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THE CTA WEEKLY COMMUNICATOR includes important school information.  On the first Monday of each month,  THE MONTHLY CTA DATELINE is published via email with highlights of school activities.
March 18, 2016/8 Adar II 5776/Vayikra Parshat Zachor
Candle lighting 7:24
Shabbat Shalom D'var Torah
by Shayna Herszage, 11th Grade Student

This week's Parsha is Parshat Vayikra. The Parsha itself discussed various Korbanot. However, I want to discuss the title of the Parsha itself instead.
The way the word "Vayikra" is written in the Torah, the Aleph is significantly smaller than the other letters. Vayikra means "and He called to him," referring to Hashem calling to Moshe Rabeinu. What an honor for Moshe - having G-d Himself speak specifically to him! It's the sort of honor that can really go to one's head, and make a person arrogant.

Moshe is often said to have been amazingly humble. So humble, in fact, that he - the leader of B'nei Yisrael, the man who spoke to G-d - felt uncomfortable stating that Hashem called to him. He is, after all, only a man, right? He is no better, in his eyes, than his fellow people of this world.

Thus, he wrote the Aleph smaller than the other letters - to remind himself that, in the end, he is still just a person in Hashem's universe, just another being made in the image of G-d. From this, we, too, can pull a lesson in humility. No matter who we are, or what we believe we can do, we are still all people of the same world, with the same loving G-d, and we must stand together in order to succeed.

Shabbat Shalom
Preview of the Week
March 21-25

March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
Macaroni & Cheese
D. Weprin

Grilled Cheese
P. Wolf

Purim Seudah
Chicken Cutlets
J. Schuman

K:  2:45 - 3:45
1-6:  4-5 pm


4-5 pm

Purim Festivities
1:00 pm Dismissal
End of 3rd Quarter

April 7:  1st Grade Chag HaSiddur, 9:30 am
April 10:  Yarok Together Spring Garden Kick Off, 10 am
April 10:  Hebrew Story Time, Bexley Library, 2 pm
April 18:  Spring Fundraiser, home of Joey and Lindsay Schottenstein, 7:30 pm
April 20:  Start of Passover Break, 2:00 pm Dismissal
April 21-May 1:  Passover Break
Important School Information
PTO's Miss Chocolate Fundraiser ends March 23.  See any Lower School student to order or go online to Miss Chocolate Website using the school code: 703241

Annual Giving Spring Fundraiser is on Monday, April 18 at 7:30 pm at the home of Lindsay and Joey Schottenstein.  This is a NEW DATE.  Invitations are in the mail.  For more information, contact Shari.

Volunteer for Columbus Baseball Invitational by contacting

If you are still working on Smart Aid tuition assistance forms for 2016-2017, please go to and use school code:  13328

Check out the left links for Purim Carnival, Hebrew Story Time, Baseball Clinics, and community events!
Donate Now!
CTA accepts donations to our Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund throughout the year.  We also accept Tribute Donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones.  Donations can be made through the school office at 614-864-0299 or online by clicking here.

Donations are listed in our monthly CTA Dateline.  Clear here to see our most recent issue.
Columbus Torah Academy | 181 Noe Bixby Road | Columbus, OH 43213  614.864.0299 |