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Vol. 9 No. 40               October 15, 2013
In This Issue

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.





Diamond Rio publicity shot


Session Proposals Now Being Accepted for Spring Show

Submission Deadline November 12

Do you have uniqued insights into business strategies, innovative technologies or regulatory trends that are shaping the future of the competitive communications industry?  If so, we are now accepting session proposals for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2014 Convention & EXPO, which is scheduled for March 16-19 in Las Vegas. 

Proposals must be submitted online by no later than Tuesday, November 12.  

Themes under consideration include the cable market, cloud solutions, cybersecurity, Ethernet, mergers and acquisitions, new services and revenue opportunities, network technologies and deployment strategies, regulatory issues and wireless. To see more details about each of these categories, visit our session proposal pageWe also welcome your input on other relevant, thought-provoking and timely topics, panel discussions and case studies that would be of interest to the communications industry. 
For your session idea to be considered, you must include: the proposed session title, an abstract, a brief description of the timeliness and relevancy of the topic, and bio of the proposed speaker.

UNITEL to Host Webinar on October 30 to Provide Information on Ways to Reduce Employee Benefits Costs

COMPTEL has partnered with UNITEL Insurance to provide its members an opportunity to enhance employee benefits while potentially saving money. Healthcare reform continues to dominate the focus for companies offering medical benefits, forcing companies to look at ways to reduce benefits to control cost. Studies show that a high percentage of employees rely on employers to provide life and disability insurance, so it is critical for businesses to continue to offer robust benefit packages to attract and retain the best talent in the industry. 
Join UNITEL for a FREE, live webinar on October 30 at 2 p.m. ET/ 11 a.m. PT to learn how COMPTEL members can maximize investments in employee life, short-term disability, long-term disability and critical illness benefits.  Moderated by UNITEL account executive Mike Reed, this webinar will cover how UNITEL can provide:
  • Extended rate guarantees
  • Tiered benefit structures
  • Enhanced disability options
  • Cost savings
To attend, please register online by Tuesday, October 29. If you need more information or have questions, e-mail or call 202-296-6650. 

COMPTEL Webinar Program
The UNITEL webinar is part of the COMPTEL Webinar Program, which is powered by Copper Services. For more information about hosting your own Webinar, please e-mail Tracy MacDonald or call 202-296-6650. 
COMPTEL Seeks Sponsors for NARUC Reception
COMPTEL is seeking sponsors for the popular Competitors' Reception during the 
NARUC Annual Meeting.  Celebrating its 125th anniversary, this year's NARUC Annual Meeting will take place November 17-20 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek.
The Competitors' Reception is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, at the host hotel. For more information, or to secure your sponsorship, e-mail Karen Reidy or call 202-296-6650.
FirstLight Brings Dense Fiber Footprint to Northeast
FirstLight Fiber, formerly Tech Valley Communications, began providing services in 1994, offering carrier-grade data, Internet, colocation and voice services over its proprietary fiber network to business and carrier customers in the upstate New York and Northern New England markets. Throughout the years, the company has grown both strategically and organically. In 2011, the company acquired segTel, adding network throughout Northern New England with a dense fiber footprint in New Hampshire. Then in 2013, the company acquired substantially all of the assets of TelJet, adding a dense metro fiber network in Vermont and creating connectivity to Boston, New York and Canada.

Visit the COMPTEL website to learn more about FirstLight.

For more information on submitting a member profile, or updating an existing one, e-mail Anna Bayer or call 202-296-6650. 
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 1200 G St NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

October 22      
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

October 29      Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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