Monthly Dateline Newsletter                                                                                              December 2015
Columbus Torah Academy Monthly Dateline
Message from Head of School
by Rabbi Samuel J. Levine

These, indeed, are exciting times to be a Columbus Torah Academy stakeholder, as the school looks to a revitalized future under the leadership of Head of School elect, Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff. Rabbi Drandoff's body of work at CTA as well as in the community at large, positions him to reach out to the entire spectrum of Columbus Jewry, a factor that will facilitate student recruitment and build capacity for the school's development efforts.
A noted educator, with a clear understanding of 21st century education, Rabbi Drandoff's vision for the school includes expanded and enhanced programs of learning in STEM, the arts, environmental sciences, Hebrew Language, as well as greater use of technology in learning and instruction, to include the use of technology in Torah study. Rabbi Drandoff will share his vision for CTA with the school community in the months ahead.
I wish Rabbi Drandoff every success in the years ahead and will work with him in the coming year in a coaching/mentoring relationship. For the remainder of this school year, G-d willing, I plan to continue to administer the school on a day to day basis.

Our school community, children, teachers, parents, and supporters, are a delight to work with, and I thank G-d for the opportunity to continue to work in such a warm and supportive environment as I complete my tenure as Head of School.

Spotlight on Upper School Judaics

By Rabbi Weitz, US Judaic Studies Coordinator
Bar/Bat Mitzva Bootcamp 5776

Even larger than all of the academic and social adjustments 7th graders need to grapple with as they acclimate to Junior High is the transition into adulthood and taking on greater responsibilities as a Jew.  The recent Annual Bar/Bat Mitzva Bootcamp is a program designed to expose our students who have recently entered or who are entering soon into this phase, with some of the essential concepts of what becoming Bnai Mitzvah means. Here is what we covered during the Bootcamp unit this year:  Responsibility & Opportunity, What is a מצוה?, The 6 Constant Mitzvot, and a special Public Speaking Crash Course with Alumni Parent and expert public speaker, Mel Perel. Additional highlights of Bootcamp included:  Tefilin 101 and Celebration(?) - how much of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah is about the celebration and how much about the responsibilities. It was a great week for the 7th graders to focus on this milestone life cycle event.

Scholarship Gala Expected To Be A Success

Annual Scholarship Dinner (renamed Gala) is scheduled for Sunday, December 13.  If you haven't gotten your reservation in, contact Karan Tanenbaum at your earliest convenience at to make sure you are on the list.
The evening is one of the school's largest fundraisers with proceeds benefiting the Scholarship Fund which supports our entire school and allows us to continue to offer a Jewish education regardless of financial need.  While there will be differences this year, the importance and unique nature of the Gala remains.
We are so fortunate to honor Rabbi Henoch and Dr. Rochelle Millen, leaders in education and influential members of our Jewish community and to recognize staff for their milestone years of service - Karan Tanenbaum (30), Cheri Friedman (20) and Helen Miller (20).
The evening will include buffet dinner stations from 5:30 - 6:45 pm with delicious fare by Catering by Chani.  Stations will be set up throughout the building and allow participants the opportunity to explore the building and schmooze with friends, old and new.  There will be seating available in all common areas to make dining pleasurable.  Click here to see menu selections. (Yumminess!)
A gala program will begin promptly at 7:00 pm in the Upper School Gymnasium where guests will sit, theater style, and enjoy the sounds of the Lower School Choir, a preview of the Film Studies Class' new creations and honor our named honorees while celebrating our school's rich history.
A Silent and Student Art Auction will offer the opportunity to see great works of art created by our students and take a chance to take one home as well as a selection of home goods, jewelry, game tickets and more.  Again, all proceeds benefit CTA.
Please note for your convenience, there will be complimentary valet service and we revel in the opportunity for attendees to enjoy looking around the building and connecting with the school.
If you have any questions, contact or 614-864-0299.

Chanukah is Around the Corner
Dror Karavani, LS Judaic Studies Coordinator

We started off the month of Kislev with the delicious taste of sufganiot  as this was the special treat of the month. Throughout the grades, the students are continuing to review and prepare for Chanukah. When walking through the hallways, one can hear, see, and touch various things such as songs, projects, chanukiot and more.  The story of Chanukah is a great opportunity to strengthen the students' Jewish identity and their connection to Israel. As last year, our friends at Kfar Saba school sent us their Chanukah pictures for us to judge in a contest.  Our students worked on projects that will be sent to them.    I would like to invite all parents to come to the  Chanukah festivities taking place on Wednesday, December 9
(K-4). We will light the candles together and enjoy a Chanukah play, dance and more. On the same day the students will continue their celebration by going to the Student Council's Chanukah Carnival. The celebration continues at the Chanukah Hop on Sunday, December 6, at the JCC.  More details to come. I'm sure the light of the candles and the atmosphere of Chanukah will remain with us for a long time.
Shabbat  Unit in Kindergarten:  In Kindergarten, the students were busy learning their "Shabbat" unit. In addition to songs, pictures, stories, art, and more, they once again got to use their Smart Board through a program called "Shabbat Interactive."  Beginning with parashat Bereishit, the children were excited to "create" the world. They created light for the first day
and with the click of a button, the waters separated on the second. They got to drag trees and flowers to land and to use computer skills and their imaginations to continue creating the other days. They were able to learn some of the Shabbat prayers and the Friday night service. 
They each made presents for their parents; a framed candle lighting prayer for mommy and a special booklet of shalom aleichem, eishet chayil and kiddush for daddy. The children excitedly took home a bag full of goodies such as fresh challah that they had baked, candlesticks, a cookbook, a havdalah spice box, and an individual Shabbat book which incorporates all of the routines included in this unit. It was so nice to see the students work hard and take pride in their accomplishments. Yasher Koach .
A special delivery from the Dead Sea to the Third Graders:   It is definitely a time full of curiosity, surprise and challenge in the Third Grade Chumash class. In addition to textual study, we integrate different areas into our curriculum. When the students study about Avraham and his family they are able to take a little trip back in time to see life in the desert, which helps them to understand the actions of our Forefathers and how they lived in that period. They also are able to critique art pieces from different periods and decide which artist followed the actual Biblical story and who used their own interpretations. The students were introduced to a topographical map of Israel which helped them understand of the Biblical story.  A special delivery of salt rocks came to us directly from the Dead Sea to help the students "touch" and comprehend the story. An activity to follow will be learning about and seeing hunting tools from the time of the Torah.
Rabbi Drandoff Elected as New Head of School

At its November board meeting, the Board of Trustees of the Columbus Torah Academy
unanimously elected Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff as our new Head of School commencing for the 2016-2017 academic year.
Rabbi Drandoff's appointment is the culmination of a plan that was put in place with the appointment of Rabbi Samuel J. Levine as Head of School in the spring of 2014. Rabbi Levine was charged with the task of evaluating the administrative staff with the intention, if possible, of promoting future school leadership from within. Absent a suitable on-staff candidate, Rabbi Levine was required to lead a broad search for the school's next Head of School. Within a short period of time it became clear to Rabbi Levine, that Rabbi Drandoff had the requisite leadership and other necessary qualities, to succeed as Head of School at CTA. In that context, Rabbi Levine was able to both evaluate and mentor Rabbi Drandoff on an ongoing basis. Rabbi Levine recently made a formal recommendation on this appointment to CTA's lay leadership  The establishment of an Advisory Group, representing the school and our broader community, agreed with the recommendation and forwarded it to the Board.
Rabbi Drandoff is a passionate educator who loves children and understands pedagogy. He has won the respect of the entire faculty as an educational leader, has helped create innovative learning experiences for our children, and has fostered a growth mindset in students and faculty alike. He has excellent communication skills and is sensitive to the needs of the many and varied stakeholders that constitute our school community.
Over the past year and a half, Rabbi Drandoff has assumed greater administrative responsibilities in his position of Judaic Studies Principal, and was an integral partner in developing our current track system in Grades 1-3. Rabbi Levine will continue as Rabbi Drandoff's formal coach and mentor during the 2016-2017 academic year, thereby facilitating a smooth transition in leadership.
Over the coming months, Rabbi Drandoff will meet with our school's stakeholders to share his vision for the future of our school.

Hebrew Highlights

By Kelly Adar, Hebrew and Israel Culture Coordinator
This past month month the Hebrew Department had a couple of important and exciting events to mark:
On the evening of November 4,1995 (12th of Cheshvan), Yitzchak Rabin,
Israel's Prime Minister, was assassinated by a Jew who opposed the signing of the Oslo Accords. Rabin was attending a mass rally at the Kings of Israel Square (now called Rabin Square) in Tel Aviv, held in support of the Oslo Accords. When the rally ended, Rabin walked down the steps of the city hall steps to the door of his car, at which point three shots were fired at him. He died in the hospital later that night.   In class, the Yitzchak Rabin Memorial Day was studied and discussed in all Upper School classes with our young Shlicha from the Columbus
Jewish Federation, Neta Ben Ezra. Neta introduced the subject and was impressed that our students knew a lot
about Rabin and the peace process. The students, who were intrigued and asked many questions about the event itself, later sang the Hebrew song "Shir LaShalom," which was sung by Yitzchak Rabin himself prior to his assassination.
In the Lower School, Neta focused on teaching the students to know more about the map of Israel.  Students in  3rd, 5th and 6th grades had the opportunity to build and construct the map of Israel...with cookies and cream!!  While the students were learning they were also having too much fun with their creation and ... ate it all !!
This month, CTA was represented at "The Council for Hebrew Language and Culture Teachers
in North America- First Annual Conference," held in Newark, NJ.  Morah Kelly Adar attended the conference and was happy to report that some of the activities and recommendations made by the chief professor of the founding committee are already taught by the Hebrew Department in our school. Some of the teachers in the conference were surprised to hear about the curriculum and the level of spoken Hebrew at CTA. Morah Kelly is very proud of all her students and for the efforts and commitment they have been showing her daily in the Hebrew language field.
This month, Shishi Ivrit with songs and awards was dedicated to Yitzchak Rabin's legacy. "The best students of the month" awards went to the following students by grade category: Chelli Morris and Julia Cieplinski (7th and 8th grade), Rachel Wolf and Orli Hartstein (9th and 10th grade), Rosie Kalef and Gabriela Schottenstein (11th and 12th grade).
7th Grade Girls' Chumash Engage in Special Activity
While 8th graders were away in Washington, DC early in November, the 7th grade girls in Mrs. Savage's Chumash class created a chesed project for the school. The girls started a "Word Watch" campaign to help themselves and the rest of the school work on not speaking about other people.  To control your speech and not engage in Lashon Hara (Negative Speech) is an important skill and characteristic for the students to learn. The activity included creating a sign up sheet where every student can pick one hour a day to commit to not speak Lashon Hara about anyone. Once they complete a full week, they will be entered in to a raffle to win a special prize.  Great incentive and great initiative! 
Students Attend 53rd Alpheus Smith Lecture in Physics

November 24th marked the centennial celebration of Einstein's theory of general relativity. In honor of this event, the physics department at OSU held a lecture by world-renowned Cal-Tech theoretical physicist Dr. Kip Thorne. CTA students Rachel Wolf, Benny Makias, Avior Hazan and Dr. Kennedy went to celebrate this milestone and learn about the exciting new discoveries of space and time
From the lecture, our students learned about black holes, worm holes and gravitational lensing from the world's leading authority of gravitational wave theory of general relativity. And if that wasn't enough, he co-wrote the movie Interstellar.  Everyone thought the lecture was "out of this world"!

8th Graders Make Us Proud in DC

The 8th grade trip to Washington, DC was highlighted by a trip to Capitol Hill to meet with Congresswoman Joyce Beatty.  The students were trained in advocacy by parent, Meagan Buren, prior to their trip and they lobbied Beatty about things that are important to them.  Beatty tweeted this picture and was so excited to meet the students from Torah Academy.  Our students received accolades wherever they went on their trip for being well mannered, caring people.  The manager from one of the restaurants raved and even wrote Rabbi Levine a letter about what a great group. Chaperones were Norma Whitmyre and Rabbi Drandoff.  What a great trip!  Totally worth all of the magazine, orange and steak dinner selling!

Upper School Amazing Race On It's Way

The Amazing Race competition is in full swing in the Upper School! The year-long spirit competition divides students in grades 7-12 onto teams and throughout the year they engage in activities that earn points and provide ruach.  In November, each team was challenged to create a bulletin board that describes their team. Following a rubric that included an art component, announcement section, a place to write the team members names, and something that shows how their team is unique, the students had a great time working together as teams, and really had a chance to develop their team's personalities as well as hone using their collaboration skills.  Coming up next week the Amazing Race activities will devote a full day to Chanukah programming.

Stem Classes Keep Up With Innovations Abound

FIRST GRADE UPDATE:  The first grade study of sound and motion included the designing and building of unique musical instruments. This week students are working on building parade floats that meet the criteria of: having a theme, moving across the floor, making noise, and staying within budget. 
SECOND GRADE UPDATE The second grade study of sound and motion is also very project based as they also are designing and building unique musical instruments that mimic sounds from nature (ie:  rain, wind, rattle snakes, coqui frogs) and they are also building parade floats with the same criteria as the first graders, but also include a sound from nature and have to stay within a budget - not an easy task as they had to calculate the cost of tools and materials. Their designs plans have been very creative!  Also, they were able to integrate the study of Parshat Noach and learning about the Teva (Ark) to build their own prototypes of the Ark and test the buoyancy of the materials used to build the Ark.  (All of the prototypes failed and now we know we need to go back to do a redesign.)
THIRD GRADE UPDATE:  The third graders finished their magnificent moon colonies and created prototypes of space stations that would provide food, water, oxygen and a living space for a group of 4 colonists to survive and thrive on one of the following moons: Phobos, Deimos, Europa, or Mimas. This very detailed research and design project required the students to research all aspects of how humans can live in space, review videos about the astronauts that currently live in the International Space Station and more. The broad STEM curriculum includes many real world aspects of problem solving and applications including managing a budget for the project. 

Fourth Grade Moccasin Making and Study of Native Cultures

Fourth grade completed their moccasin projects in Mrs. Wagner's class. Their study of Native American tribes of Ohio including learning about the cultures of the many different groups fascinated the students.  The moccasins created are wearable and for many of the students, their first time sewing - a lifelong skill. 
The recent virtual lab in 4th and 5th grade science included learning about the engineering design process. Fifth graders were able to build a prototype of a raft from modeling clay including solving a problem by creating a design that would float. 

Technology Update

Mrs. Schwendenmann, our Technology and Media Specialist, continues to work with classes and teachers to better integrate technology into our learning.
In Lower School, Morah Elana's fifth and sixth grade Judaic Studies classes each created an online ebook this month  featuring student drawings depicting the Book of Shoftim (Judges): Chapter 3 The Story of Ehud Ben Gerathe Book of Samuel, Chapters 5-7, and the story of the Ark in Plisthi Cities, respectively.

Check out these links to view the online eBooks featuring the student's work -

Third, fourth and fifth grade students have been logging into ThinkCentral, the online supplement to their classroom textbooks in General Studies and are working on interactive lessons that correspond directly with their textbook lessons.  The lessons are self-paced and teachers can create assignments based on an individual student's needs. Both teachers and students are enthusiastically embracing this differentiated learning environment.
In preparation for the Third Grade Reading Guarantee test that takes place in December, Mrs. Rahav's third grade students took an online practice test in the computer lab, and were able to see how test questions are presented and how best to answer them.
In the high school, Mrs Schramm's Algebra II students, with assistance from Mrs. Schwendenman, created coded messages with matrices using Microsoft Excel. This fun exercise allowed students to not only see a 'real world' application for matrices, but students also learned how to accomplish more sophisticated tasks in Excel.
It is these real life applications of technology that teach our students best how to use hardware to complement their learning and enhance the classroom environment.

Artist-in-Residence Brightens Up CTA

On Tuesday, November 24, students at CTA were treated to a special visit from Columbus artist Dana Lynn Harper. Classes in grades K-12 each joined Dana to hear and see about her artwork, her inspiration and her creative process. Dana's colorful art is inspired by nature, friendship, and making viewers feel happy, like they are kids again!  She uses a variety of materials such as polymer clay, plastic ribbon, plaster, paint, epoxy resin and found objects to create whimsical sculptures and installations. Seeing images of Dana's work helped inspire the students and showed them that art doesn't always have to be something that just hangs on the walls. 
After seeing Dana's artwork, students were able to create their own small sculptures using a variety of colorful art supplies (like pom poms, pipe cleaners, foam, cellophane, paper and beads) and small, clear plastic globes. Students filled the globes with materials that they felt connected with - choosing interesting colors, textures, and shapes. Teachers were even able to create their own artworks as well! 
The colorful, fun-filled globes will then be assembled in to a large hanging art installation to be displayed in the school building. We'll welcome Dana back to CTA in a few weeks to install the art piece with art teacher Amy Neiwirth. 
Thank you so much to the PTO for their generosity in sponsoring our visiting artist day! It was wonderful for students to meet and get to know a local artist who makes her living creating art and to create work in a collaborative setting.  
To learn more about Dana Lynn Harper and her art, visit
If you'd like to see some of Dana's work in-person, her exhibition "Sweet Spot" will be on view at the Sean Christopher Gallery in the Short North (815 N. High St.) from December 5, 2015-January 30, 2016

Thanksgiving Show
The Annual Thanksgiving Show was an opportunity for the Lower School to join together with family
and friends and show gratitude and appreciation for what we have - loving families, a warm community, a safe place to live, learn and worship and so much more.  The room was jam-packed with grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends while our adorable students in grades K-4 sang.  Thank you to Morah 
Cheri Friedman for her hard work to make such a special program.  Go to or click below to see highlights.  Thank you to parent, Barry Hellman, for videoing.
Pictured is the Hazut family, new to CTA this year, having just arrived from Israel and celebrating their first Thanksgiving.  They practiced together with their teachers as they learned some of the common English words that we use at the Thanksgiving table - turkey, stuffing, cranberry and please pass some more!

Watch the Thanksgiving Show HERE!
Watch the Thanksgiving Show HERE!

Community Events

Blue Jackets Heritage Night, Sunday, December 6
Wildlights Hanukkah at Columbus Zoo, December 7
Columbus Jewish Historical Society Timeline Museum Reception, Sunday, December 13, 1-4
Gallery Players presents Coney Island Christmas, December 12-20

Open House Helps Connect Alumni

Although the door is always open for visits, alumni from all years were welcomed into the halls of CTA for an Open House on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  Attendees had the chance to interact with others and reminisce about shared CTA experiences.  Mrs. Tanenbaum (8th Grade Class of '67) put out a spread of bagels and quiche.  Many of the alumni came early for the annual Thanksgiving show replete with a chorus of Carmen Ohio in preparation for Buckeye Country's weekend (and eventual win) over Michigan. To get involved in alumni activities or to be sure you are on the mailing list, contact 

School Closing Policy for Weather

Closing school even under the best of circumstances is a difficult decision.  Each instance of possible school closing is taken under advisement on an individual basis by administrators. CTA is not guaranteed to close because other local schools or districts are closing. You will be contacted ONLY if school is closed. Beginning at 6:30am, announcements will be made over the following television channels: WCMH-4TV, WBNS-10TV and WSYX-6TV. Also, by 6:30am, we will use Community Safe, an instant phone communication system, to get in contact with you. In case of sudden inclement weather during school, the television stations will be notified and we will use Community Safe to get in contact with you. If you hear emergency weather conditions declared, please try to anticipate early dismissal and be home to greet your child/ren. It is best to have a prearranged alternative, such as a friend or relative waiting for the child/ren, if you know you cannot be home. Children will remain at school if their parents were not contacted.  We will also use email as available to communicate with you.
Condolences To:
Drs. Phil and Julie Weinerman, Drs. David and Miriam Portman, Dr. David Weinerman (Class of '97), Dr. Rachel Weinerman (Class of '98), Rebecca (Weinerman) Lefkovitz (Class of '00), Sarah (Weinerman) Cheses (Class of '02), Debbie (Weinerman) Grashin (Class of '04), Jacob Portman (Class of '09), Aaron Portman (Class of '11), Noah Portman (Class of '12), Rebecca Portman (Class of '15), Dr. Louis Nemzer (Class of '00), Sarah (Nemzer) Frydman-Kohl (Class of '01), Rachel (Nemzer) Kravetz (Class of '06) and Eliana Lefkovitz (Kindergarten Class of '16) and families on the loss of mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Candi Davidson

David and Cathy Schwartz, Lindsey (Schwartz) Glazer (Class of '00), Julian Schwartz (8th Grade Class of '01) and families on the loss of father, grandfather, and great-grandfather Dr. Shmuel Schwartz

Eddie and Lily Friedman, Chad and Mara Friedman, Daniel Friedman (Class of '98), Robbie Friedman (Class of '01), David Friedman (Class of '05), 2nd grader Yael Friedman and Hanna Friedman (Kindergarten Class of '16) on the loss of mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Francis Friedman

Sylvia Ebner, Lisa (Ebner) Rosen (8th Grade Class of '72), Mark (8th Grade Class of '75), Nicole Ebner, Cynthia Ebner (8th Grade Class of '79) and Zach Ebner (Class of '11), Gayle Rosen (8th Grade Class of '00) and Aaron Rosen (8th Grade Class of '02) on the loss of husband, father and grandfathe,r Murray Ebner

Marcia Baker, Stephen Baker (8th Grade Class of '75), and Samantha (Baker) Sumkin (8th Grade Class of '79) and families on the loss of husband, father and grandfather, Irving Baker

Sydney Schwartz (8th Grade Class of '78) and Andrew Schwartz (8th Grade Class of '80) on the loss of father, Sheldon Schwartz

Michael Broidy on the loss of his mother, Rose

Norma and Walt Whitmyre on the loss of Walt's father, Walter Whitmyre

Lynn Vottero, Speech Therapist, on the passing of her father

Mazel Tov To:
Debbie Weinerman (Class of '04) on her marriage to Josh Grashin and to parents Drs. Phil and
   Julie Weinerman
Robin Sussman (Class of '05) on her marriage to Avi Prince
Billy Schottenstein (8th Grade Class of '68) on the marriage of his son Ari to Jenna Wayne
Alison Barnett Gutwaks (Class of '06) on the birth of a son and to grandparents Rick and Terri
   Barnett and great-grandmother, Carolyn Asch
Cindy Ebner (8th Grade Class of '79) on being elected a Franklin County Municipal Court Judge
Marvin Blank (8th Grade Class of '66) on the birth of a granddaughter, daughter of Maxx and
   Liraz Blank
Elizabeth (Berkovich) Halle (Class of '10) on the birth of a daughter and to grandparents Igor and
   Elena Berkovich
Jonathan Schottenstein (8th Grade Class of '96) on his engagement to Nicole Skydell of
   Englewood, New Jersey and to parents Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein and to grandmother,
   Geraldine Hoffman
Sarah (Warren) Amrani (Class of '03) on the birth of a son, Avram Mordechai (Andrew Max) and
   to grandparents, Nancy and Ray Warren
Yedidah Schramm (Class of '04) on the birth of a daughter
Yeshayahu Ginsburg (Class of '07) on receiving Semicha (rabbinical ordination) from Rabbi
   Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University and to his family, Rabbi David
   and Shulamit Ginsburg, Avigayil (Ginsburg ) Rapp (Class of '08), Sarah Miriam (Class of  '12),
   and Shoshana (Class of '14)
Bari (Dolinger) Gorbacz (Class of '08) upon the birth of a son and to grandparents, Ron and Beth
Rabbi Henoch and Dr. Rochelle L. Millen on the birth of a great-grandchild, their 18th

Please share your special moments by submitting to Dateline at
Thank You To:

Larry and Robin Garvin, Jonathon and Agi Hartstein, Seth and Leslie Hoffman, Bernie Schubach & Jaime Goodman, and Robert and Patti Wolf for sponsoring November's Rosh Chodesh Staff Appreciation Lunch.
It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation:

To the Annual Giving Fund:
Michael & Sarah Blumenfeld in memory of Candy Davidson
Leah K. Salis in memory of Candy Abromowitz
Herbert & Francine Greff in honor of Rabbi and Dr. Rochelle Millen
Sheryl Kingsberg in memory of Clara Davidson
Leah K. Salis in memory of Murray Ebner
Ed Schottenstein in memory of Murray Ebner
Harold and Elaine Shindel in memory of Candy Davidson and Murray Ebner
Bettie Mathless in memory of Murray Ebner
John Peterson in memory of Murray Ebner
Gary Liebesman and Stacy Leeman in memory of Naomi Myers' mother
Leah Salis in memory of Irving Baker
Joe and Mariann DeSantis in memory of Irving Baker
Marc and Margery Hollander in memory of Irving Baker
Joel and Lynn Fisher in memory of Irving Baker
Asher and Janet Bogin in memory of Candy Davidson
Esther Burnell in memory of Murray Ebner
The Berenstein Family in memory of Murray Ebner
Michael and Marilyn Vender in memory of Clara Davidson
Julie Rodecker in memory of Clara Davidson
Michael and Mara Ryan in memory of Candy Davidson
E. Scott Shaw in memory of Murray Ebner
Betty Nichol in memory of Murray Ebner
Carolyn Asch in memory of Clara Candy Davidson and in memory of Murray Ebner
Michael and Sarah Blumenfeld in memory of Irving Baker and Murray Ebner
Barry and Carrie Rosen in memory of Murray Ebner
Ken and Nancy Supowit in memory of Candy Davidson
Kevin Kroos in memory of Murray Ebner
DePuy Paving, Inc. in memory of Murray Ebner
Tod and Cheri Friedman in memory of Irv Baker, Candy Davidson, David Schwartz's father, and
   Michael Broidy's mother
Rhoda Linder in memory of Murray Ebner
Robert and Marcia Hershfield in memory of Candy Davidson, Eddie Friedman's mother, Murray
   Ebner, and Diana Wolff's mother
Daniel Nemzer in memory of Candy Davidson
Michael Stan in memory of Murray Ebner
Jack and Ettagail Shatz in honor of Talia Sukienik
Greg and Stephanie Thompson in memory of Irving Baker
Jeanie and Jay Schottenstein in memory of Irving Baker
Gerald and Judith Swedlow in memory of Irving Baker
Jules Sumkin in memory of Irving Baker
Michael Arbagi in memory of Clara Candy Davidson
Victor and Elaine Goodman in memory of Irving Baker
Susan Gottlieb in memory of Murray Ebner
The Hartstein's in honor of Miriam Goldmeier's special birthday
Judith Maybruck in memory of Murray Ebner
Robert and Marcia Hershfield in memory of Irving Baker
Joan and John Sumkin Butler in memory of Irving Baker
Eliza and Todd Delman in honor of Rose Broidy
The Hartstein's in honor of Irv Szames' special birthday
Gary Liebesman and Stacy Leeman in memory of Candy Davidson
Sonia Modes Schottenstein in memory of Murray Ebner, Irving Baker, Candy Davidson, and
   Michael Broidy's mother
Sheryl, Michael and Korey Silverman in memory of Murray Ebner
Dan and Ruth Longert in memory of Irving Baker
CCWHR/Portman OBGYN in memory of Candy Davidson
Herb and Francine Greff in memory of Irv Baker and Sheldon Schwartz
Meagan & Jeffrey Buren in memory of Michael Broidy's beloved mother Rose Broidy
   Robyn and Bob Canvasser in memory of Irving Baker        
To the March of the Living Fund:
Suzanne, Norman, & Ericka Schneiderman in memory of Murray Ebner, Candy Davidson, and Diana Wolff's mother
To the CTA Library Fund:
Cheryl Miller in memory of Diana Wolff's mother, Evelyn D'Angelo and Arthur Salutsky
Arlene and Ami Sapir in memory of Candy Davidson          

Give Today
SATURDAY NIGHT VARSITY Basketball GAMES vs. New Hope Christian:  Saturday, December 5 at 7:15 PM

Upcoming Events

CHANUKAH SHOW:  Wednesday, December 9 at 9:30 AM

Give & Get Info
More info can be found at here
Scholarship Dinner Ad Book:  Get started today.  Go to CTA Website for more information or contact Shari.

Tribute Donation:  Contact Lesa, Shari or submit donation on line at for all in honor, in memory or milestone tributes to family and friends.

Kroger Rewards Card:  Go to and register your rewards card.  Kroger will donate up to 1% of your purchases from Kroger or Turkey Hill stores.
OFFICE MAX:  Max Perks card number is:  207285005

Target RED Card:  Go to to manage your red card and enroll your card in the Take Charge of Education program to choose CTA.  Target will donate up to 1% of your REDcard purchases at Target stores in the U.S and at

Amazon Smile:  Go to and register to benefit CTA.  When you make a purchase, CTA will receive 1% of that purchase as a donation to our school. 

iGive:  Register with iGive at and your Amazon purchases and online purchases at close to 1500 retailers will give a kickback to CTA.  To date we have raised over $1000. 

Apples for Students at Giant Eagle:  Go to to register for their donation program.  You will need your Giant Eagle Advantage Card number and the CTA School Code which is #4389.

Magazine Sales Help the 8th graders year round when you purchase magazines at using their code # 2522449.

Shoparoo Download the app to your smartphone and start earning points by snapping pictures of your receipts.

Columbus Torah Academy | 181 Noe Bixby Road | Columbus, OH 43213 
614-864-0299 |