Gunn Connection 

Friday, February 19, 2016
In This Issue

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Parent Networks
Senior Class

Junior Class
Sophomore Class

Freshman Class

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Gunn 2013

Thu, Feb 25
Freshman Parent Network Meeting, 8:30 AM, Staff Lounge
Fri, Feb 26

Winter Dance, 7 PM, Mitchell Park Community Center
Wed-Fri, Mar 2-4
Alternate Schedules (see Calendar)
Wed, Mar 2
YCS Service Day
Fri, Mar 4
Principal's Coffee, 8 AM, Staff Lounge 

For a complete calendar of all school events, go to the Gunn Calendar.  For corrections or additions to the Calendar, contact Martha Elderon.

The Gunn Senior Class is hosting a Goodwill Donation Drive 
Through Sun, Feb 21
Help us keep our graduation celebration costs low. Look for collection bins on campus in the Student Activities Center and Main Office where you can DROP OFF clothing, shoes, e-waste, toys, small appliances, books and household items to be donated to Goodwill. (Note: No furniture, carpet, pet items, items >50 lbs or large appliances are acceptable.) Clean your closets -- maybe help your neighbor clean their garage -- and bring it the GOODWILL TRUCK WILL BE HERE this Sunday, 12 noon to 6 PM.  Neighborhood donations welcome too!

Freshman Parent Network Meeting
Thu, Feb 25, 8:30-10 AM, Staff Lounge
Freshman parents are invited to our next Parent Network Meeting. Come share about "What's on your mind?"

Only One Week Left Until the 20th Annual Juana Run
Sat, Feb 27, 8-11:30 AM
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered! We still need 26 course monitors or we can't have the race. Being a course monitor is fun! Bring your cowbells and your pom pons and cheer on all the runners and walkers! We also need about 40 more volunteers for registration, set-up, finish line timing, passing out t-shirts, food table, etc. As always, proceeds will benefit the Terman, Barron Park and Juana Briones Elementary PTA's, and Gunn Sports Boosters. Sign up here: for the course monitors (must be 18 or over); for the race day volunteers you! 

From the College & Career Center: Don't Forget!
Gap Year Fair
Sat, Feb 27, 1-3 PM, Los Altos High
Will include some summer ops for teens. 
Community College Panel and Mini Fair
Wed, Apr 27, 7 PM, Gunn Library
Please come and find out how they differ from each other  and what the new rules are for entering a Community College. 
College Fairs
Sat, Apr 30, 1:30-4:30 PM, Cow Palace
Thu, May 5, 6-8 PM, Mission College
These two are the big end of year events that are good for juniors.

Students Waiting for a Dozen More Chaperones for Service Day! (We have 8)
Wed, Mar 2, 8 AM-2 PM, for various community sites
Please help! Student leaders are forming teams to volunteer in local community agencies for this annual event, but adult chaperones are essential. With less than two weeks to go, each team needs 1-3 adult chaperones to accompany students on buses (or walk to service sites). Chaperones will assist student leaders in guiding their teams through their projects, possibly taking photos of the day, and ensuring that students leave and return in the same group. Gunn has marvelous moms, but we encourage dads to consider helping students in this way also. Each volunteer may express a preference for a particular site. GET YOUR SPOT WHILE IT IS AVAILABLE here, and also let Norma Hesterman know at as soon as possible. 

Gunn PTSA International Potluck Lunch
Thu, Mar 3
The Gunn PTSA International Potluck Lunch is a highly anticipated event when we serve traditional foods from around the world to students and staff from our incredibly diverse community. Students pay $5 each and can choose food from any of five regional tables. Free tickets are available for students in the free and reduced-price lunch program. Proceeds of the event are donated by the PTSA to a non-profit organization chosen by our students. Please support our school and our students by donating money via PayPal or volunteering to help setup/serve or bring your favorite dish to share. Donate | Volunteer

Principal's Coffee
Fri, Mar 4, 8-10:30 AM, Staff Lounge
All grades are invited to join Principal Denise Herrmann, Superintendent Max McGee and Dr. Jeong Choe, Coordinator of PAUSD's AAR (Advanced Authentic Research) at our next Principal's Coffee. Learn more about the AAR program here: Please RSVP so we have enough coffee, and remember to pick up a parking pass from the office. The online feedback form remains open for anonymous comments/questions. Dr. Herrmann encourages parents to keep using it.

Gunn Foundation Scholarship 
Application deadline: Fri, Mar 4
The Gunn Foundation, launched in 1968, raises funds to provide need-based scholarships to Gunn High School seniors.  Last year, we awarded scholarships to 26 students, many of whom are first-generation college students who have overcome significant personal and financial challenges to pursue further education.  Visit us at to find out if your student is eligible for this need-based scholarship or to make a donation in support of our students. The application is available at

The Palo Alto Swing Dance: A Gunn HS Music Fundraiser
Sat, Mar 5, 6:30-10 PM, Lucie Stern Ballroom, 1305 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto 
You are all invited to join the fun at the Inaugural Palo Alto Swing Dance, a fundraiser for the Gunn High School Music Department. Swing dance group lessons will be provided along with live music performed by the Gunn Jazz Bands throughout the evening. Each ticket includes swing dance lessons, light food, and non alcoholic drinks throughout the event. Multiple ticket options are available. Tickets & information can be found at or Facebook:

Gunn Athletics Needs Your Support!
Athletic Participation Donations are down but the number of athletes participating in sports is up! If you have a Fall, Winter or Spring athlete and have not made your donation, please donate today. The suggested donation amount is $200 per athlete/per sport played but all donation amounts are accepted. To make your donation online, go to or donate by check payable to Gunn Sports Boosters. Please include your athlete's name and sport played when donating. Your donation counts, make your donation today! Questions email


Call for Site Council Parent Representatives
Application deadline: Fri, Feb 27
Site Council needs two (2) parent representatives to serve a two-year term, starting next August. Are you interested? Click here for FAQs and an application. Questions? Call the Site Council desk in the Main Office at (650) 849-7932. You may also send a fax to (650) 493-7801, mail to Gunn at 780 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306, or email Rene Hart:

Sign Up to Help With The International Potluck Lunch
Thu, Mar 3
Gunn PTSA will hold the annual International Potluck Lunch on Thursday, March 3rd. At this highly anticipated event we serve traditional foods donated by our incredibly diverse community. Foods are grouped by themed tables (Asia Pacific; Desserts; Europe, Middle East & Africa; Indian Subcontinent; Latin America and North America). Continue the tradition and celebrate the day! Please sign up for this event at  We also desperately need co-chairs for the Dessert, Indian Subcontinent and North American tables - so please help us by signing up for those positions!! Questions: Please e-mail or Without YOUR help in serving cooking and cleaning, we cannot make this happen. Please ask your friends to sign up too! 


WANTED: Parent Reps for 2016-18 Site more.

Holi Celebration, Mar more.

New Course: Advanced Authentic Research more.

Mindful Moms Group for PAUSD Moms of Teens and Pre-teens
Wednesdays, Feb 17-Apr 13 (8 weeks, no class Apr 6), 7-9 PM, Rm V-24, Gunn High School
As moms of adolescents, we're often so focused on our teens and their challenges that we neglect ourselves. To support our teens we must invest in our own health and wellbeing. This 8-week group will empower you with evidence-based mindfulness tools to reduce stress so you can be more centered through the turbulent time of raising teens. The moms group incorporates mindfulness meditation, mindful movement/dance, mindful parenting of teens, authentic sharing and mindful listening. Andrea Castillo, PhD, has been teaching mindfulness since 2007 and is a mom of a Gunn High School graduate. Cost: $299. Scholarships are available for low-income moms. Pre-registration required. To register, please email Jaclyn Long, Founder & Director of Mind Body Spirit Moms, at

12th Annual Sweetheart Awards 
Wed, Feb 24, 6-8 PM, Nixon Elementary School Theater, 1711 Stanford Ave, Palo Alto
Is there a bus driver, friend, teacher, administrator, neighbor, aide, crossing guard, fellow student, therapist, physician, volunteer or relative that has done something (however large or small) for your special needs child? Honor that person by nominating him or her for a Sweetheart Award. Submit nominations using this online form: Deadline for nominations extended to February 17th. For more information about the awards email: or go to for ceremony details. Sponsored by the Palo Alto Committee of SELPA 1(CAC) and the Palo Alto PTA Council.

Mindfulness in Parenting and Education: How to Improve Performance & Innovation with the Science of Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Well Being  
Tue, Mar 1, 7-9 PM, Palo Alto High School Haymarket Theater, 50 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto
Dr. Shauna Shapiro offers scientific research and meditative practices for parents and educators interested in cultivating greater health, success and well being in their children and themselves. Mindfulness actually enhances both cognitive academic capacities and social and emotional well being. The focus of the workshop will be on deepening our own personal experience of mindfulness so we can bring it more fully into our lives, as well as our children's lives. Dr. Shapiro will speak from 7-8:30 PM, book signing from 8:30-9 PM. If you have questions for the presentation, please forward them to: Linda Van Gelder, lindavang@sbcglobal.netRSVP via EventbriteFlyer and information:

Classroom Volunteers Needed - An Hour a Week Could Change a Student's Life 
Have you enjoyed volunteering in your child's classroom? Then consider visiting a classroom in east Menlo Park or East Palo Alto. Our All Students Matter volunteers work once a week for about an hour on reading and math skills with kids in grades K-4. Sign up now to start in September. Training will be provided. To learn more or sign up, visit or contact Keri Tully at

Gunn Connection Publication Guidelines:

  • The Gunn Connection is published ONCE a week, every Friday. Deadline is noon the day before publication.
  • Please submit ANNOUNCEMENTS ONLY to the Gunn Connection at Only announcements specific to the Gunn community will be published. Any other announcements from outside the Gunn community must first be submitted for review to the PTA eNews (, which will then distribute it to the relevant schools in the district.
  • Announcements will be limited to 100 words or less. Any lengthier or more in-depth articles or news should be submitted to the Gunn Connection Extra (
  • Announcements will be published in two consecutive issues. To have further announcements made after that, please submit your announcement again.
  • Please use the words "Gunn Connection" in the subject line. Items should include a title, the date, time and location of the event, and a brief (100 words or less) description of the activity. List email, contact information and web links at the end. Content should be in the body of your email as unformatted text. Attachments subject to approval by the editors.
  • Items are published at the discretion of the editors.

Thank you,

Shari Arensdorf & Rita Lee

Gunn Connection Editors & Parent Volunteers