COMPTEL Opposes USTelecom Petition
on Switched Access Services
Today, COMPTEL filed comments opposing USTelecom's petition for a declaratory ruling that incumbent local exchange carriers are non-dominant in the provision of residential and business switched access services.
In its comments, COMPTEL noted several reasons why this petition should be denied. First, USTelecom readily admits that ILECs continue to have market power and remain dominant in the switched access market. "As a result, the existence of the ILECs' market power and dominance is neither uncertain nor a matter of controversy. For this reason alone the Commission should deny USTelecom's Petition," COMPTEL stated. COMPTEL also noted that the future of end user switched access regulation is the subject of a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Intercarrier Compensation/USF proceeding, and should be addressed there, rather than in a declaratory ruling proceeding. Finally, in an attempt to demonstrate the competitiveness of the market, USTelecom only submitted information about the retail market for voice services. Carrier's carrier switched access service is not a retail service, however, and IXCs do not have competitive alternatives to the switched access service provided by the ILECs that serve their customers, making allegations about the competitiveness of the retail voice market irrelevant to any determination of the ILECs' continued dominance in the switched access market.
To see COMPTEL's full comments, visit the COMPTEL website.
Schedule Meetings at COMPTEL PLUS Today with
the Interactive Online Business PLANner
One of the innovative features that only COMPTEL PLUS pre-registered attendees have access to is the COMPTEL PLUS Business PLANner. This interactive meeting planning application enables you to start scheduling multiple meetings now with existing and prospective clients during the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO, March 10-13 at the Aria Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. How It WorksOnce registered for COMPTEL PLUS, you will get full access to the Business PLANner. Just log in to download the pre-registered attendee list and send requests to other attendees to set up meetings in the COMPTEL PLUS Deal Center, at a booth during exhibit hours or in a meeting room.
COMPTEL PLUS Transformation Track Provides Insight into New Business Strategies in High Stakes Markets
During the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO, March 10-13 in Las Vegas, a track of educational sessions will provide a glimpse into various new business strategies that communications providers are employing to gain a competitive edge. This " transformation" track combines with tracks on " transition" and " innovation" to showcase the issues that are combining to make 2013 a high stakes year for the communications industry. In this issue of the Connection, we'll look at the sessions in the "transformation" track, which feature panel discussions on:
- Capitalizing on the Cloud: Executing a Successful Cloud Strategy- Panelists will discuss the resources required to implement a cloud strategy, review opportunities for providing cloud solutions to the SMB market and provide an overview of their cloud requirements. They also will share tips about how to control costs, discuss the benefits of hybrid cloud solutions and outline compliance and data security concerns.
- BYOD: Maintaining Corporate Policies in an Untethered World - In today's Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment, knowing how and when to push new and modified applications and desktop images to both company-owned and employee-owned devices in a safe and secure manner is an art and a science. Panelists in this session will answer the questions you have about best practices in a BYOD world.
- Hosted Unified Communications: A Driver for M&A Activity - Service providers today are developing strategies that enable them to be single source solutions for businesses, specifically SMBs. Identifying service gaps in hosted unified communications will be a key driver in M&A activity going forward, and will ultimately determine the winners in a highly competitive market. Panelists will provide unique perspectives about M&A and service trends in the hosted UC space, share the key criteria for transactions and discuss valuation drivers.
- The Transformers: How Small ILECs Grow their Business with CLEC Strategies - With the implementation of the universal service and intercarrier compensation reforms, smaller ILECs face a significant reduction in their universal service subsidies and revenue streams. For these carriers it is very important to examine how other services can be added and how they can build their customer base. During this session, panelists will discuss potential new revenue streams and products, such as hosted communications, Wi-Fi, machine-to-machine (M2M ) platforms and IPTV, as well as strategies for selling these products.
- Wholesale, Cloud Services and Performance Assurance: Challenges and Opportunities - During this session, speakers will explore disruptive new services, how they are changing the traditional business model and what strategies are being most broadly adopted. Panelists also will examine the wholesale cloud and the opportunities for carriers vs. IT companies, as well as how companies with network assets can get in the cloud game.
To see a full list of confirmed speakers for the "transformation" track, as well as other sessions and workshops, visit the COMPTEL PLUS agenda. And if you want to be sure you don't miss out on one of these great sessions, go to the schedule-at-a-glance and click on the calendar icon under each session or networking event to add it to your personal calendar.
Show Daily News Due This Friday, March 1
Less than a week remains to submit news for the COMPTEL PLUS Show Daily. Stories must be submitted by this Friday, March 1. The Show Daily will hit the newsstands in the Aria Resort at COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO in the mornings of Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 12. COMPTEL PLUS exhibitors, sponsors and advertisers will be given space priority in the Show Daily. COMPTEL members that are not exhibitors or sponsors at the COMPTEL PLUS Spring show are invited to submit their news, which will be published on a space-available basis. The Show Daily editorial staff makes every effort to include all news sent to them by March 1. All news should be emailed as a Word document to Show Daily Editor Bruce Christian and Gail Norris. For complete guidelines, visit the COMPTEL PLUS Press Room.
Visit the COMPTEL PLUS EXPO and Win!
Don't miss your chance to win one of the three grand prizes at COMPTEL PLUS, simply by visiting the EXPO. Prizes include $1,500, $1,000 and $500 American Express Gift Cards, as well as eight $100 gift cards that will be given out throughout the show at our sponsors' booths.
How to Enter
At the registration desk, attendees will receive an entry card, which they must take to each sponsor's booth to have stamped. Once stamps from all sponsors are collected, cards should be deposited in the bin at the COMPTEL booth. To be eligible, entry cards must have all eight sponsors' stamps, and entrants must be present at the time of each drawing to claim their prize.
$100 Gift Card Drawing Times
Monday, March 11
1:30 p.m. - CSF Corporation (#609)
2:30 p.m. - GeoResults (#607)
3:30 p.m. - GSAssociates (#310)
4:30 p.m. - Overture Networks (#301)
Tuesday, March 12
12:30 p.m. - RAD Data Communications (#406)
1:30 p.m. - Sales Tax Associates Inc. (#411)
2:30 p.m. - Telco Systems (#620)
3:30 p.m. - Transition Networks (#323)
Grand Prize Drawing
4:15 pm. - COMPTEL booth
Prizes - $1,500, $1,000 and $500 American Express gift cards
Broadband Stimulus Hearing Scheduled for Feb. 27
FCC to Host TAC Meeting on March 11
The FCC's Technological Advisory Council will have its first meeting of the year on Monday, March 11 from Noon to 3 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room at FCC headquarters. At this meeting, the TAC will review recommendations made at the previous meeting on December 10, 2012, and will discuss its future work program for the coming year. For more information, e-mail Walter Johnston or call (202) 418-0807.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted. All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.
February 26 Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 2 p.m. Contact Karen Reidy March 5 Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting 2 p.m. Contact Karen Reidy
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