold Feld, senior vice president of Public Knowledge.
The hearing is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. It also will be streamed live on the House Energy and Commerce Committee's website.
FCC Reschedules October Open Meeting
Meetings, Ex Parte Presentations Permitted until October 24
The FCC rescheduled its October open meeting for Monday, October 28 at 11:30 a.m. As a result of the government shut down, the FCC also waived the Sunshine Act provisions in order to permit meetings and written ex parte presentations through noon on Thursday, October 24.

On the agenda for the October open meeting is:
  • Rural Call Completion - The Commission will consider a Report and Order and FNPRM to address problems associated with completion of long distance calls to rural areas.
  • Promoting Interoperability in the 700 MHz Commercial Spectrum - The Commission will consider a Report and Order that implements an industry solution to provide interoperable service in the lower 700 MHz band.
  • Implementing Public Safety Broadband Provisions of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 - The Commission will consider a Second Report and Order adopting technical rules for the 700 MHz broadband spectrum licensed to the First Responder Network Authority.
FCC Extends Filing Deadlines
Now that agencies have resumed normal operations following the shutdown of the federal government, the FCC announced that it has extended filing deadlines for those that were due between October 1 and October 16.  
Filings, with the exception of Network Outage Reporting System (NORS) filings and certain other specified filings, that were due between October 7 and October 16 will be due 16 days after the original filing date, an extension equivalent to the period of the Commission's closure. For example, a filing that would have been due on October 7, will be due on October 23. To the extent the revised due dates for filings under this Public Notice fall on a weekend or other Commission holiday, they will be due on the next business day. 
Any regulatory and enforcement filings that would otherwise be required to be filed between October 17 and November 4, with the exception of the NORS filings and other specified filings, will be due for filing on November 4, 2013 (which is the first business day following a 16-day period after the Commission's October 17 reopening).
For full details, visit the FCC website
Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in VoIP Case
On October 15, the Supreme Court denied certiorari in Central Telephone Company of Virginia v. Sprint. Sprint had asked the Supreme Court to review a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit resolving a breach of contract action brought by CenturyLink relating to nonpayment of intercarrier compensation for VoIP traffic. The interconnection agreement between the parties specifically addressed VoIP traffic and the compensation therefore. The 4th Circuit affirmed the District Court decision enforcing the terms of the interconnection agreement and awarded CenturyLink judgment for the intercarrier compensation amounts that had been withheld or reduced. The time period at issue in the litigation preceded the FCC's intercarrier compensation reform order.

UNITEL to Host Webinar on October 30 to Provide Information on Ways to Reduce Employee Benefits Costs

COMPTEL has partnered with UNITEL Insurance to provide its members an opportunity to enhance employee benefits while potentially saving money. Healthcare reform continues to dominate the focus for companies offering medical benefits, forcing companies to look at ways to reduce benefits to control cost. Studies show that a high percentage of employees rely on employers to provide life and disability insurance, so it is critical for businesses to continue to offer robust benefit packages to attract and retain the best talent in the industry. 
Join UNITEL for a FREE, live webinar on October 30 at 2 p.m. ET/ 11 a.m. PT to learn how COMPTEL members can maximize investments in employee life, short-term disability, long-term disability and critical illness benefits.  Moderated by UNITEL account executive Mike Reed, this webinar will cover how UNITEL can provide:
  • Extended rate guarantees
  • Tiered benefit structures
  • Enhanced disability options
  • Cost savings
To attend, please register online by Tuesday, October 29. If you need more information or have questions, e-mail or call 202-296-6650. 

COMPTEL Webinar Program
The UNITEL webinar is part of the COMPTEL Webinar Program, which is powered by Copper Services. For more information about hosting your own Webinar, please e-mail Tracy MacDonald or call 202-296-6650. 
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

October 22      
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

October 29      Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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