Cleveland Right to Life Says NO to Medicaid Expansion!



Ohio House Ready to Count Votes to Expand


"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan

March 20th 2013

Cleveland Right to Life


It is our understanding that tonight the Ohio House is going to meet to "count votes" to see if the support is there to pass the Expansion of Medicaid in some form.  If we want to stop this, it must happen today.  It is imperative that ALL of us, ALL OF US, call every Republican in the House and demand that they stand firm against the Expansion of Medicaid or ANY implementation of ObamaCare in ANY FORM. 

  When you call, please remember that: 


1 - 66% of Ohio Citizens voted for the Ohio Health Care

are Amendment indicating that they did not want government controlled health care.  A vote to Expand Medicaid is a direct rejection of the will of the people and is not acceptable.


2 -It is immoral to dump hundreds of thousands of additional citizens into a system that provides inferior care.  The University of Virginia Study of 900,000 medicaid cases, included 71% which were under managed care AND include medicaid patients in Ohio. Despite political rejection of the study, the facts are there for all to see.  The MORAL thing for them to do is to REFORM our current Medicaid system, not expand it, so that the "truly needy" receive quality care we can afford.


3 - It is the official policy of national Republican Party to DEFUND and REPEAL ObamaCare as just stated unequivocally by Paul Ryan when he submitted his Budget Proposal that is currently being voted on by the House. This was explicitly stated to Liberty Leaders on a Conference Call with Congressman Jim Jordan just two weeks ago.  If this is the GOAL of the Republican Party, why would anyone, let alone Republican Ohio House Members believe the Governor's assurances that we can count on the Federal Government to pay 100% of the cost of Medicaid Expansion in the first year and then 90% after that ... what?  The stated goal is to make sure the money is not there!  


We must not expand Medicaid. Dr. CL Gray, president of Physicians for Reform, testified before the Ohio House Health and Human Services Subcommittee last week. He presented data showing not only that Medicaid has by far the worst patient outcomes of any healthcare coverage in America, Medicaid expansion will bankrupt the state. Ohio must explore other options (such as Medicaid Block Grants) that will improve patient outcomes and give Ohio control over its budget 


The pro-life movement has one of the most successful CHARITY services in the nation through offering REAL support and love to young mothers and their families.  And in most cases these centers are staffed entirely by VOLUNTEERS.  It can be done... we do NOT NEED the proposed medicaid expansion to save and protect the lives of unborn children or to help provide assistance to families in need.  Abortion are DOWN significantly in Ohio because of the Godly work that is done by the prolife movement - without Government funding.  The youth are more pro-life now then in the last 3 generations - we have an army in the wings to grow this NON-Government solution.  Government has never been able to fix the problem - we the people are the only ones who can do that.  


"The federal government has taken too much tax money from the people, too much authority from the states, and too much liberty with the Constitution"  Ronald Reagan



Please take action NOW, time is short and we must win this fight.  Your representatives are waiting to hear from you. 




"Adams, John (R-Sidney)",614-466-1507

"Adams, Richard (R-Troy)",614-466-8114

"Amstutz, Ron (R-Wooster)",614-466-1474

"Anielski, Marlene (R-Walton Hills)",614-644-6041

"Baker, Nan (R-Westlake)",614-466-0961

"Batchelder, Bill (R-Medina)",614-466-8140

"Beck, Peter (R-Mason)",614-644-6027

"Becker, John (R-Union Twp.)",614-466-8134

"Blair, Terrence (R-Washington Twp.)",614-466-6504

"Blessing, Louis (R-Cincinnati)",614-466-9091

"Boose, Terry (R-Norwalk)",614-466-9628

"Brenner, Andy (R-Powell)",614-644-6711

"Brown, Tim (R-Bowling Green)",614-466-8104

"Buchy, Jim (R-Greenville)",614-466-6344

"Burkley, Tony (R-Paulding)",614-644-5091

"Butler, Jim (R-Oakwood)",614-644-6008

"Conditt, Margaret (R-Liberty Twp.)",614-466-8550

"Damschroder, Rex (R-Fremont)",614-466-1374

"Derickson, Tim (R-Oxford)",614-644-5094

"DeVitis, Tony (R-Uniontown)",614-466-1790

"Dovilla, Mike (R-Berea)",614-466-4895

"Duffey, Mike (R-Worthington)",614-644-6030

"Gonzales, Anne (R-Westerville)",614-466-4847

"Green, Doug (R-Mt. Orab)",614-644-6034

"Grossman, Cheryl (R-Grove City)",614-466-9690

"Hackett, Bob (R-London)",614-466-1470

"Hagan, Christina (R-Alliance)",614-466-9078

"Hall, David (R-Millersburg)",614-466-2994

"Hayes, Bill (R-Harrison Twp.)",614-466-2500

"Henne, Michael (R-Clayton)",614-644-8051

"Hill, Brian (R-Zanesville)",614-644-6014

"Hood, Ron (R-Ashville)",614-466-1464

"Hottinger, Jay (R-Newark)",614-466-1482

"Huffman, Matt (R-Lima)",614-466-9624

"Johnson, Terry (R-McDermott)",614-466-2124

"Kunze, Stephanie (R-Hilliard)",614-466-8012

"Landis, Al (R-Dover)",614-466-8035

"Lynch, Matt (R-Chagrin Falls)",614-644-5088

"Maag, Ron (R-Lebanon)",614-644-6023

"McClain, Jeff (R-Upper Sandusky)",614-644-6265

"McGregor, Ross (R-Springfield)",614-466-2038

"Pelanda, Dorothy (R-Marysville)",614-466-8147

"Perales, Rick (R-Beavercreek)",614-644-6020

"Retherford, Wes (R-Hamilton)",614-644-6721

"Roegner, Kristina (R-Hudson)",614-466-1177

"Romanchuk, Mark (R-Mansfield)",614-466-5802

"Rosenberger, Cliff (R-Clarksville)",614-466-3506

"Ruhl, Margaret Ann (R-Mt. Vernon)",614-466-1431

"Scherer, Gary (R-Circleville)",614-644-7928

"Schuring, Kirk (R-Canton)",614-752-2438

"Sears, Barbara (R-Sylvania)",614-644-1731

"Slaby, Marilyn (R-Akron)",614-644-5085

"Smith, Ryan (R-Gallipolis)",614-466-1366

"Sprague, Robert (R-Findlay)",614-466-3819

"Stautberg, Peter (R-Cincinnati)",614-644-6886

"Stebelton, Gerald (R-Lancaster)",614-466-8100

"Terhar, Louis (R-Cincinnati)",614-466-8258

"Thompson, Andy (R-Marietta)",614-644-8728

"Wachtmann, Lynn (R-Napoleon)",614-466-3760

"Young, Ron (R-Leroy)",614-644-6074

We promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings from the time of conception until natural death.  
We represent pro-life citizens from over 8 counties in the region, making our organization one of the largest pro-life organizations in the State of Ohio.  We focus our efforts first and foremost at the local level to achieve local solutions and then cooperate with the state and national pro-life efforts as directed and needed. 

Cleveland Right to Life,                                                                Treasures for Life Thrift Store

4427 Suite 21 State Road,                                                                 4427 State Road

Cleveland, OH. 44109                                                                       Cleveland, OH 44109

Phone: 216-661-3000 ext 11                                                             Phone: 216-661-3000 ext 15                

Fax: 216-393-0090                                                                            Fax: 216-661-8958 director@clevelandrighttolife.org                                                      lifenews@clevelandrighttolife.org