Connection MasterHead 600x113
Vol. 8 No. 49                          December 17, 2012 
In This Issue

Cbeyond Launches TotalCloud Phone System

Cbeyond Receives 2012 Top 20 Business Community Service Award from Cobb Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Trend

Payrolling Selects EarthLink to Meet Stringent Security Demands of Global Clients with Comprehensive Virtual Data Center Solution

Lumos Networks Introduces Networks Performance Portal SLA 2.0 

Sidera and ContinuityX Solutions Collaborate to Deliver Disaster Recovery, Cloud, and Managed Services

Sprint to Acquire 100 Percent Ownership of Clearwire for $2.97 per Share

Level 3 and tw telecom Enter Into Settlement-Free Peering Agreement

NORAD and tw telecom Track Santa Claus on Worldwide Christmas Eve Journey

MS3 Selects Transmode for Packet-Optical Networking

For more information about submitting member company news, please contact Gail Norris.   
January 9 
January 14 


January 24 

Reply comments due on TelePacific's Petition for Partial Reconsideration of Wholesaler/Reseller Clarification Order 






Diamond Rio publicity shot


The Board of Directors and staff of COMPTEL would like to wish all members and subscribers of the Connection a happy holiday season and good tidings for a prosperous New Year! The Connection will return on January 2, 2013. 
COMPTEL Comments on Next-Gen 911 Framework
On December 13, COMPTEL filed comments with the FCC on the legal and statutory framework for next-generation 911 services. COMPTEL noted that the Commission's inaction on the Broadband Plan's recommendation to clarify the IP interconnection rights and obligations of service providers will likely slow the progress in the transition to next-generation 911. The National Emergency Number Association ("NENA") describes Next Generation 911 as "a system comprised of managed IP-based networks" designed "to provide access to emergency services from all sources, and to provide multimedia data capabilities for PSAPs and other emergency service organizations." COMPTEL noted that the Commission's apparent reluctance to act on the interconnection issue may actually have the effect of holding hostage the multimedia support necessary for the deployment of next-gen 911 services.

FCC Creates Technology Transitions Task Force
On December 10, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced the formation of an agencywide Technology Transitions Policy Task Force, which will coordinate the Commission's efforts on IP interconnection, resiliency of 21st century communications networks, business broadband competition, and consumer protection with a particular focus on voice services. The Task Force also will consider recommendations from the Technological Advisory Committee on the PSTN Transition, coordinate with the NARUC Presidential Task Force on Federalism and Telecommunications, and evaluate the feedback from the Commission's pending field hearings on Superstorm Sandy.  The Task Force will be under the leadership of FCC General Counsel Sean Lev, Fwho will serve as interim director, and Rebekah Goodheart, associate chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, who will serve as deputy director.

Jerry James, COMPTEL's CEO, commented about the creation of the Task Force: "COMPTEL believes that the top priority for the Task Force should be to preserve and promote competition by ensuring that competitive carriers continue to have access to last mile facilities and interconnection on just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions as required by the Communications Act, so that consumers and businesses of all sizes continue to have a choice of services and service providers. Access to copper, wireless and fiber network technologies should be available on a wholesale basis to enable competitive choice for end users and support the administration's goals of expanding broadband across the country. The transition to IP is just one of many technological transitions that the public telephone network has undergone over the past century. Regardless of the underlying technology, the FCC's goal must be to ensure the continued reliability of essential voice services. Additionally, the Task Force will have to consider reliability and quality of service concerns associated with wireless alternatives, as well as disaster recovery capabilities to ensure the resiliency of IP networks."
Register Early and Book Hotel for COMPTEL PLUS Spring
Show Scheduled for March 10-13 at Aria Resort in Las Vegas

Early bird registration is now open for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention & EXPO, which is taking place at the Aria Resort & Casino in Las Vegas March 10-13.

Sign up now to attend and take advantage of considerable savings off the regular rates for full conference or networking passes. If you're not already a member, join COMPTEL and enjoy additional savings off registration and exhibit fees. For more information on membership, e-mail Kevin Morris
Hotel rooms at the Aria Resort are selling quickly too!  Visit the COMPTEL PLUS website for more information on rates and to reserve your room.If you need a hotel room block of 10 or more rooms, please e-mail Amy Smith at 202-296-6650.

Warning about Unaffiliated Hotel Booking Firms
Recently it was brought to our attention that a firm operating under the name of Global Housing Management (GHM) has contacted exhibitors and other potential COMPTEL PLUS attendees soliciting credit card information to assist with booking prepaid hotel accommodations for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention in Las Vegas. Neither Global Housing Management nor any other third party travel agency or hotel booking service is affiliated with COMPTEL or COMPTEL PLUS. We strongly urge you NOT to provide your credit card or other business or personal information to this company and to book your reservations for the COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2013 Convention directly with the Aria Resort & Casino.
All COMPTEL Committee meetings are held at the Association's headquarters, 900 17th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006, unless otherwise noted.  All times listed are Eastern. For more information, call 202-296-6650.

December 18   
Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy

January 8        Regulatory/Legislative Committee Meeting
2 p.m.              Contact Karen Reidy
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