Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 9 No. 5                          January 28, 2013
In This Issue

Transmode Appoints Mark Burton as Vice President of Sales for Europe

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.   


February 25 

Reply comments due on the AT&T and NTCA Petitions Regarding Transition from TDM to IP

 Comments due on USTelecom Petition for Declaratory Ruling that ILECs are Non-Dominant in Provision of Switched Access Services


March 1

Annual CPNI Certifications Due


March 12 
 Reply comments due on USTelecom Petition for Declaratory Ruling that ILECs are Non-Dominant in Provision of Switched Access Services





For more information on hosting your own Webinar via the COMPTEL Webinar Program, please e-mail Tracy MacDonald. 






Diamond Rio publicity shot

COMPTEL Board Nominations Due Friday, February 1
COMPTEL is now accepting nominations for candidates for the Board of Directors. Elections will be held for five Directors in the Small Member category (annual revenues under $25 million), four Directors in the Medium Member category ($25-$300 million in revenue), and five Directors in the Large Member category (revenue above $300 million).

How to Nominate
  • Companies may nominate themselves or other member companies within their membership voting category to be candidates.
  • All nominations should indicate the company and the name of the company representative who will hold the company's seat on the Board.
  • All nominations should be e-mailed to COMPTEL CEO Jerry James as soon as possible, but no later than noon E.S.T., Friday February 1, 2013.
  • Board Nominees are invited to submit a brief biography and a short (no more than 150 words) statement indicating why he/she is interested in serving on the Board.  COMPTEL will post this information on the Members Only web page. Bios should be e-mailed to Mary Albert, COMPTEL's Assistant General Counsel. 
COMPTEL will hold its annual Board elections during the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO, which is taking place March 10-13 at the Aria Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. Elections will take place immediately following the COMPTEL Annual Meeting of the Membership, which is scheduled for Monday, March 11, at 3:30 p.m. in Pinyon Ballroom 1 at the Aria Resort. For those who cannot attend in person, absentee ballots are due March 1.

Each voting member company is entitled to cast one vote.  We encourage all voting members to participate in the election.  We also encourage any interested voting Member company to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.  Please note that Member dues must be paid prior to the election in order for a company to be eligible to vote and/or run for a seat on the Board.  All inquiries regarding dues or Member voting categories should be e-mailed to Kevin Morris.
Schedule Meetings at COMPTEL PLUS Today with
the Interactive Online Business PLANner
Get a head start on networking at the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO by using the COMPTEL PLUS Business PLANner today!

The COMPTEL PLUS Business PLANner is an interactive meeting planning application that enables you to start scheduling multiple meetings now with existing and prospective clients during COMPTEL PLUS, March 10-13 at the Aria Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.

How It Works
Once registered for COMPTEL PLUS, you will get full access to the Business PLANner. Just log in to download the pre-registered attendee list and send requests to other attendees to set up meetings in the COMPTEL PLUS Deal Center, at a booth during exhibit hours or in a meeting room.

Register for COMPTEL PLUS now so you can access this valuable meeting planning tool! And, while you're on the COMPTEL PLUS website, make sure you check out our exciting agenda.

COMPTEL Thanks Sponsors of Spring Convention
COMPTEL PLUS Conventions & EXPOs would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. COMPTEL would like to thank all of the companies that are sponsoring the Spring 2013 convention.

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Additional Sponsors include Americatel/Excel, Atlantic-ACM, Charter Business, CSF Corporation, CoreSite, EarthLink, Eckert Seamans, Cherin & Mellott LLC, GeoResults, Global Capacity, GSAssociates, HyperCube, Impact Telecom, Integra Telecom, IntelePeer Inc., Lumos Networks, Overture Networks, Peerless Network, RAD Data Communications Inc., Sales Tax Associates, SDN Communications, Sidera Networks, Sprint, Sunesys LLC, Transition Networks Inc., TSI and Zayo Group.

Golf Tourney Registration Due February 11
Less than two weeks remain to sign up for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Golf Tournament, which takes place Sunday, March 10, 2013, at the Desert Pines Golf Club.  Known as Las Vegas' "top strategic" course, Desert Pines was recognized as one of the best upscale courses in the country by Golf Digest and was selected as a host course by the Golf Channel for the very popular "Big Break II." It also ranked in the 2009 Golf Digest Readers Choice Top 50 Public Courses in the country.

You must be registered for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO to participate in this tournament.  Golf registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
COMPTEL CEO to Speak at NARUC Winter Meeting
COMPTEL CEO Jerry James will deliver the Competitive Communications Update at the NARUC Winter Committee Meeting on Monday, February 4. The speech is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in Ballroom South in the Washington, D.C., Renaissance Hotel. 

COMPTEL Hosts Competitors Reception at NARUC 
COMPTEL invites you to attend the Competitive Telecommunications Providers Reception Saturday, February 2, during the NARUC Winter Committee Meeting. The reception is from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Penn Quarter Room at the Washington, D.C., Renaissance Hotel.

All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

January 29      
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

February 5      Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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