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Vol. 9 No. 30                    July 29, 2013
In This Issue

For more information about joining COMPTEL, e-mail Kevin Morris or call 202-296-6650.

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.


July 31

Comments due on FNPRM on Streamlining or Eliminating Computer Inquiry and CEI Rules


August 2

Comments due on AT&T's Application to Discontinue Domestic Telecom Services in BellSouth Territory


August 7
Reply Comments due in NPRM on IP Technology Trials

 August 12 

Reply Comments due in Second NPRM on Structural Separations Rules for Rate of Return ILECs


August 14

Comments due on Petition to  Further Reform the Lifeline Program


August 19

Reply Comments due on NPRM/NOI Relating to the Direct Assignment of Number Resources to Interconnected VoIP Providers


August 29

Reply Comments due on Petition to  Further Reform the Lifeline Program


August 30

Reply Comments due on FNPRM on Streamlining or Eliminating Computer Inquiry and CEI Rules  




For more information on hosting your own Webinar via the COMPTEL Webinar Program, please e-mail Tracy MacDonald.  






Diamond Rio publicity shot

COMPTEL CEO Stresses Importance of Last Mile Access and IP Interconnection During Senate Testimony 
On July 25, COMPTEL CEO Jerry James was among five witnesses to testify at a hearing on the "State of Wireline Communications," hosted by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee's Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet


During his testimony, James noted that "wireline is the central nervous system for all communication networks. Wireless, video, rural and all the applications and advanced services that go with them depend on a reliable, competitive wireline industry. The wireline industry, as well as the industry's transition to IP, relies on two specific pro-competitive policies that ensure a functioning, free market - last mile access and IP interconnection."


Other witnesses included Shirley Bloomfield, CEO, NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association; Larry DownesInternet industry analyst and author; Jeff Gardner, chairman of USTelecom and president & CEO, Windstream Corp.; and Gigi Sohn, president and CEO, Public Knowledge. A webcast of the hearing, statements from Senators and written testimony of all witnesses can be found on the subcommittee website.


Speakers Announced for COMPTEL PLUS Fall Agenda  

COMPTEL today announced the slate of speakers for educational sessions focused on "Designing a Winning Playbook" at the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2013 Convention & EXPO.  COMPTEL PLUS is scheduled for  Monday, September 23, through Thursday, September 26 at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando. 
Sessions will be broken into three tracks: 
For more information, and details about all the sessions and speakers, visit the COMPTEL PLUS Schedule-at-a-Glance.
Register and Book Your Room Today
You can still take advantage of discounted registration rates for COMPTEL PLUS. Register now and save up to $230 off regular rates. 
By registering early, you'll be ready to start networking and planning meetings with current and prospective customers on August 5, when the COMPTEL PLUS Business PLANner opens.  
Rooms at our host hotel, the Gaylord Palms, are going fast, too.Once you've registered, book your room today. The COMPTEL PLUS rate is $235 per night.    
COMPTEL Raises Concerns about Verizon's Request to Discontinue Copper-based Services in N.J. and N.Y.
COMPTEL today filed comments on the applications of Verizon to (1) discontinue offering certain copper-based special access services that are "incompatible with fiber" in lower Manhattan and portions of New Jersey where copper facilities were allegedly destroyed by Superstorm Sandy and replaced with fiber (2) discontinue landline service on the western end of Fire Island and offer fixed wireless service in its place.
COMPTEL urged the FCC to notify Verizon without delay that its applications will not be automatically granted on the 60th day following release of the Public Notices.  COMPTEL asserted that "Verizon's applications raise issues of critical importance regarding the continuing availability to competitors of last mile access to customers when copper facilities are abandoned and replaced with fiber after a natural disaster and the continuing availability of reliable telephone service to end users when landline networks are abandoned and replaced with fixed wireless services after a natural disaster. The Commission must establish some parameters around the post-disaster network change process that will ensure that both competitive providers and end users that are impacted by proposed network changes are able to obtain alternative products/services that are of comparable quality and are comparably priced to the services they received prior to the disaster." 
FCC to Host Monthly Open Meeting on August 9
The FCC will host its next open meeting on Friday, August 9 at 10:30 a.m. at Commission headquarters in Washington, D.C. The tentative agenda includes consideration of a report and order addressing technical requirements applicable to unlicensed services in the 57 64 GHz frequency band to provide additional competition in the broadband market, improve efficient delivery of broadband services in residences and businesses, and facilitate backhaul transport to support the deployment of 4th Generation (4G) and other wireless services.
Also on the agenda are a comprehensive review of licensing and operating rules for satellite services and a status report on the broadcast incentive auction.

Show Daily News Submission Due September 10

Exhibitors, sponsors and COMPTEL members - it's time to start planning your news for the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2013 Convention & EXPO
The editors of the COMPTEL PLUS Show Daily have announced that the deadline to submit news is Tuesday, September 10. The Show Daily will hit the newsstands in the Gaylord Palms in Orlando at COMPTEL PLUS the mornings of Tuesday, September 24, and Wednesday, September 25. 
For full details about how to submit your news to the Show Daily and other editorial guidelines, please visit the Official Publications page on the COMPTEL PLUS website. Companies wishing to advertise in the Show Daily should e-mail Publisher Berge Kaprelian or call 480-503-0770. 
House Subcommittee Passes FCC Process Reform Bill 
On July 24, the House Energy & Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Communications and Technology approved the FCC Process Reform Act and the FCC Consolidated Reporting Act by voice vote. 
Senate Commerce Hosts Hearing on Cybersecurity
On July 25, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation hosted a hearing on "The Partnership Between NIST and the Private Sector: Improving Cybersecurity" to explore the public-private partnership that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is convening to allow private sector companies to promote cybersecurity standards and best practices to protect the nation's most critical systems. The hearing also examined proposals to improve cybersecurity research and development, workforce training and education, and public awareness.
COMPTEL Op-Ed Featured in The Hill's "Congress Blog"
COMPTEL CEO Jerry James, along with leaders of NTCA - the Rural Broadband Association, the Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) and American Cable Association (ACA), were authors of an op-ed featured in The Hill's "Congress Blog" on July 24.  

Entitled "Put sound policy before technology," the op-ed stressed the importance of ensuring that the fundamental principles intended to benefit consumers are sustained as networks once again undergo a transition to IP technology. The associations noted that "regardless of the technology, any transition should embrace these core policy objectives for consumers, including access to innovative services, greater choice among providers, and lower prices. However, if these policy objectives are not sustained in an IP-enabled world, the nation's consumers and businesses are likely to pay more for services and get less in return."
Alpheus Delivers Fiber and Data Center Services 
Alpheus Communications is a growing Texas-based company providing fiber-optic network and data center services to carriers and businesses. With extensive facilities in Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi and the Rio Grande Valley, Alpheus is the preferred regional and metro fiber transport provider for Texas.  The company's network reaches more than 300 central offices/points of presence and more than 94,000 MetroE-qualified locations. And its six data centers throughout Texas support mission-critical applications with resilient SSAE 16-compliant platform.

Visit the COMPTEL website to learn more about Alpheus Communications.

For more information on submitting a member profile, or updating an existing one, e-mail Anna Bayer or call 202-296-6650.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

July 30            
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

August 6          Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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