Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 9 No. 27                      July 8, 2013
In This Issue

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.

For more information about posting jobs in the COMPTEL Career Center, visit the COMPTEL website.


July 12

Comments due in Second NPRM on Structural Separations Rules for Rate of Return ILECs


July 19

Comments due on NPRM/NOI Relating to the Direct Assignment of Number Resources to Interconnected VoIP Providers


July 29

Comments due on Application of Verizon to Discontinue Domestic Telecommunications Services in New Jersey and New York 


Comments due on Protective Order for Special Access Data Collection  


July 31

Comments due on FNPRM on Streamlining or Eliminating Computer Inquiry and CEI Rules


August 7
Reply Comments due in NPRM on IP Technology Trials

 August 12 

Reply Comments due in Second NPRM on Structural Separations Rules for Rate of Return ILECs


August 19

Reply Comments due on NPRM/NOI Relating to the Direct Assignment of Number Resources to Interconnected VoIP Providers


August 30

Reply Comments due on FNPRM on Streamlining or Eliminating Computer Inquiry and CEI Rules  






Diamond Rio publicity shot

Early Bird Registration Ends Friday, July 12

Less than a week remains to take advantage of early bird registration rates for the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2013 Convention & EXPO, which is being held Monday, September 23, through Thursday, September 26 at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando. Register by this Friday, July 12, and save up to $330 off registration for COMPTEL PLUS.


The Fall convention features an educational agenda with a focus  on the business, regulatory and technology issues you need to know about for "Designing a Winning Playbook" and keynote address by former Denver Bronco Pro Bowler Karl Mecklenburg, who will talk about the "Six Keys for Success," challenging and inspiring you in the relentless pursuit of your goals, whether personal or professional.


In the EXPO hall, you will have the chance to visit with the top vendors in the communications industry and check out the latest products and services that will give your business a competitive edge. 


Hotel Accomodations

Rooms at our host hotel, the Gaylord Palms, are going fast.Once you've registered, book your room today. The COMPTEL PLUS rate is $235 per night.    

COMPTEL Underscores Importance of Maintaining Competitive Interconnection Policies in IP Transition 

COMPTEL today emphasized in comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission the importance of maintaining interconnection policies consistent with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that foster competition as the public switched telephone network (PSTN) transitions to Internet protocol (IP) technology.

In response to a public notice - in which the FCC Technology Transition Policy Task Force seeks comment on potential trials on the IP transition - COMPTEL focused its comments on the interconnection trial, stating that a technical or regulatory trial is not needed. COMPTEL noted that the "technical feasibility of VoIP interconnection has already been established. The largest ILECs [the RBOCs] have the facilities in their networks to exchange voice traffic over the PSTN with other carriers on an IP-to-IP basis. All that is truly needed to move the industry forward in the transition is for these ILECs to comply with the interconnection provisions of the Act by amending their existing interconnection agreements to address VoIP interconnection."

"Consumers should not have to wait any longer to reap the benefits of this new technology," said COMPTEL CEO Jerry James. "Our members have been at the forefront of the IP transition for more than a decade. While interconnection for VoIP is happening all over the world, the U.S. market has seen delays not because of technical issues, but because of the unwillingness of the RBOCs to enter into interconnection agreements in accordance with the mandates of the '96 Telecom Act. This is the problem that needs to be addressed by the Commission immediately to promote the IP transition in the U.S."

Additionally, COMPTEL recommended that if the Commission wants to further facilitate the IP transition, after declaring that Sections 251 and 252 control for VoIP interconnection, it could also oversee a negotiation of a master interconnection agreement between competitors and an RBOC. This interconnection agreement, in accordance with the Act, could be submitted to the states for approval and made available for other carriers to opt-into or use as a template for in-state negotiations under the Act. COMPTEL believes this potential action, with a managed negotiation timeframe of six months, could potentially speed the IP transition process. 

COMPTEL noted in its comments that the Commission can advance competition by also ensuring competitors have access to the last mile facilities necessary to reach end-users regardless of the transmission facility, such as copper or fiber, or the electronics attached, such as packetized or TDM. 

COMPTEL Files Reply Comments in TracFone Petition

On July 2, COMPTEL filed reply comments reiterating its opposition to TracFone Wireless Inc.'s petition, which requested that the FCC open a rulemaking to amend its rules to prohibit in-person distribution of handsets to prospective Lifeline customers.  In its replies, COMPTEL stated that it "supports the Commission's recent effort to further strengthen its rules to combat inefficiency and abuse in the Lifeline program. In reforming its Lifeline regulations, the Commission in the past has been sensitive to the needs of low-income consumers and the
importance of facilitating their ability to obtain service. The Commission should continue on that path by declining Nexus' invitation to establish an unnecessary hurdle for low-income consumers to obtain Lifeline service by requiring that they pick up their handsets only at brick and mortar retail stores.

FCC Announces TRS Compensation Rates

On July 1, the FCC's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) announced that effective that day, the per-minute compensation rates for telecommunications relay services (TRS), other than video relay services (VRS), will be: 

  • $2.1647 for interstate traditional TRS, 
  • $3.2957for interstate Speech-to-Speech relay service (STS),
  • $1.7877 for interstate captioned telephone service (CTS) and Internet Protocol captioned telephone (IP CTS), and 
  • $1.0147 for IP Relay. 

Importantly, CGB modified downward the Fund Administrator's projections based on changes that were implemented to IP CTS and VRS. The contribution factor for this funding year will be 0.01484 which is lower than the Administrator's proposed factor of 0.02327.  


While there was a recognition of the issue COMPTEL raised about recovering TRS contributions in a line item on customer bills, the Bureau did not directly address the issue. The Bureau also noted that it may revisit the contribution factor as the Commission further addresses the services, such as its outstanding proceeding on IP CTS, which potentially may further reduce demand on the Fund.

House July 9 Hearing to Examine Cyber Espionage

On July 9 at 10:15 a.m., the House Energy & Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hold a hearing on "Cyber Espionage and the Theft of U.S. Intellectual Property and Technology."  The hearing will take place in room 2123 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Witnesses include former Sen. Slade Gorton, a member of the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property; Larry M. Wortzel, Ph.D., commissioner of the U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission; James A. Lewis, director and senior fellow, Technology and Public Policy Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; and Susan Offutt, chief economist, Applied Research and Methods at the Government Accountability Office.


During the hearing, the subcommittee will review proposed policy solutions to better protect U.S. intellectual property and technology from cyber threats emanating from state actors, including best practices, enhanced information sharing, and public-private partnerships.   


House Subcommittee to Host Hearing on FCC Process 

On July 11 at 10:30 a.m., the House Energy & Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Communications and Technology will hold a hearing on "Improving FCC Process." Last Congress, the House approved H.R. 3309, the FCC Process Reform Act, and H.R. 3310, the FCC Consolidated Reporting Act, with bipartisan support. During this hearing, members will review discussion drafts similar to the legislation approved last Congress as they continue their efforts to streamline obligations of the FCC and improve decision making while reducing regulatory burdens facing job creators. 


Upton Announces Energy and Commerce Staff Changes

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, last week announced several changes to the committee's communications and technology staff. David Redl will serve as the new Subcommittee on Communications and Technology chief counsel, replacing outgoing subcommittee chief counsel Neil Fried. Ray Baum, a senior advisor who has focused on the C&T Subcommittee under Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.), will provide strategic counsel for the committee in an expanded role as senior policy advisor and chief strategist on state initiatives, cybersecurity, telecommunications, and technology. In addition, Kelsey Guyselman was named counsel to the subcommittee. Upton also welcomed the addition of Noelle Clemente to the committee's press team.

COMPTEL to Host Competitors' Reception July 20

COMPTEL will again host its popular Competitive Telecommunications Providers Reception during the NARUC Summer Committee Meetings in Denver later this month. We invite you to join us at the reception, Saturday, July 20, from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. in Tower Court D at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.

We'd like to also thank our sponsors of the event: CALTEL, CompSouth, DishNet, EarthLink Business, Granite, HyperCube, MACC-Midwest Association of Competitive Carriers, MegaPath, tw telecom inc. and YourTel. 


For more information about the reception, e-mail Karen Reidy or call 202-296-6650.

All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

July 9              
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

July 16            Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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