FCC's Genachowski, McDowell to Step Down
Last week, both FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and Commissioner Robert M. McDowell announced plans to step down from their posts in
 | Genachowski |
the coming weeks. Responding to the news, COMPTEL CEO Jerry James said in a statement:
"COMPTEL thanks both Chairman Genachowski and Commissioner McDowell for their service to the FCC and their efforts to expand the availability of broadband. We appreciate the leadership of Chairman Genachowski in recognizing the need for supporting facts and analysis before issuing decisions with broad implications for competitive market and acknowledging
 | McDowell |
the anticompetitive harms that a merger between two of the largest wireless providers - AT&T and T-Mobile - would pose. Commissioner McDowell was selfless in his service to the Commission, approaching his job with an in-depth knowledge of the industry, high ethical standards and focus on critical issues. We wish both Chairman Genachowski and Commissioner McDowell well with their future endeavors. We look forward to working with the remaining Commissioners and newly appointed leadership to continue addressing issues - such as statutory obligations related to IP-to-IP interconnection, the evolution of the PSTN and special access pricing reform - which are critical to ensuring robust competitive options for consumers and driving broadband deeper into communities across our nation."
Member Cbeyond Testifies at House Hearing
According to subcommittee Chairman Chris Collins (R-NY), Internet technology has the potential to transform the way small businesses operate and compete in the 21st Century. However, as new technologies are deployed, additional opportunities for cyber-criminals exist to attack firms and steal their valuable information. As stated in an April 2012 study by Symantec, nearly 20 percent of all cyber-attacks were directed to small businesses with less than 250 employees. Bill Weber, senior vice president and general counsel of Cbeyond, talked about ways small businesses are using cloud technology to grow and compete, and how Cbeyond helps protect its customers from emerging cyber-security threats. He also recommended to the subcommittee the need to educate small businesses on basic security protocols, such as the use of complex passwords and other first-line defense strategies to guard against cyber threats. Weber's written testimony, in addition the testimony of other participants, can be found on the Subcommittee's website.
Inspired by Innovation: COMPTEL PLUS Keynote Video
If you missed the keynote address at the the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO in Las Vegas earlier this month, or want a refresher on the way to inspire innovation in your organization, you can now see highlights on the COMPTEL PLUS YouTube channel. Keynote speaker Terry Jones - founder and former CEO of, chairman of, a former EarthLink board member and author of "ON Innovation" - discussed how the engine of innovation rests on two pillars: culture and team, and shared ideas about how to encourage greater innovation. Jones' PowerPoint presentation from COMPTEL PLUS also is available for download from his website. After providing contact information at this link, click on the file named "COMPTEL 3-11-13 Las Vegas."
NPRG Releases Competitive Market Analysis
COMPTEL Members Eligible for 20 Percent Discount
Earlier this month, New Paradigm Resources Group (NPRG) released a new research report entitled "Competitive Carrier Market Analysis: Service Reach, Market Potential and Market Share." In this extensive report, NPRG offers a foundational examination of the competitive carrier space, identifying:
- service providers currently operating as the core of the "competitive carrier" industry;
- the specific geographic markets in which these providers operate and provide service;
- the market share of the business services segment each of these carriers holds on a market-by-market basis;
- the in-market potential each carrier has on a market-by-market basis in the business services space.
The report focuses on the metro (local) market level and examines the business services market. Included in the report are carriers (which are often referred to as "competitive carriers"), which are those that have deployed metro fiber infrastructure, as well as network intelligence (such as switching platforms) to provide advanced services to business customers. These facilities-based "competitive carriers" include CLECs, Cable MSOs and certain ILECs, together serving as the core of the competitive carrier sector.
COMPTEL Member Discount The retail cost of the "Competitive Carrier Market Analysis" report is $1,450 For an additional $650, NPRG will provide market data in spreadsheet format. COMPTEL members are eligible for a 20 percent discount: $1,160 for the report and $520 for the spreadsheet.
To purchase the report, and receive your COMPTEL member discount, call (312) 980-4701 and mention that you are a COMPTEL member.
COMPTEL Joins with Associations to Stress Importance of the Act's Interconnection Provisions
On March 21, COMPTEL joined with three other associations - American Cable Association, Competitive Carriers Association, and Computer & Communications Industry Association - on a letter to the FCC about the transition of the PTSN from TDM to IP technology.
In the letter, the associations, which represent a broad cross-section of the telecom industry, underscored the concerns regarding proposals offered by AT&T. The associations also stressed that "the Commission should not dilute or forbear from applying the vital interconnection mandates and arbitration requirements of Sections 251 and 252 of the Communications Act to incumbent local exchange carriers that operate IP-based networks."
FCC Dismisses CenturyLink Forbearance Petition
On March 20, at CenturyLink's request, the FCC has dismissed without prejudice the company's request for forbearance from dominant carrier and Computer Inquiry regulation for its packet switched and optical transmission services.
Cbeyond Partners with SMBs for Technology Solutions

Cbeyond, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBEY), a cloud and communications services provider, is the technology ally for small and mid-sized business. The Atlanta-based company's private, proactively-managed IP network connects customers to voice, data and enterprise applications hosted in its award-winning cloud data centers. Founded in 1999, Cbeyond was the first company to build an all-IP network specifically for small businesses and among the few to offer consultative sales and service professionals onsite.
Visit the COMPTEL website to learn more about Cbeyond.
For more information on submitting a member profile, or updating an existing one, e-mail Anna Bayer or call 202-296-6650.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted. All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.
March 26 Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 2 p.m. Contact Karen Reidy April 2 Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 2 p.m. Contact Karen Reidy
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