Gunn Connection 

Friday, April 15, 2016
In This Issue

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Parent Networks
Senior Class

Junior Class
Sophomore Class

Freshman Class

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Gunn 2013

Fri, Apr 15
Junior & Senior Parent Network Meeting, 8 AM, Staff Lounge
Sat, Apr 16
Prom, 7:30 PM
Sun, Apr 17
Boys Lacrosse Goodwill Fundraiser, 8 AM, office
Mon, Apr 18
World Language Awards, 6:30 PM, Spangenberg
Tue, Apr 19
Band Concert, 7:30 PM, Spangenberg
Wed, Apr 20
Sports Boosters Meeting, 6 PM, Bow Gym PE Classroom
Thu, Apr 21
Freshman Parent Network Meeting, 8:30 AM, Staff Lounge
Wed & Fri, Apr 20 & 22
Alternate Schedules (see Calendar)
Wed, Apr 27
Community College Fair, 7 PM, Library
Thu, Apr 28
Freshman Parent Meeting with Linda Kirsch, 7 PM, Library
Panel Discussion: Parenting Teens for Success, 7 PM, Spangenberg
Fri-Sat, Apr 29-30
CMEA Band & Orchestra Festival

For a complete calendar of all school events, go to the Gunn Calendar.  For corrections or additions to the Calendar, contact Martha Elderon.

Nominate your Favorite Gunn Volunteer and Staff TODAY
Deadline: TODAY
Each year, Gunn's PTSA gives special recognition to Gunn volunteers (staff, parents, and/or community members) for outstanding volunteer service to Gunn. We need everyone's input to recognize those very special individuals! Who made your life easier? Who do you appreciate for their dedication to the Gunn community? Make sure they get the recognition they deserve, and take a minute or two to nominate your favorite volunteer or staff member. Click HERE to submit your nomination today. All volunteers are invited to attend the Volunteer Luncheon on May 18 in the Bow Gym. Questions: contact Norma Hesterman, or Barbara Best,
Spring Band CMEA Preview Concert
Tue, Apr 19, 7:30 PM, Spangenberg
Freshman Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble--Come hear the Gunn Bands preview their CMEA music fresh off their winning tour to Hollywood CA!  

Gunn 2016 Community College Fair: It's Your Mission...Should Community College Be Your First Step?
Wed, Apr 27, 7 PM, Library
Meet representatives, learn about popular programs, and get current transfer information from Canada, College of San Mateo, DeAnza, Foothill, Mission, Skyline, and West Valley colleges. Whether you're looking to save $40-80,000 while you find an appropriate major, need to boost low high school grades, or simply take more time moving away from home, our local community colleges are highly rated in California. Like our other attendees, DeAnza (#1 large CC) and Foothill (#1 medium CC) offer honors college courses, close academic relationships, and excellent transfer rates. Knowing you have a quality back-up plan can relieve stress for those heading off to 4 year and summer courses can keep students on track to graduate on time. Parents are encouraged to accompany their students for support. Doors open at 7 PM. Questions? Contact College & Career counselor Linda Kirsch or parent Star Teachout.

From the College and Career Center
April 27th in the Gunn library there will be a CC panel and mini fair...all are welcome. See info above. April 30th at the Cow Palace there will be a major college fair from 1:30-4:30 PM. May 5th at Mission College there will be another college fair from 6-8 PM. Questions: Linda Kirsch,, (650) 354-8204.

Parenting Teens for Success: A Panel Discussion Moderated by Julie Lythcott-Haims
Thu, Apr 28, 7-9 PM, Spangenberg
Julie Lythcott-Haims is a NY Times Bestselling author, former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University and a parent at Gunn High School. She has spoken at TEDx conferences, contributes to the Huffington Post, and is currently pursuing an MFA in writing from the California College of the Arts. 
Featured Panelists:
  • Julie Lythcott-Haims, moderator 
  • Carlos Gonzalez, Gunn HS parent 
  • Roni Habib, Founder of EQ Schools & Positive Psychology Teacher at Gunn HS 
  • Chloe Sorensen, Incoming Gunn HS ASB President 
  • Hoai-Thu Truong, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist 
Please join us for a lively discussion of the benefits of throwing out the "checklisted childhood," and teaching teens life skills and self-sufficiency. Keynote followed by Q&A. Sponsored by Gunn PTSA Parent Education Committee. To reserve a seat, register HERE. See flyer in the Gunn Connection Extra, and this announcement translated into Mandarin, Korean, and Spanish.

Attention Senior Students and Families
Have you signed up online for the Senior Picnic and Grad Night, the last two amazing end-of-year events at Gunn? Paper registration forms are available in the SAC too. Please mail in your signed (by parent and student) registration form and check right away! Space is limited and the price increases if you delay. Both events are voluntary. And remember to check the Senior Class Information tab in Student Events and Activities on the Gunn Website. It will take you to a page of important dates and descriptions of graduation information.


Parent Ed Event: Parent Fatigue/Stress (Apr 20) more.

Panel Discussion: Parenting Teens for Success (Apr 28) more.


Joint Parent Network Meeting with Parents of Juniors and Seniors
Fri, Apr 15, 8-10 AM, Staff Lounge
Come grab a cup of coffee and mingle with fellow Junior parents and Senior parents. Discussions will start around 8:30am with Heidi Trilling guiding us in order to prepare our teenagers for Prom. Then senior parents will share their experience, tips, and tricks for parents to mastering the senior year at Gunn. Linda Kirsch from the College and Career Center will join us at 9:30am as we continue our discussion. 
If you have any questions, please email

Freshman Parent Network Meeting
Thu, Apr 21, 8:30 AM, Staff Lounge
Our next meeting is with Sophomore parents who will answer questions from the audience and address issues like workload, courses, living skills, maturity, etc. We meet at 8:30 AM in the Staff Lounge (hospitality begins 30 minutes prior). You may submit questions in advance at:

Freshman Parent Meeting with Linda Kirsch
Thu, Apr 28, 7 PM, Library
Fri, May 13, 8:30 AM, Staff Lounge
Freshman parents are invited to meet Linda Kirsch, who will introduce herself and Gunn's College & Career Services. Come to either presentation: Thursday, April 28, at 7:00-8:30 PM, in the Library or Friday, May 13, at 8:30-10 AM in the Staff Lounge (hospitality begins 30 minutes prior). You may RSVP and submit questions in advance at:

Principal's Coffee with All-Grades and Parent Networks
Fri, May 6, 8 AM, Staff Lounge
Our final Principal's Coffee of the year will be on Friday, May 6 (hospitality begins at 8:15 AM; Dr. Herrmann will join us at 8:30 AM). Please RSVP here so there is enough coffee, and remember to pick up a parking pass from the office. The online Parent Feedback form remains open for anonymous comments/questions.

Gunn Athletics

Join Gunn Sports Boosters
gunn titans
Athletics is looking for help next year!  Please consider helping the sports boosters group. Over half of the students at Gunn participate in athletics. There are many jobs that don't take much time, but we can't do all the jobs. There are several parents of seniors this year, who need someone to take over their jobs. Please contact Carol for more information at Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 20th at 6 PM in the PE classroom.  

Attention Parents of Gunn Athletes
Have you made your Athletic Participation Donation? We have received 60% of the donations needed for Spring Sports....40% more is needed to cover all the expenses for our Spring athletes. The suggested donation amount is $200 per athlete/per sport played but all donation amounts are accepted and appreciated. To make your donation online go to To pay by check, payable to Gunn Sports Boosters, mail your donation to Gunn High School or give it to your athlete's coach. Cash donations are accepted as well. Please include your athlete's name and sport played when donating. Support Gunn Athletics and your student/athlete....make your donation today! Questions contact Jill Spain at


Project Safety Net Community Collaborative Meeting
Wed, Apr 27, 4-6 PM, PAUSD Boardroom, 25 Churchill Ave
Please RSVP via Eventbrite. Does youth mental health in Palo Alto matter to you? Are you interested in reducing youth mental health stigma and supporting youth voice? Please join us at our next Project Safety Net Community Collaborative (PSN). This month, we're featuring youth from "The Oracle" newspaper at Gunn High School who created the "Changing the Narrative" series. In addition, we will hear from Dr. Philippe Rey from Adolescent Counseling Services and get the latest updates from PSN's Executive Director Mary Gloner on its latest initiatives. Project Safety Net is a collaborative community network held together by a common interest of fostering youth well-being in Palo Alto. Sign-up here for its newsletter.

PAUSD Invites Parents and Community Members to Participate on the Math Exploration/Pilot Committee 
During 2015-16 academic year, Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) elementary mathematics leads and teachers have been involved in a Math Exploration of math materials. The Math Materials being explored are on display at the District office, located at 25 Churchill Ave in Palo Alto, for community members to view and complete a comment form. The Elementary Math Exploration/Pilot Committee will select 2-3 curricula to pilot during the upcoming 2016-17 academic year. PAUSD is requesting community members and K-6 teachers to participate on the Math Exploration/Pilot Committee. Parents and community members who are interested in becoming a member should complete the Community Member Application. For more information, parents and community members are invited to visit the "Committees and Task Forces" section on the school district's website.


An Evening with Denise Pope, PhD, Author and Education Expert
Thu, Apr 19, 7:30 PM, OFJCC, 1921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto
Overloaded and Underprepared: Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy, Successful Kids. Join Challenge Success's Dr. Denise Pope in an engaging conversation about successful kids and stronger schools. Today's high-pressure, fast-paced culture can interfere with healthy child development. When we are too focused on test scores, performance and grades, we may deny kids the time and energy they need to effectively tackle the demanding work of growing up. Kids around the globe are stressed and shockingly unprepared for advanced learning and adulthood. Author and educator Dr. Denise Pope will share the tools and strategies to make immediate changes at home, school and in the community to ensure that kids are living balanced and academically fulfilled lives. The event will be moderated by Zack Bodner, OFJCC CEO. For tickets and details, click HERE.

Family Science Night at the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo
Thu, Apr 21, 5:30-7:30 PM, 1451 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto
Come and meet junior museum and zoo animals. Experience the hands-on science activities the JMZ teaches in schools, and learn about the plans to build a new JMZ. Free!

City of Palo Alto Accepting Entry Applications for Annual May Fete Parade
Deadline: Wed, Apr 27
Palo Alto Weekly Float Contest: Individuals, schools and youth groups, show off your creativity by entering a float in the Palo Alto Weekly Float Contest. Hand pulled (no motorized) floats will be judged at 8:30 AM on the morning of the parade; judging criteria includes creative tie-ins to the parade theme (Healthy Lifestyle: Happy, healthy habits) and amount of youth participation involved. To enter a float, complete the entry form and return it by April 27th, 2016. Entry Deadline: April 27th, 2016. In concern for safety and to help keep this a "green" event, no motorized vehicles or throwing of giveaways during the parade are allowed.

Menlowe Ballet Collage: World Premieres by Val Caniparoli, Gregory Dawson and Michael Lowe
Fri, Apr 29, 8 PM; Sat, Apr 30, 2 PM & 8 PM; and Sun, May 1, 2PM, Menlo-Atherton Performing Arts Center, 555 Middlefield Rd, Atherton
With our new season, Collage, we have brought together three remarkable choreographers to create three distinct new works. Val Caniparoli, a choreographer with San Francisco Ballet, has set his neo-classical ballet to the Baroque music of Johann Paul Westhoff. Gregory Dawson's contemporary choreography celebrates the athleticism and power of our dancers. Michael Lowe brings poignancy and humor to his cultural ballet, Cui Jin Ji (Beautiful Little Things), which also includes three Gunn, Paly, and Jordan students performing along with the professional company dancers. Tickets:

Med School Morning at Health Matters, Stanford Medicine's Free Community Day
Sat, May 14, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge, 291 Campus Drive, Stanford
Do you know any high school students considering a career in medicine? On Saturday, May 14th, Stanford Medicine will host "Med School Morning" for high school students interested in coming to campus to attend classes on a variety of medical and scientific topics taught by some of the country's top experts. Participants will receive a certificate of completion after attending and fully participating in the morning. Space is limited and the program fills up quickly. To register or learn more visit: Participation is free and open to the public.

Gunn Connection Publication Guidelines:

  • The Gunn Connection is published ONCE a week, every Friday. Deadline is noon the day before publication.
  • Please submit ANNOUNCEMENTS ONLY to the Gunn Connection at Only announcements specific to the Gunn community will be published. Any other announcements from outside the Gunn community must first be submitted for review to the PTA eNews (, which will then distribute it to the relevant schools in the district.
  • Announcements will be limited to 100 words or less. Any lengthier or more in-depth articles or news should be submitted to the Gunn Connection Extra (
  • Announcements will be published in two consecutive issues. To have further announcements made after that, please submit your announcement again.
  • Please use the words "Gunn Connection" in the subject line. Items should include a title, the date, time and location of the event, and a brief (100 words or less) description of the activity. List email, contact information and web links at the end. Content should be in the body of your email as unformatted text. Attachments subject to approval by the editors.
  • Items are published at the discretion of the editors.

Thank you,

Shari Arensdorf & Rita Lee

Gunn Connection Editors & Parent Volunteers

Gunn High School PTSA | 780 Arastradero Road | Palo Alto | CA | 94306