This week's Torah portion of Tetzaveh describes the special clothing that the kohanim wore while performing their sacred work in the Mishkan and, later, the Beit Hamikdash. We learn that the regular kohanim wore four special garments and the kohan gadol (high priest) wore eight vestments. One of the kohan gadol's special garments was the me'il, which was a long tunic with small golden bells attached around the bottom hem. What was the function of the bells? The illustrious medieval commentator, Ramban, explains that the bells served to announce the kohan gadol's entrance in a gentle, pleasant manner. He adds that this reflects the Talmud's statement that a person should never enter a home or room without first knocking or announcing his presence in some way. This demonstrates respect for the privacy and property of other people. In our times, when privacy often appears to be a forgotten concept, the lesson of the kohan gadol's bells should resonate with us all.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Kahn
Since our last update in the Dateline, our Search Committee, in consultation with Yeshiva University decided to pursue an Interim Head of School for the 2014-2015 school year. After enlisting the assistance of Yeshiva University Day School Partnership, we have found an excellent candidate. CTA has invited Rabbi Shmuel Levine for a visit to Columbus, Feb. 18-19. After an extensive career in Jewish education, Rabbi Levine is retiring from his current position as Headmaster of Hillel Day School of Boca Raton at the conclusion of this school year and is very interested in exploring the Interim post at CTA. During his stay, he will be touring Columbus, having lunch with community leaders, and interacting with teachers and administrators. A "Meet and Greet" of Board members and the Search Committee will be held on Tuesday evening, February 18. We encourage everyone to make Rabbi Levine feel welcome and eager to join our school community.
Monday, February 10: Pizza Bagels-Volunteer: B. Martin
Tuesday, February 11: Chicken Nuggets-Volunteer: L. Schottenstein
Wednesday, February 12: Lasagna-Volunteer: R. Fineberg
Lower School Student Council, 4-5pm
Varsity Girls leave for Basketball Tournament in Miami, FL
Thursday, February 13: Sloppy Joes-Volunteer: C. Derrow
Friday, February 14: Faculty Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
Monday, February 17: President's Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 19: Mid 3rd Quarter
Friday, February 28: PSAS Financial Assistance Forms Due
Monday, March 3: Executive Board Meeting, 7:30pm Sunday, March 9: Daylight Savings Time Begins, turn clocks ahead 1 hour
March 10-12 & 17-18: OGT Exam, Grade 10
Friday, March 14: Purim Festivities, Grades K-12
It's Basketball Season!
COAL Middle School Tournament
Tuesday, February 11
COAL Middle School Tournament
Wednesday, February 12
Varsity Girls leave for Miami Tournament
Thursday, February 13
COAL Middle School Tournament at Torah Academy
CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 112
Monday-Thursday- 7:30am-4pm
The Scrip Office keeps a variety of available scrip on hand. Special order scrip from hundreds of stores is available by sending your request to scrip@torahacademy.org. To see a complete selection of all of the Scrip choices, go to www.glscrip.com. To benefit CTA with online purchases, register at www.iGive.com.
Remember: Target Take Charge of Education Program; Box Tops for Education; Giant Eagle Apples for Students, Kroger card, and empty inkjet cartridges into the box at the front office. To view the vendors participating in the Scrip Program go to www.glscrip.com.
Call & Deliver Program for Scrip: email scrip@torahacademy.org or call 864-0299 to order scrip and have it delivered to your home!
If you would like to volunteer, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Abelman, at 855-5195 or kimabel3@gmail.com. Volunteer time is worth $25 per hour towards Give & Get.
Featured Fundraisers: Fun Factory collection of Ink Jet cartridges, and iGive.com.
NEWS FROM THE LOWER SCHOOL JUDAIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator |
Building the Mishkan: Last Friday, our Kindergarteners were once again very busy. Anyone walking by the old gym would have seen the children focused and working hard together with their teachers. They learned about the Mishkan and the special kailim (the holy vessels), and with wooden blocks, they built the Mishkan. They focused on the big room - the Kodesh - and the small room - the Kodesh Hakadoshim. Each student had a picture of one of the special vessels (i.e. the menorah, the altar, the holy ark, etc.). Each entered the Mishkan and placed it in the correct room. What a wonderful way to welcome Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh Adar!
This Friday, the students dressed the Kohanim in their special clothing and learned about different uniforms worn by people and the significance of each one of them.
Parashat Hashavua with Fifth and Sixth Graders: Morah Elana's Fifth and Sixth Graders are being exposed to some very exciting learning, including discussions of the main topics in the parashat hashavua, various commentaries and their viewpoints, and more. She has added a new level of learning specifically during parashat hashavua class. In addition to the views presented, the students have learned to take all of this information and synthesize it by writing down their own D'vrei Torah which they first present to their classmates and then share at their own Shabbat tables. What a wonderful way to make the parasha personalized and to have the students express themselves and begin their journeys in public speaking.

Pesach Already?
Last year our high school learned about the Exodus in Chumash class and this year we are learning Tractate Pesachim and the story of Avraham being selected to find the Chosen People. What an opportune time to bring home the concept of Exodus and the Chosen People to something meaningful and personally relevant. After much deliberation from the Judaic Studies team, our high school embarked on an interdisciplinary Haggadah project that will hopefully bring the past 2 years worth of study to a deeper and more personal dimension. After the students have distilled their personal connection to Exodus and the Chosen Nation, Mrs. Moreno and Mr. Guinan will help them put their thoughts into a compelling written work. We hope our efforts to deepen the message of Pesach will speak to others as well. Please be on the look-out for our high school's Seder companion this Nissan (April)!
Table Talk: In last week's parsha we read about the construction of the Mishkan and this week the parsha (Titzaveh) focuses on the Kohanic garb. Between the gold, rare gems and fine fabrics the Kohenic trappings must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. How does such a focus on clothing fit in the holiest place on earth? Are there implications for how we dress today?
SAY IT IN HEBREW By Galit Golan, Hebrew Language Coordinator |
This year the learning of the Aleph Bet in Kindergarten started in mid year, but it's already up to full speed. Morah Jaime presents each letter to the students, using a Power Point presentation and a related story. The students are learning a song for each letter, and use a helpful sign, from the Hebrew Reading Magic curriculum, to remember the shape and the sound of each letter. They also have the opportunity to practice writing the letters on their white boards. The pictures below show parts of the lesson and the integrated use of technology. Morah Eva's third grade students prepared a unique surprise for their guests on the Special Person Day. A special message in a bottle will be written by the students to their special guests, and the guests will have the opportunity to write their own message to their host. Have a warm and safe Shabbat!
Rabbi Avraham and Hope Drandoff on the birth of a son
Kim Zacks and Ariela Zacks on the loss of father and grandfather, Gordon Zacks
The PTO is ready to take your orders for their annual Purim card sale. In lieu of sending traditional Mishloach Manot baskets to family and friends, consider purchasing Purim postcards, artfully-done by Ms. Neiwirth's students. It is a great way to support the PTO and an easy, convenient and low-calorie way to wish a Happy Purim to your friends and family, near and far. A packet of 20 cards is $18.00 and $25.00 with stamps included. Check or cash are accepted. Order forms will be available in next week's Dateline and can be left at the front desk or mailed to the school. Deadline for ordering cards is February 28. Delivery by March 7. Any questions, please call Agi Hartstein at 239-8760.
It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation:
To the Scholarship Fund:
Paul and Karan Tanenbaum in memory of Avrohom Leib Hershoff brother of
Elaine Shindel and Dorothy Kahn
Blood Drive at the JCC College Ave. - Wednesday, February 26. The need for blood donors is never completely satisfied. New donors must be found when long time donors can no longer give. Please come Monday, February 26, to the JCC between 12:00 noon and 6:30 pm to give the "Gift of Life". You can arrange an appointment by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-Give Life or go to the Red Cross website at www.redcrossblood.org sponsor code: tolifecolumbus.
The 19th Annual Justine Hackman Memorial Young Jewish Artist Competition: The application deadline: Feb. 27 for musicians in 1st-12th grades. Auditions: Sunday, March 9, 12:45-4:30 at Tifereth Israel. Performance Date: Thursday, April 3, 7:00 pm. Send applications to: Attn: Hackman, 1354 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205 or email to rsvp@tiferethisrael.org.
1. What two precautions were taken to assure the purity of oil for the menorah?
a. The olives were pressed and not ground; and only the first drop was used.
2. How was Aharon commanded to kindle the menorah?
a. He was commanded to kindle it until the flame ascended by itself.
3. What does tamid mean in reference to the menorah?
a. It means that it should be kindled every night?
4. What does kehuna mean?
a. Service.
5. Name the eight garments worn by the Kohen Gadol ?
a. Choshen, ephod, me'il, ketonet, mitznefet, avnet, tzitz, and michnasayim.
6. to what does Rashi compare the ephod?
a. A woman's riding garment.
7. In which order were the names of the Tribes inscribed on the ephod?
a. In order of birth.
8. The stones of the ephod bore the inscription of the names of the sons of Yaakov. Why?
a. So that G-d would see their names and recall their righteousness.
(Parsha Tetzaveh Quiz appeared on the Ohr Somayach website)
As part of our partnership with the Shiloh school in Israel, we will be receiving riddles each week relating to the Parasha. You will notice this each week on this back page. The goal is to have the parents and children discuss the parasha, while trying to figure out the connection between the picture and the parasha. All answered riddles should be given to the Judaic teacher on Monday. The names of the winners will be announced and sent to our friends in Israel.
What is the connection between the picture and the parasha? Look in Chapter 25, Verse 20. You will find the answer there.
The winner of last week's riddle is Eliezer Kohn.
Moreh Dror Karavani will collect all of the submitted answers, put them in a box, and save them for the big raffle! You will hear more about this very soon. Keep your answers coming.
I hope you enjoy the electronic version of our Dateline. Please check out our website at www.torahacademy.org.