building ctalogogreyscale
The Columbus Torah Academy
181 Noe Bixby Rd, Columbus OH 43213

August 22, 2014

         26 Av 5774

  Candlelighting 7:59 p.m.
This Week on E-Dateline
Head of School's Message
Preview of the Week
Scrip Update
Give & Get
First Day of School
Faculty Professional Development Sessions with Chai Lifeline
Scholarship Dinner KickOff Meeting
What Did You Do This Summer?
Parent/Student Handbooks
The Weekly CTA Dateline
Turn in Tzedakah Box Money
Mazal Tov To
Condolences To
Box Tops for Education Opening Letter
Box Tops for Education Products
Box Tops Products at Costco
Box Tops Collection Sheet
Parsha Re'eh Quiz
Join Our Mailing List

As CTA's new Head of School it gives me great pleasure to welcome you back for what, G-d willing, will be an outstanding year of growth for our children and our school. I am energized by the great potential that exists in our school community and my wife and I are grateful for the gracious and warm welcome we have received.


Our children are grown, all successful professionals, and our grandchildren (seven with an eighth on the way) are all busy with projects and camps during the summer which leaves my wife and me, free to pursue one of our major interests, travel.  Every summer we choose a different destination in the United States or overseas and off we go!  This summer we took a Mediterranean cruise and visited Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Malta.  At every destination, we sought out the Jewish community.  We visited synagogues in Venice (I actually gave the Shabbat sermon in one) and also walked the streets of the ghettos in Venice and Rome.  I was profoundly saddened by what I found in our many ports-of-call.  To travel in Europe is to confront the twin ravages of anti-Semitism and assimilation.  In Split, Croatia, for instance, I found an elderly Jew who told us that the intermarriage rate was 100% (not a typo).  Currently about 100 Jews live in Split, and all have non-Jewish spouses.  A fraction of them meet in the ancient synagogue for Friday evening services and a communal dinner.  Although kosher food is not available, out of respect, they do not bring treif meat into the shul. In Montenegro, I asked our guide if there still was Jewish life in that country.  Not realizing the painful irony of her words, she responded, "Of course.  There is a cemetery." Simply stated, from the seemingly still vibrant Jewish communities to the ones that are on the brink of extinction, there is no future for European Jewish communities.  Anti-Semitism and assimilation will take their toll.


There is little we can do to stop anti-Semitism around the world.  The headlines of the past two months remind us of this tragic fact.  We are blessed, as Americans, however, to live in a just society, governed by the rule of law, with what I believe to be a divinely inspired constitution.  As long as our country remains faithful to the vision of the founding fathers, we as Jews will be able to live securely in this land and keep the haters at bay.  We must, however, be even more aware of the pernicious nature of assimilation for this disease can most assuredly destroy us.  The proof of this is demonstrated, statistically, by the Pew Report. 


The only antidote to assimilation is Jewish education.  Several major studies indicate that twelve years of Jewish education promotes the greatest degree of connection to Judaism.  In addition to marrying Jewish, young Jews who attend day schools for twelve years support Israel, join synagogues and contribute to Jewish causes to a far greater degree than their less fortunate Jewish counterparts whose education is limited to elementary or middle school.


My wife and I were witness to the continued decimation of a millennial-old European Jewish community. Annihilation and apathy have worked their evil ways.  The verdict is still out on American Jewry. We will only continue to exist if we educate our children and our teens.  Our communal goal must be 12 years of Jewish education for every Jewish child.  No child can be left behind. CTA is the only venue inColumbus where a Jewish child can begin Kindergarten, be introduced to the wonders and delights of Jewish living, and then graduate high school as an erudite, committed young Jew, well prepared for the future. CTA is the blessing that prevents our community from going the way of Malta, Montenegro and Split.


Please accept my best wishes for a successful school year.  I look forward to getting to know you so that we can forge a strong bond in educating our children.


Rabbi Samuel Levine

Monday, August 25:  Pizza Bagels
Tuesday, August 26:  Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday, August 27: Grilled Cheese
New Parent Orientation, 6pm
Meet the Teachers Grades K-6, 7pm
Thursday, August 28:  Sloppy Joe
School Pictures
Friday, August 29:  Fish Sticks
Monday, September 1:  Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 3: Curriculum Night/Meet the Teachers, Grades 7-12, 7pm
8th Grade Parent Meeting, 8:30pm
Wednesday, September 10:  12th Grade College Night, 7:30pm
Monday, August 25
HOME Volleyball Games vs. Granville Christian
Middle School, 5pm
Varsity, 6pm

HOME Soccer Game vs. Granville Christian
Varsity, 6pm

Tuesday, August 26
HOME Volleyball Game vs. Mt. Vernon
Varsity, 6pm

HOME Soccer Game vs. Mt Vernon
Varsity, 6pm

Thursday, August 28
AWAY Volleyball Game vs. Madison Christian
Middle School, 5pm
CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 212
Monday-Friday- 7:30am-4pm

There is still some Scrip inventory available for those who wish to purchase. Please call (864-0299) or stop by the front office.  Additional Scrip can be purchased by order or request.

Give & Get statements and updates will be provided in due course. 


Coming off of a summer full of building renovations, CTA was "up against the wire" to get ready for the start of school on August 21.  Renovations of the Lower School Gym, Shul, Multipurpose Space, 2nd grade classrooms, Lower School Science and Lunchroom, 

are still being completed but the transformation was exciting for students and parents alike when the doors opened for the start of school.  In addition to the new renovations, we welcomed Rabbi Levine, our new Head of School.


Save the date of Sunday, September 7, at 10 am for an upcoming community-wide program:  Welcome to our new Head of School and Dedication of the Newly Renovated CTA.

The first day of school tradition of matching up Kindergartners and Seniors in a Buddy Program was as exciting as every year.  The little ones were nervous, but the confident Seniors made them feel at ease.


Want to see all the great pictures from today? Check out our Facebook page?  Have you liked Columbus Torah Academy? Well, you will find pictures there or click here to see the link of pictures.  Click here to join our Facebook page!


Faculty and staff spent the early part of this week in division and grade level meetings preparing for the first day of school.  During the first day of Teacher Work Week, professionals from Chai Lifeline's Project Chai spent the afternoon with the full faculty presenting two workshops on trauma and school crisis.  Rabbi Dr. David Fox and Mrs. Zahava Farbman presented a workshop, "ABC's of Adjustment" focusing on the role that teachers play in recognizing students that are dealing with situations that are emotionally difficult to handle and then to come up with methods to create order and aid the student.  The second workshop, titled "Helping Ourselves in the Midst of Helping Our Students" focused on the needs of our teachers to personally reflect on their own emotions in situations of school crisis and how to maintain strength for their students.


Chai Lifeline's mission is to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed.  Their Project Chai division is a crisis intervention program dedicated to helping families cope with crisis. They provide counseling, retreats, and support to help the grieving and healing processes. Pictured left to right: Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff, Rabbi Samuel Levine, Rabbi Dr. David Fox, Mrs. Zahava Farbman, and Patty Sapp.


Before school even started, the CTA Scholarship Dinner planning meeting has begun to be formed. Chaired by Lara Blumberg, Lindsay Schottenstein and Esther Bernzweig, the Annual Scholarship Dinner will be help on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at the Hilton in downtown Columbus.  The annual event is an opportunity to showcase our school as we welcome more than 400 guests to the gala event.  Parents are encouraged to help serve on the planning committee.  The event is a fundraiser for our Scholarship Fund and all parents are expected to sell ads for the Tribute Journal.  Help is still needed. Click here to choose a sub-committee to be a part of.


From day camps to sleep away camps, family vacations and weekends at grandmas, "Mommy Camp" or hanging out at the pool, internships or work, CTA's students spent this past time in a wide range of pastimes.  We want to hear all about it.  Maybe where you go or how you spend your summer, can inspire another CTA student. 


Please click here to tell us more about what you did this summer.


Pictured is the AP Physics class with their instructor, Dr. Matthew Kennedy.  They spent some of their summer in an intensive workshop to prepare for this year's curriculum.  Wow!  That's dedication.



The Parent/Student Handbooks for Grades K-6 and 7-12 can be found on the Torah Academy website, Click on Portal and Downloadable Documents. We encourage you to read these very important books.


There will be NO paper copies of Dateline UNLESS a family requests one from Norma Whitmyre (  All families will receive a copy of the E-Dateline.


At the start of each Jewish month, on Rosh Chodesh, we remind you to empty your CTA Tzedakah Boxes and send in the contents to CTA.  You may send it to school by check or cash in an envelope or baggie marked with your name and the word "Tzedakah" on it.  If you need a new Box, contact Shari Herszage.


David Schmelzer (Class of '08) on his graduation with a Master of Science in Biological

   Sciences from Touro School of Osteopathic Medicine

Benjamin Winter (Class of '09) on his graduation from Yeshiva University with a double major in

   Psychology and Jewish Studies.

Jessica (Stern) Irwin (Class of '03) on the birth of a son, Landen Edward. Proud grandparents are

   Linda and Barry Starr and Sidney Stern.

Jamie (Stern) Bindell (Class of '01) on the birth of twins, a boy and a girl. Proud grandparents are

   Linda and Barry Starr and Sidney Stern.

Michael Cassell (Class of '07) on the birth of a son

Samuel Levy (8th Grade Class of '97) on the birth of a daughter.  Proud grandparents are Dr.

   Alan and Barbara Levy.

Chad & Mara Friedman on the birth of a son.  Proud grandparents are Eddie and Lily Friedman.

Rabbi David & Mrs. Shira Claman on the birth of a son

Dr. Robert and Ofra Chaykin on the birth of a daughter

Sarah Siegel (Class of '07) on her marriage to David Silverberg

Sam Schmelzer (Class of '06) on his marriage to Esti Kutschenko

Myriam Schottenstein (8th Grade Class of '02) on her marriage to Eliyahu Engelson

Danny Lebowitz (Class of '11) and Valery Galakchieva (Class of '10) on their marriage

Helene Azose (8th Grade Class of '76) on the marriage of her daughter Diana to Daniel Zwelling

   (Class of '06)

Annie Calabrese Wolf (Class of '04) on the birth of a daughter, Yael Shoshana

Chaim Schramm (Class of '10) on the birth of a son, Dovid Eliezer.  Proud grandparents are

   Marc and Sharon Schramm.

Cantor Baruch and Minna Shifman on the birth of their first great granddaughter, Leah

Michael Cassell (Class of '07) on the birth of a son

Josh Gold (8th Grade Class of '70) on the bar mitzvah of his son

Scott Shulman (Class of '05) on the birth of a son

Menucha Ackerman on the marriage of her sister

Yael Schottenstein (8th Grade Class of '08) on her engagement to Foli Gutnick of Melbourne,


Rabbi and Mrs. Levi Andrusier on the bar mitzvah of their son, Shmuli

Josh Cohen (Class of '10) on his graduation from Yeshiva University

Shimra Barnett (Class of '10) on her graduation from Stern College 

Julie Wasserman (8th Grade Class of '05) on her graduation from Stern College

Etana Zack (Class of '04) on receiving her Medical Degree from the Albany School of Medicine.

   Etana will begin her residency in pediatrics at Albany Med.

Tamar Libicki (Class of '03) on her marriage to Sergey Feldman

Ben Supowit (8th Grade Class of '97) on his marriage to Jenny Rolef

Rachel Shapiro Safran (Class of '01) on receiving her PhD in Psychology from Seton Hall


Ari Weisfogel (Class of '02) on receiving his Executive MBA from Baruch College

Brachie Tuchman (8th Grade Class of '07) on her engagement to Shalom Zenwirth


Joe and Monica Calabrese, Sam (Class of '02), Annie Calabrese Wolf (Class of '04) and Yoni

   (Class of '09) on the loss of mother and grandmother, Mary Calabrese

Rabbi Henoch and Chaya Morris, Reena (8th Grade Class of 08), Shmuel Isaac (8th Grade

   Class of '10) and Rochel, on the loss of father and grandfather, Moshe Blond

Danny Lebowitz (Class of '11) on the loss of his grandfather, Dr. Hirsch Wachs

Karan (Press) Tanenbaum (8th Grade Class of '67), Rochell (Press) Weisfogel (8th Grade Class

   of '69), Mindy Tanenbaum Cooper (Class of '97), Deena Tanenbaum (Class of '99), Joy

   Tanenbaum (Class of '03), Rebecca Weisfogel Fink (Class of '02), Miriam Weisfogel Becker

   (Class of '02), Ari Weisfogel (Class of '01),  Leah Weisfogel Starkman (Class of '02)  and Yitz

   Cooper (Kindergarten Class of 2014) on the loss of father, grandfather and great grandfather,

   Pearson Press 


All Box Tops for Education information can be found on the Torah  Academy website under Portal / Downloadable Documents.











It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation to:


All of the following in memory of Pearson Press:           

Gary Liebesman and Stacy Leeman

John and Rose Schwarz                                                        

Janice Schottenstein

Joe and Monica Calabrese                                                    

Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein

Ken and Nancy Supowit                                                         

Michael Berenstein and Natalie Berenstein

Bob and Betsey Lane                                                             

Barbara Flox


Robert and Amy Book in honor of Jay Schottenstein's 60th birthday


The Wolf Family, Bob, Patti, Josh, and Rachel to "express their warmest appreciation to Rabbi and Mrs. Kahn, Mrs. Eliza Delman, and the Upper School teachers and staff for their support and dedication.  You are our heroes.  We are forever grateful."


Bob, Patti, Josh, and Rachel Wolf "thank you to Mr. Pollack for inspiring Josh.  We will miss you."


Theodore and Mildred Blumenfeld in honor of Sarah Blumenfeld


Bary and Roni Leeman in honor of Jay Schottenstein's 60th birthday


David Sheeley in memory of his mother Teresa Sheeley-Pugh who would have celebrated her 60th birthday on July 22nd. She loved the CTA community and its love for David's niece and nephew who were students


The Randal A. Lowry Family in honor of Jay Schottenstein's 60th birthday


Warren and Marlene Sobol in honor of Rabbi Zvi and Sara Beth Kahn


Paul and Karan Tanenbaum with special thanks to Marcia Hershfield for writing the beautiful article for the OJC, and in honor of Ira Nutis and Cathy Schwartz, in memory of Janice Epstein's father Louis Keil, and in memory of Chaya Morris' father Mr. Blond


Jonathan and Elana Gisser in honor of Dr. Dan Chase for going above and beyond the call of duty


Tod and Cheri Friedman in memory of Tamalynn Lerner's mother-in-law, in memory of Chaya Morris' father, and in memory of Pearson Press


1.  What were the sites designated for the "blessings and the curses" to be pronounced by the people?

     a.  Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Eval, respectively.


2.  On what condition will Bnei Yisrael receive the blessings from Hashem?

     a.  On condition that they listen to Hashem's commandments.


3.  Why does the Torah use idolatry as an example when describing one who strays from the path that Hashem commanded?

     a.  Because those who worship idols are considered as if they have strayed from the entire Torah. 


4.  What was to be the sign for the Jewish People that they would inherit the Land.

     a.  The miracles that would occur while crossing the Jordan River.


5.  During the 14 years of the conquest and division of the Land, what types of offerings were permitted on private altars?

     a.  Vow offerings or free-will offerings.


6.  What must one do with consecrated animals that develop a blemish?

     a.  They must be redeemed and may then be eaten.


7.  In what ways does a consecrated animal that develops a blemish retrain a degree of kedusha (holiness)?

     a.  Eating it is permitted, but use of its milk or fleece is forbidden.


8.  Why was the tribe of Yehuda not permitted to conquer Jerusalem?

     a.  When Avraham bought ma'arat hamachpelah, he made a covenant of peace with the Hittites who sold it.  His descendants honored this pact regarding the Hittite descendants in Jerusalem.


9.  Why were the Jewish People allowed to see the extermination of the Canaanites?

     a.  to learn not to follow in their depraved ways.


10.  What forms of idol worship are punishable by death?

     a.  Slaughtering or burning a sacrifice on an altar, pouring libations, prostrating oneself, and any normal manner of worshipping that idol.




 (Parsha Re'eh Quiz appeared on the Ohr Somayach website)

I hope you enjoy the electronic version of our Dateline. Please check out our website at