The Columbus Torah Academy
181 Noe Bixby Rd, Columbus OH 43213

March 20, 2015

        29 Adar  5775

  Candlelighting 7:25 p.m.
This Week on E-Dateline
Dvar Torah by Elana Katz
Preview of the Week
Dates to Remember
Scrip Update
Give & Get
News from the Lower School Judaic Studies Department
News from the Upper School Judaic Studies Department
Mazal Tov To
Thank You To
Condolences To
Getting Messages to Your Children in Lower School
Digital Media: Changing the World
CTA Archaeological Museum
AP Physics and Advanced Bio Updates
3rd Grade Observes Experiments With Food Preservation
Clean-Up Torah Academy-Earn Give & Get
4th Graders Embark on Art Adventure
7th Grade Investigates a Strange Happening
Art to Remember
Jewish Women's Renaissance Project
Advertise in Dateline
Parshat Vayikra Quiz
A Riddle From Israel
Join Our Mailing List
By Elana Katz

There are various occasions and reasons to bring korbanot, or sacrifices, to Hashem. Parshat Vayikra opens by discussing the laws associated with bringing a voluntary sacrifice. In most cases when the Torah discusses the laws of bringing a korban, it refers to the man bringing the korban as an "איש," which is the Hebrew word for man. Surprisingly, in the second verse of this Parsha, the Torah refers to the giver as an "אדם." While אדם also means man, Rashi explains that the Torah specifically chose this word to allude to אדם הראשון, or Adam, the first man.


Rashi comments: "Why is this term used here? It alludes to Adam, the first man on earth, and teaches us: just as Adam, the first man, never offered sacrifices from stolen property, since everything was his, so too, you must not offer sacrifices from stolen property."


While Rashi provides a reasonable explanation as to why the Torah uses the word אדם instead of איש, this commentary is difficult to understand. Why would anyone offer a voluntary sacrifice to Hashem, but do so by using a stolen animal? Surely, he who is sufficiently inspired to bring a voluntary offering to G-d also believes that G-d would know if the animal was stolen.


I believe Rashi is referring to a man who was truly inspired to give and grow closer to Hashem. Nonetheless, when the time came to sacrifice his own animal, it became hard for him to part with his own belongings. Therefore, he looked for a replacement for his own animal. While the inspiration was there, when he considered the cost of the opportunity, his effort waned.


There are many times when we make a resolution to change, give, or grow. We make plans, call meetings, and talk about the changes we will make in our lives. However, when we realize how much personal sacrifice this may entail, we grow weary of the cause. Instead of pushing ourselves, we compromise or abandon our new goal. By using the word אדם instead of איש, the Torah is recognizing that we have a tendency to be discouraged when we realize that we must truly sacrifice in order to achieve. The Torah is hinting to us that we may be tempted to look for an easier and less demanding solution, but that we can, and should push ourselves, to meet the goals that we originally set out to achieve.


Monday, March 23:  Pizza Bagels

Tuesday, March 24: Tacos-Volunteer: D. Hellman

Wednesday, March 25:  Grilled Cheese-Volunteer: L. Polster

Thursday, March 26: Cold Cut Sandwiches

Friday, March 27: Fish Sticks


Monday, March 30: Executive Board Meeting, 7:30pm

Wednesday, April 1: Model Seders; 2:00pm Dismissal

April 2-10: Passover Break - NO SCHOOL

Friday, April 17: 4:00pm Friday Dismissal Schedule Resumes


It's Baseball Season!


Monday, March 23

Baseball Game vs. Delaware Christian at Liberty Christian

5:30 p.m.


Tuesday, March 24

Baseball Game vs. Gahanna Christian at Academy Park

5:00 p.m.

CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 212
Monday-Thursday:  7:30am-4pm
Friday:  7:30am-2pm

There are limited quantities of gift cards in stock that can be purchased! Below is a list of what we have on-hand and in what denominations. Email your order request .  We are still able to place special orders, just email or call in your specifics. We will give you an approximate expectation for the order to arrive.



Looking to help raise money for CTA?  Here are a few ways to do it that will cost you NOTHING:


Kroger Rewards Card:  Go to and register your rewards card.  Kroger will donated up to 1% of your Kroger or Turkey Hill stores.  

OFFICE MAX:  Max Perks card number is:  207285005 

Target RED Card: Go to to manage your red card and enroll your card in the Take Charge of Education program to choose CTA.  Target will donate up to 1% of your REDcard purchases at Target stores in the U.S and at 

Amazon Smile:  Go to and register to benefit CTA.  When you make a purchase, CTA will receive 1% of that purchase as a donation to our school.  

iGive:  Register with iGive at and your Amazon purchases and online purchases at close to 1500 retailers will give a kickback to CTA.  To date we have raised over $1000.  

Apples for Students at Giant Eagle:  If you are a Giant Eagle shopper, go to to register for their donation program.  You will need your Giant Eagle Advantage Card number and the CTA School Code which is #4389. 


If you have trouble with any of these, contact Shari or come visit her in her office and she will walk you through it!


By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator


 Rosh Chodesh Nissan is almost here.... In all of the grades the students are busy learning about Pesach, working on their individual haggadot and creating art projects that they will share with you on the Seder night. But the learning is not confined to the four walls of the classroom. The students take "field trips" to different places in the school.... One of the walls of the school displays various representations of the Four Sons which helps the students see different perspectives. The students visit the new school archaeology museum and study the connection between archaeology and the different parts of the haggadah. Soon we will have a scavenger hunt to find the "Afikoman" and many riddles that have been hidden all around the school.   We can not wait for Spring to come and for the fruit trees to bloom in our backyard. We'll share the reason for that with you next week.


Gemeeloot chasadim during tefilah time:  When you walk by the 3rd grade room in the morning you can not miss the wonderful singing and the great atmosphere during tefilah time. You can hear the different melodies and the discussion of the meaning of the tefilot lead by Morah Elana. In

addition to learning about the tefilah from an unique workbook that was designed especially for our school, the students are doing various project around the theme of tefilah. Last week, they decorated towels for a senior citizens center in Israel as part of their learning about Birkot Hashachar, gemeeloot chasadim. Kol Hakavod.

By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz, Upper School Judaic Studies Coordinator

Weitz IronMench 5775!  The Upper School was abuzz as we geared-up for last weeks much awaited IronMench Competition. Students devoted much of last week towards a final, focused, review of their Chumash, Gemara, Navi and Parsha materials before the big day. First the H.S. and then the J.H. engaged in fierce and fun competition that saw the Blue Team emerge on top in both competitions.


In addition to being a lot of fun, the IronMench offers students an exciting, school wide incentive to reinforce all of the Torah they have learned over the year and years past. Reinforcing core Jewish knowledge is one of our overarching foci. After 12 years at CTA, students will, with G-d's help, leave our walls with a level of Jewish literacy that will make them a true asset to their communities and Klal Yisroel as a whole. Click below to view this year's IronMench Trailer! 



Lawrence and Kim Binsky on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jeffrey

Shira Ehrenberg on the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Julian

Jenny (Shindel) Sinowitz (8th Grade Class of '93) on the birth of a

    daughter and to grandparents, Harold and Elaine Shindel


Dan & Meredith Bornstein, Steven & Smadar Import, Joey & Lindsay Schottenstein, Rabbi Daniel & Devorah Steinberg, and Dr. Robert & Patti Wolf for sponsoring this month's delicious Rosh Chodesh Staff Appreciation Lunch.


Fran and Ron Golden, Eric Golden (8th Grade Class of '86) and Steven

   Golden (8th Grade Class of '88) on the loss of father and grandfather,

   Morris Feldman

Dr. Morris and Esther Wilhelm, Binyamin Wilhelm (Class of '08), Mimi

   Wilhelm (Class of '09) and Susie Wilhelm (8th Grade Class of '11) on

   the loss of brother and uncle, Perry Ellis Hurst.

Janet  Schwarz, Jeremy Schwarz (Class of '09) and Jordie Bardige (8th

   Grade Class '08) on the loss of father and grandfather, John Schwarz


Lower school parents who need to get messages to their child or their child's teachers about how the child will be transported home must email Lesa Caputo, the teacher, and Mrs. Sapp in the morning before 10 am.  Please specify if this is a change from the child's usual routine. 


If you have any changes after 10 am, please call the front desk before 3:00 pm to have messages called into the classroom at the end of the school day.


Messages called in to the front desk after 3:30 pm will be communicated to your child as best as possible.  We cannot guarantee the message will get to your child that late in the day. 

Junior Ariella Hartstein is an anomaly. She is a teenager in the 21st century who loves to read books. Incredible, right? So when she was asked by Mr. Guinan who teachers her Digital Media Class to start a website that will change the world, she did what she knows best: reading books. Ariella hopes to eradicate the epidemic of neglect for books with her website, Scroll. Join the movement by pledging to read a book in April. Go to, to sign up.  It's that simple. Then join Scroll's Facebook page at them on Twitter @BooksScroll, and Instagram @ScrollBooks

It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation to:

The Annual Giving Fund by:

Jonathan and Agi Hartstein and family in memory of Sage Moreno

Dora Kopp in memory of Sage Moreno

John Lawrence in memory of Sage Moreno

Dan and Leslie Chase and family in memory of Sage Moreno

Warren and Marlene Sobol and family in memory of Sage Moreno

Dorothy Deel and Loretta Verbillion in memory of their cousin, Bethany

   "Sage" Moreno

Larry and Robin Garvin in honor of Patty Sapp, Mr. Bailey, and Nurse


To the Library Fund by:

Cheryl Miller in memory of Sage Moreno


Have you seen the newly created, one-of-a-kind Archaeological Museum of the Tanach that is now on display at Columbus Torah Academy?  The museum is an assembly of items that mark many of the subject areas that the students are learning in class.


The interactive museum is temporarily located in the Multipurpose Space behind the Shul and offers an enriching environment for teachers to bring their students out of the classroom for educational opportunities that reflect what they are learning in the curriculum.  The Tanach is the complete Hebrew Bible that includes the Five Books of Moses and continues through all the writings of the Jewish faith. The museum gives the students a chance to view, see and study artifacts that offer exploration beyond the textbook.  A complete timeline is part of the museum and shows, in real time, the historical placement of the items on display.


"The museum brings to life material that the students learn in the classroom about the Torah, Jewish holidays and customs and the state of Israel," explained Dror Karavani, curator of the museum.  "The disciplines that can be explored go beyond the Judaic curriculum and include science, music, art, general history and more as the displayed items include authentic replicas and real coins from the land of Israel and represent historic time periods from the Bronze Age/Caananite period in 2200 BCE through the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem into the Roman period around 324 CE."


The museum will have various temporary exhibits that highlight certain time periods or events in history.  Changing exhibits will focus on new areas of history or highlight timely holidays or events in the Tanach that the students are currently learning.



The first temporary exhibit is about the Mishkan which is known as the tabernacle or shrine that the Jewish people carried through the desert during the exodus from Egypt and eventually housed many valuable symbols of Jewish life.  A sub-display highlights the ancient city of Shiloh which is thought to be where the Mishkan was finally erected. The Mishkan exhibit currently on display was created by the 6th grade class at CTA.  The 6th graders researched the Mishkan and then created educational displays about different aspects of it.  To supplement their study, they worked with the art teacher to create models of various religious artifacts that were found in the Mishkan.  The students will become teachers themselves when they bring younger classes to the temporary display and teach what they have learned.


The displays in the Archaeological Museum are all complemented by educational videos from museums in Israel that support the materials in the CTA museum.  The relationships with established Israeli museums have been developed to encourage Skype lessons and live connections with archaeologists and historical experts in Israel.


The CTA Archaeological Museum of the Tanach will have a permanent home in CTA that is yet to be identified and the expansion of the museum and the addition of temporary items will become a focal point of the CTA Judaic curriculum as well as a show piece for the Columbus Jewish and general community. To find out more about the Museum or to arrange a showing, contact or 614-864-0299.


Advanced Biology students recently investigated the processes of DNA replication, RNA transcription and protein translation using virtual software on the science departments new laptops. In an extension investigation, the students determined how a single base pair change in a DNA sequence could lead to a human disease/disorder. Powerful stuff!


In AP Physics C- Electricity and Magnetism, students explored topics in electrostatics investigations. Students were successful in discovering relationships between variables and developing complex mathematical models for charge, electric field, electric potentials and capacitance on various types of conductors. Torah academy is fortunate to have the latest laboratory equipment and technology to be able to fully explore this challenging topic.


CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD:  In other news, six of our 10th grade students from Advanced Chemistry are taking part in the National Chemistry Olympiad on Thursday, March 19th. This prestigious competition is open to first and second year (AP) chemistry students. The following 10th grade students have signed up to compete: Leilah Abelman, Shayna Herszage, Dasha Kuperberg, Shahar Razker, Julie Chase, and Molly Cohen. Good luck to our academic athletes, we're very proud of you!


Third Graders participated in a STEM activity - combining Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills to solve a problem in their Science classes with Mrs. Lerner. Using Chromebooks, the students researched food preservation and then conducted an experiment.  Their hypothesis about what can best preserve a slice of apple: salt, sugar, corn syrup, lemon juice, refrigeration, or freeze-drying.  From our observations and data, the students concluded that freezing is the best way to preserve apple slices, as the frozen slices did not dehydrate, turn brown, and were not coated with something that would change the taste of the apple.  They did notice that, as the apple slices defrosted, the apple sliced turned a little brown and dehydrated a little bit.  The students felt that - even with those changes - those were the most appetizing.  The vote for "grossest" were the slices covered in corn syrup and the slices covered in salt.  We didn't taste any of the slices - "most appetizing" and "grossest" were based on appearance an smell.  Pictured is the class showing their results. Not pictured is Roni and Tzvi.

Norm Leist, Chief Financial Officer of CTA, is hosting a volunteer day this Sunday, March 22 from 10 am to 2 pm to do some brush and small tree removal around the back of the school building.  The brush and small trees need to be cut back 10ft or so from the walkways around the backside of our building.  This is for maintenance, view, and security.  We are asking for men, women, and older children to help with the work.  You would need to wear appropriate clothing and bring gloves, pruners, tree saws and even a chainsaw if you have one.   We would like volunteers to prepare a lunch with sandwiches, chips, and drinks.   (Funding available) Norm and his two sons will be here to help with the work and oversee operations.  This is a great opportunity to work as a team to help CTA and to earn volunteer hours for Give & Get! Please email me, Norm Leist, at  if you plan on helping!


On Tuesday, March 17th, students in CTA's Fourth Grade along with Ms. Neiwirth and Mrs. Lerner, participated in a very special field trip to view "Aminah at 75: The Continuing Story" at the Hammond Harkins Gallery in Bexley. The exhibit featured works by Columbus artist Aminah Robinson spanning many decades, including her drawings, paintings, sculptures, books, and mixed-media works. Fourth Grade students studied about Aminah Robinson earlier in the year and created beautiful mixed-media artworks that showed their own personal connections to the concept of community, an idea the artist uses often in her work.


Before embarking on their artistic adventure, students wrote letters to Aminah Robinson, sharing what they each love about her work, what makes it interesting and special, and what they learned about community from studying about her art. The most exciting part is that the letters will be delivered to the artist herself, thanks to our special contacts at the Hammon Harkins Gallery. What a treat! We hope she'll have the time to write back!


When we all arrived at the gallery, many students were surprised to see all this artwork right on Main Street in Bexley! Everyone was so excited to see Aminah's work in person and to see the amazing textures, the colors, and the intricate nature of the artist's work. We were even allowed to touch a few artworks (with permission, of course!) The students impressed the gallery staff with their knowledge and their curiosity. We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to view this special exhibition in such a small setting.

Students in 7th grade science became forensics scientists this week. Based on their studies of the chemical and physical properties of matter, students became crime scene detectives. Students had fun applying what they learned in the classroom and found out it's much easier to rule out a possible suspect than to prove who actually perpetrated the crime!







By demand, the E-Dateline will now be offering advertising space in its weekly newsletter.  Space is limited and rates are weekly as follows:


Weekly Dateline Sponsorship $150 (includes tribute line at top of newsletter)


Full Weekly E-Dateline Sponsorship:  $150 - Name at top

Full Size Submission:  $75 - size is 780 x 432 pixels/10 x 6"

Half Size Submission:  $50 - size is 390x 216 pixels/5.4 x 3"

1/3 Size Submission:  $30 - size is 260 x 144 pixels/3.6 x 2"


Rates are weekly and all submissions must be received by Wednesday at noon.  At this time advertising is only available in the e-Dateline, not paper version.  Advertising submissions are subject to content review. Contact for more information. 


1)   Who does the word "eilav" (to him) in verse 1:1 exclude?

a)   Aharon.


2)    Name all the types of animals and birds mentioned in this week's Parsha?

a.    Cattle, sheep, goats, turtledoves (torim), and doves (bnei yona).


3)    What two types of sins does an olah atone for?

a.    Neglecting a positive command, and violating a negative command which is rectified by a positive command.


4)    Where was the olah slaughtered?

a.    In the Mishkan Courtyard (azarah).


5)    What procedure of an animal-offering can a non-kohen perform?

a.     Ritual slaughter.


6)    Besides the fire the kohanim bring on the altar, where else did the fire come from?

a.     It descended from Heaven.


7)    At what stage of development are torim (turtledoves) and bnei yona (young pigeons) unfit as offerings?

a.     When their plumage turns golden. At that stage, bnei yona are too old and torim are too young.


8)    What is melika?

a.     Slaughtering a bird from the back of the neck using one's fingernail.


(Parsha Vayikra Quiz originally appeared on the 

Ohr Somayach  website,


As part of our partnership with the Shiloh school in Israel, we will be receiving riddles each week relating to the Parasha. You will notice this each week on this back page. The goal is to have the parents and children discuss the parasha, while trying to figure out the connection between the picture and the parasha. All answered riddles should be given to the Judaic teacher on Monday. The names of the winners will be announced and sent to our friends in Israel.


What is the connection between the picture and the first word in the parasha? 



The winner of last week's riddle:  Ariel Ilin



Moreh Dror Karavani will collect all of the submitted answers, put them into a box, and save them for the big raffle! You will hear more about this very soon. Keep your answers coming.



I hope you enjoy the electronic version of our Dateline. Please check out our website at