In this week's Torah portion of Metzora we continue to learn about tzara'at, a skin ailment that afflicted people if they committed certain sins connected to gossip and haughtiness. The Torah emphasizes throughout the parsha that only kohanim were authorized to deal with people who had been stricken with tzara'at. Why was this so? What was special about the kohanim in this regard? Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt"l, explained that the kohanim were always careful to treat everyone nicely. This was due to the fact that the kohanim had no property of their own and were thus dependent upon the goodwill of other people to give them terumah and challah (the gifts of produce and bread mandated by the Torah). Therefore, kohanim were experts in the area of building positive interpersonal relationships. This, Rav Moshe continues, make them the perfect people to counsel and help the individuals who, because of their negative character traits, ended up getting punished with tzara'at.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Kahn
Twelve Angry Jurors was a phenomenal success! Performed at two standing room only productions, the "Old Library" was transformed into an intense jury deliberation room as twelve jurors decide the fate of one accused murderer. The clearly-decided guilty verdict in the first few moments of the play was upset by the single not guilty verdict that looked as though it would create a hung jury. But the progress of the drama continues as the jury deliberates over the evidence and arrives at a surprising decision.
What made this CTA production extra special was that it was student initiated, first by Becky Portman, and then through the excitement of her classmates/fellow actors. The students auditioned for the roles of the 12 jurors, each with such distinct personality traits and expressions. During the play the actors embraced the roles wholeheartedly. If you missed the production, be assured that we expect to hear from these actors again in future plays and that we can take pride in their initiative to produce the play and their successful efforts.
Thank you to Laurie Alexander for coming out of retirement to direct the play and to the Kalef family for their help with staging, lighting and refreshments. And a special appreciation to the production's sponsors, the Supowit and Wenger families, parents of former thespians at CTA.
Monday, April 7: Pizza Bagels-Volunteer: Y. Levi
Executive Board Meeting, 7:30pm
Tuesday, April 8: Hamburgers-Volunteer: L. Schottenstein
CTA Twirlers, 4-5pm
Wednesday, April 9: Grilled Cheese-Volunteer: R. Fineberg
Thursday, April 10: Sloppy Joe-Volunteer: C. Derrow
Friday, April 11: Model Seder/Chicken Cutlet-Volunteer: S. Lubow
Lower School Dress Down Day
Monday, April 21: Passover Break - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, April 22: Passover Break - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, April 23: Passover Break - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, April 24: Turkey Pastrami-Volunteer: M. Napper
Friday, April 25: Fish Sticks-Volunteer: P. Schiff
Lower School Dress Down Day
4:00 p.m. Friday Dismissal Schedule Resumes
Monday, April 28: Pizza Bagels-Volunteer: R. Fineberg
Tuesday, April 29: Chicken Nuggets-Volunteer: S. Lubow
CTA Twirlers, 4-5pm
Wednesday, April 30: Lasagna
Thursday, May 1: TBD
Friday, May 2: Tuna-Volunteer: C. Wolt
May 5-9: Ohio Achievement Assessments, Grades 3-6
May 18-20: CBI - Columbus Baseball Invitational
Sunday, May 18: Spring Fling
Tuesday, April 8
AWAY Baseball Game vs. Millersport
AWAY Softball Game vs. Granville
Thursday, April 10
AWAY Softball Game vs. LCCA
Monday, April 28
HOME Softball Game vs. Patriot Prep
AWAY Baseball Game vs. Gahanna Christian
Thursday, May 1
HOME Baseball Game vs. Licking County
HOME Softball Game vs. OSD
CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 112
Monday-Thursday- 7:30am-4pm
The Scrip Office keeps a variety of available scrip on hand. Special order scrip from hundreds of stores is available by sending your request to scrip@torahacademy.org. To see a complete selection of all of the Scrip choices, go to www.glscrip.com. To benefit CTA with online purchases, register at www.iGive.com.
Remember: Target Take Charge of Education Program; Box Tops for Education; Giant Eagle Apples for Students, Kroger card, and empty inkjet cartridges into the box at the front office. To view the vendors participating in the Scrip Program go to www.glscrip.com.
Call & Deliver Program for Scrip: email scrip@torahacademy.org or call 864-0299 to order scrip and have it delivered to your home!
BUY KROGER GIFT CARDS: Jewish Family Services is asking for donations of $10 Kroger Gift Cards to use for their Passover Basket Project to benefit families in our community. You can purchase gift cards at Kroger using your rewards card that is linked to CTA and a percentage of the purchase benefits CTA as well as helps families in our community. For more information about helping with the JFS Passover Basket Project, contact JFS at 231-1890.
Help CTA to Win a Wireless Lab from Discovery Education and CDW-G. Enter daily until May 1. Go to:
and be entered to receive daily reminders. The more times you enter, the more times we have the chance to win!
iGive: Do you and your family make a lot of purchases on the internet? Have you registered for iGive? More than 1400 stores are connected through iGive and when registered, a percentage of your purchases will benefit CTA. We have been registered since 2011 and have earned close to $1000. However, we only have 62 registered members. Are you one of them? To get connected, go to http://www.igive.com/HS49PpM and register today!
By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator
Rosh Chodesh NissanNissan is already here and we can feel Spring coming. Throughout the grades, everybody is learning about Pesach and preparing their individual haggadah and other various projects. This coming week, we're going to be very busy baking matzah with Rabbi Andrusier, the director of Camp Gan Israel. On Wednesday, special guests from Israel will go into each classroom, talking about their choir formed in Kfar Saba and teach the students songs about Pesach. Later in the day, the students will all get together in the shul to sing the songs they were taught earlier. On Friday, we will have our traditional model seder with interactive discussion and activities. We will share more pictures with you. Yasher Koach to the bentchers of the month: Hannah Garvin, Maya Aframian, Lila Gisser, and Saul Blumberg.
ON THE UP & UP: NEWS FROM THE UPPER SCHOOL JUDAIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz, Upper School Judaic Studies Coordinator |
CTA Beit Medrash 
Chavruta (study partner) learning has been a hallmark of Upper School Judaic Studies since before we were born (at least some of us). What Rabbis Drandoff and Frankiel are developing, however, is the groundwork for an authentic beit medrash (study hall) program. Currently we have been utilizing the chavruta model is as an optional modality for Judaic Studies courses. Moving into the official Beit Medrash section of the library, students enjoy the new challenge, change of venue, as well as the cushioned chairs.
The vision, however, is to nurture this as it develops into a higher level, Beit Medrash experience for capable upperclassmen. Such a program would enable upperclassmen, who have honed their skills to the point where they can independently decipher Gemara and Tanach with just the guidance and support of a rebbe/morah, to learn on a truly post high school level. In addition to staying true to our goal of developing independent learners, this type of model would allow a single rebbe or moreh to guide a greater number of students while offering a high level of differentiation. This could be big!
Table Talk: Parshat Metzorah continues the discussion of tzaraat as well as other forms of ritual impurity. How would you explain what tahara and tuma (literally "purity" and "impurity")mean to your child? How do we understand it ourselves? In a time where, unfortunately, we have no Beit HaMikdash, the ramifications as well as the meanings of tahara are much more foreign. How are the concepts of tahara versus tumah relevant today?
SAY IT IN HEBREW By Galit Golan, K-12 Hebrew Language Coordinator |
The 6th graders are learning about the Dead Sea in Hebrew Class
Morah Kelly's 6th grade class integrates Israel studies in their Hebrew curriculum. The 6th grade text book takes the students to a tour in Israel, focusing on Jerusalem and the south. The students have been learning about special sites in Israel, such as the Knessest,- the Israeli parliament, The Israel Museum , the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel which ranked among the world's leading art and archaeology museums, and more. This week, the students have been learning about the Dead Sea.
Did you know the following facts about the Dead Sea?
1. The surface and shores of the Dead Sea are 423 meters (1,388 ft) below sea level, making it Earth's lowest elevation on land.
2. With 33.7% salinity, the Dead Sea is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water.
3. The Dead Sea's unusually high salt concentration means that people can easily float in the Dead Sea due to natural buoyancy
4. The Dead Sea is roughly 8.6 times saltier than the ocean.
5. The Dead Sea is 67 kilometers (42 mi) long and 18 kilometers (11 mi) wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley and its main tributary is the Jordan River.
6. The Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment due to the mineral content of the water and other reasons.
7. Biblically, the Dead Sea was a place of refuge for King David. It was one of the world's first health resorts (for Herod the Great), and it has been the supplier of a wide variety of products, from balms for Egyptian mummification to potash for fertilizers. (Fact from: http://twistedsifter.com/2012/06/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-dead-sea/).
The picture below shows Morah Kelly's 6th grade students happy to learn about the Dead Sea. Shabbat Shalom!
Is your Kroger Reward card linked to CTA? If no, do it now! If yes, you MUST re-enroll your rewards card beginning on April 1. This DOES NOT HAPPEN AUTOMATICALLY. The rewards program terminates EVERY APRIL, and you NEED TO RESTART IT!! UNLESS YOU RENEW YOUR REWARDS (every April), CTA will NOT BENEFIT AT ALL. Please take 5 minutes & go to: www.kroger.com. Select "community"; then "Kroger Community Rewards"; log in; (remember to find AND select Columbus Torah Academy) & save. If you have any questions or want help, contact Kim Abelman or Shari Herszage.
The Annual Meeting will take place on Monday, May 12, at 7:30 p.m. Board elections will take place. All parents and donors in good standing are invited to attend. And, if you or someone you know would be interested in serving on one of the Executive Board committees for the 2014-2015 school year, please submit names in writing to Norma at school.
The 7th graders have kicked off the annual 8th grade Magazine Subscription Drive! Please help them raise money for the 2014 8th grade Washington trip. The subscription drive will run through the end of the year.
Please see any 7th grader OR go on-line to www.gaschoolstore.com. In the upper right hand corner, enter CTA's code, #2522449. Thanks for you support!
Rabbi Areyah and Esther Kaltmann on Simcha Brocha becoming a Bat
Helen and Mike Miller on the engagement of their daughter, Esther to Max
Sam Schmelzer (Class of '06) on his engagement to Esti Kutschenko of
Mousa & Shelly Aframian, Chad & Mara Friedman, Seth & Leslie Hoffman, Yaacov & Bruria Martin and Oded & Miriam Shenkar for sponsoring the delicious Rosh Chodesh Staff Appreciation Lunch this month!
Thank you to all the students who participated in this year's PTO Miss Chocolate Fundraiser. Congratulations to fourth grader, Yaakov Liebesman for selling more than $1,000 in chocolates. Way to go Yaakov!
Shari (Flamholz) Goren (8th Grade Class of '71), Paul Tanenbaum, Hal Tanenbaum and Laeh Bat-Simcha on the loss of their mother and sister Fran Flamholz in Ramat Gan, Israel
Below is a revised copy of the 2014-2015 school calendar. Please note that the first day of school is Thursday, August 21, 2014.
Parents were privileged to join together earlier this week for the culminating event of Writer's Workshop. Students in 2nd and 5th grade enjoyed an intensive with Writer in Residence, Amy Greenberg, and the Sharing Night was an opportunity for the students to read aloud selections of their poems and short stories (2nd and 5th grade, respectively). This annual event was expanded this year to expose the 3rd and 4th grade students to Amy's expertise and to bridge their workshop experience between the grades. The exposure to the writing process and the development of their own writings is a significant part of the language arts curriculum at CTA and as we adopt the Common Core Curriculum, those skills are being expanded throughout the disciplines. Sharing Night is an opportunity for the students to celebrate their accomplishments and for each student to share a piece of original work. Sharing and reading aloud is an essential part of the writing process which helps students to hear what they cannot see and to develop better expression, diction, spelling and flow to their writing.
Two special events this week brought together CTA parents and teachers for social interaction beyond the walls of our beautiful building. "Singers & Songwriters" presented by PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) highlighted the musical talent both inside our school and in our school community. Featured performers captivated the audience with extraordinary talent from within our midst. What a nice way to learn more about each other! Pictured are performers: Robin Garvin, Cheri Friedman, Sara Beth Kahn, Shira Frankiel, and Rachel Metz. A special thank you to Patty Schiff for hosting the event in her gorgeous home.
First grade parents held a "Mom's Night Out" at Piccadilly Play Café and engaged in delightful refreshments and collaborative art projects. The event is now an annual for this group who also joined together last Spring at an event to get to know one another. Great events! Great plans! Great fun! If you have an idea for a social, bring it to life and get to know your child's friend's parents!
It's that time again to empty your CTA tzedakah box and turn your money into school. Please send all money either in check or Ziploc baggies with your name clearly marked on it. All donations are credited to your Give & Get account and every penny counts to make our school a wonderful place! If you do not have a CTA Tzedakah Box, please contact the school office and one can be sent home with your child.
As we are sure you did, the students and teachers at CTA certainly took advantage of our "Day of Spring" earlier this week with outside recess, sun streaming through the classroom windows and tons of positive energy. Pictured are Upper School students engaging in learning in the Outdoor Amphitheater.
Also pictured are third graders: Aviel Metz, Maya Aframian, Ruthie Blumberg, Talia Sukienik, and Mia Cohen who read Making Murals by Rob Arego and learned about the steps involved in making a mural include thinking of an idea, sketching the idea, making a small drawing, tracing the mural on the wall, and painting the mural. The final step is for people to look up and enjoy the mural. The students chose Nature in Spring for their subject (perhaps wishful thinking, at the time) and were excited to display and show their work, especially in Dateline!
Yasher kochachem to four city students who are studying in Israel this year. CTA 12th graders, Shoshana Ginsburg and Bradley Rosenstein and 2013 graduates, Esther Geiger and Sarah Nutis who ran the Jerusalem Marathon's half marathon (Way to go Shoshana!) and 10K (Awesome, Bradley, Esther and Sarah!) and raised money at individual goals for Yachad, the National Jewish Council for Disabilities. The Jerusalem Hills are especially difficult and the runners took on this commitment in addition to their school work in Israel.
Also congratulations to graduates currently attending Stern College: Sharona Kay on her performance in the The Tempest and Sarah Miriam Ginsburg, stage director of the same production. Way to make CTA proud!
BLOOD DRIVE at the JCC College Ave.: Wednesday, April 23, 12:00 noon - 6:30 p.m. The need for blood donors is never completely satisfied. New donors must be found when long time donors can no longer give. You can arrange an appointment by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-Give Life or go to the Red Cross website atwww.redcrossblood.org sponsor code: tolifecolumbus.
Bexley Public Library (BPL) is once again participating in American Library Association's Money Smart Week, April 5-12, 2014. During this time, BPL will be providing financial literacy programming for the community. Each program will be held in the library's auditorium free of charge. No prior registration is needed. Information is available at the library, on our website, www.bexlib.org, and by calling (614) 231-2793.
It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation to:
The Scholarship Fund:
Ken and Nancy Supowit in memory of Cantor Jeff Siegel's beloved mother
Jeffrey Schottenstein in honor of his family, Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein,
Joey and Lindsay Schottenstein, Jacob, Jonah, and Emma, and
Jonathan Schottenstein
The Galron Ensemble from Kfar Saba, Israel will be visiting Columbus. The Choir has enjoyed a strong relationship with Columbus since their first visit more than 10 years ago and their visit will be a highlight of that relationship with lovers of music and song. The choir will perform for audiences all over the city, collaborate with the Bexley High School Choirs, synagogues, retirement facilities, at Gallery Hop, and even will sing the National Anthem for the home ballgame of the Columbus Clippers. They will spend time in our lower grades and will perform at a FREE community-wide concert on April 8, at 7:30 pm at Temple Israel where some CTA students will participate.
1. When may a metzora not be pronounced tahor (ritually pure)?
a. At night.
2. In the midbar (wilderness) where did a metzora dwell while he was tamei (ritually impure)?
a. Outside the three camps.
3. Why does the metzora require birds in the purification process?
a. Tzara'at comes as a punishment for lashon hara. Therefore, the Torah requires the metzora to offer birds, who chatter constantly, to atone for his sin of chattering.
4. In the purification process of metzora, what does the cedar wood symbolize?
a. The cedar is a lofty tree. It alludes to the fact that tzara'at comes as a punishment for haughtiness.
5. How was having tzara'at in one's house sometimes advantageous?
a. The Amorites concealed treasures in the walls of their houses. After the conquest of the Land, tzara'at would afflict these houses. The Jewish owner would tear down the house and find the treasures.
6. When a house is suspected as having tzara'at, what is the status prior to the inspection by a kohen?
a. It is tahor.
7. What happens to the vessels that are in a house found to have tzara'at?
a. They become tamei.
8. Which type of vessels cannot be made tahor after they become tamei?
a. Earthenware vessels.
(Parsha Metzora Quiz appeared on the Ohr Somayach website)
As part of our partnership with the Shiloh school in Israel, we will be receiving riddles each week relating to the Parasha. You will notice this each week on this back page. The goal is to have the parents and children discuss the parasha, while trying to figure out the connection between the picture and the parasha. All answered riddles should be given to the Judaic teacher on Monday. The names of the winners will be announced and sent to our friends in Israel.
What is the connection between the picture and the parasha?
Moreh Dror Karavani will collect all of the submitted answers, put them in a box, and save them for the big raffle! You will hear more about this very soon. Keep your answers coming.