building ctalogogreyscale
The Columbus Torah Academy
181 Noe Bixby Rd, Columbus OH 43213

September 13, 2013

          9 Tishrei 5773

Yom Kippur
  Candlelighting 7:27 p.m.
This Week on E-Dateline
Headmaster's Message
Get Ready for Sukkot & The Big Give
Preview of the Week of Sept. 15-20
Preview of the Week of Sept. 22-27
Preview of the Week of Sept. 29-Oct. 4
Give & Get Grapevine
News from the Lower School Judaic Studies Department
Say It In Hebrew
News from the Upper School Judaic Studies Dept.
Class Composite Pictures
Star Teacher: Jamie Bindell, Kindergarten
PJ Pals Story Time
Navigating Jewish Day School Class to Meet on Sept. 24
Scholarship Dinner Corner
The Columbus Jewish Federation
Mazal Tov To
Condolences To
High School Student Council Results
PTO Innisbrook Sale - Coming Soon
Community News
Parenting Class
PJ Pals
Box Tops for Education
Join Our Mailing List

This week we are all involved in preparing for Yom Kippur. After Yom Kippur we will begin intensive preparations for the holiday of Sukkot. In fact, there is a beautiful custom to go out the night after Yom Kippur and initiate the first steps involved in building the sukkah. This connects the two holidays in a practical and tangible way. On a deeper level, the commentators point out that there is a profound connection between Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Yom Kippur is the culminating point of the Ten Days of Repentance when we devote ourselves completely to fasting, prayer and teshuvah (repentance). Sukkot is called Z'man Simchateinu - the Season of our Joy, when we commemorate G-d's special protection over the Jewish People during their forty years in the wilderness, and celebrate G-d's on-going providence and blessings to us. The themes of these two holidays do not appear, at first glance, to be related. However, one of the lessons we are intended to glean from their juxtaposition is that we should feel confident that Hashem is going to keep His promise to the Jewish People and grant us full forgiveness and atonement on Yom Kippur. We are so positive of this that directly after Yom Kippur we begin preparing for the joyous holiday of Sukkot. Our rejoicing during Sukkot expresses the fact that we know if we just do our part on Yom Kippur, G-d will do His part the whole year round.


Have an easy and meaningful fast. Shabbat Shalom!


Rabbi Zvi Kahn


Join CTA to Get Ready for Sukkot in grand style!  From 1-3 pm, the JCC will host CTA for a fantastic celebration in preparation for Sukkot.  This is fun for the whole family and it is all FREE!  This program is sponsored by Leonore Zusman and the Stuart & Marilyn Cole Fund of the Columbus Jewish Foundation.


Note these times to make sure you don't miss all the activities:


1:00pm:  Arts & Crafts booths, Bounce House, Game Truck, and Refreshment Center open for All Ages


1:15pm:  Adult Education 1 - Seek Shelter:  Vulnerability in the Sukkah with Shira Claman


1:30pm:  Puppetry and Fun in the Theater


2:15pm:  Adult Education 2 - Q&A: The ABC's of Sukkot with Rabbi Weitz


This Tuesday, September 17, begins a 24-hour period of giving.  CTA is joining in the Columbus Foundation's Big Give where $1,000,000 in matching funds will be available to more than 600 non-profit organizations in central Ohio.  With your help, CTA's efforts will be successful and your donation will be amplified!  To participate, contact Shari Herszage at or go to  to make your donation.  Gifts must be a minimum of $20 and must be paid with a credit card.


Sunday, September 15: Get Ready for Sukkot, 1-3pm, JCC
Monday, September 16: Pizza Bagels
Tuesday, September 17: Hamburgers
Wednesday, September 18:  Erev Succot - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 19: Succot- NO SCHOOL
Friday, September 20: Succot - NO SCHOOL
Monday, September 23: Ravioli
Tuesday, September 24: Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday, September 25: Hoshanah Rabbah - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 26:  Shemini Atzeret - NO SCHOOL
Friday, September 27: Simchat Torah - NO SCHOOL 
Monday, September 30: Macaroni & Cheese
Tuesday, Ocotber 1: Tacos-Volunteer: L. Hoffman
Executive Board Meeting, 7:30pm
Wednesday, October 2: Grilled Cheese-Volunteer: A. Kohn
Thursday, October 3: Sloppy Joe
School Picture Retake Day
Friday, October 4: Tuna
Monday, Sept. 16
AWAY Soccer vs. New Hope
MS Boys, 4:30pm
HS Boys, 6pm

AWAY Volleyball vs. CSG
MS Girls, 5pm

Tuesday, Sept. 17
HOME Soccer vs. Patriot Prep
HS Boys, 5pm

Sunday, Sept. 22
HOME Soccer vs. Mt. Vernon
HS Boys, 12pm

HOME Volleyball vs. Mt. Vernon
HS Girls, 12pm

Monday, Sept. 23
AWAY Soccer vs. Grace Christian
MS Boys, 5pm

AWAY Volleyball vs. Grace Christian
MS Girls, 5pm

Tuesday, Sept. 24
HOME Volleyball vs. Patriot Prep
HS Girls, 6pm

Monday, Sept. 30
AWAY Soccer vs. Genoa Christian
MS Boys, 5pm

AWAY Volleyball vs. Genoa Christian
MS Girls, 5pm

Tuesday, Oct. 1
HOME Soccer vs. OSD
HS Boys, 5:30pm

HOME Volleyball vs. OSD
HS Girls, 5:30pm

Thursday, Oct. 3
HOME Volleyball vs. Polaris Christian
MS Girls, 5pm

HOME Soccer vs. New Hope
HS Boys, 5:30 pm
CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 112
Monday-Friday- 7:30am-4pm

The Scrip Office keeps a variety of available scrip on hand. Special order scrip from hundreds of stores is available by sending your request to To see a complete selection of all of the Scrip choices, go to To benefit CTA with online purchases, register at  

Remember: Target Take Charge of Education Program; Box Tops for Education; Giant Eagle Apples for Students, Kroger card, and empty inkjet cartridges into the box at the front office. To view the vendors participating in the Scrip Program go to


Call & Deliver Program for Scrip: email or call 864-0299 to order scrip and have it delivered to your home!   


If you would like to volunteer, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Abelman, at 855-5195 or Volunteer time is worth $25 per hour towards Give & Get.


By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator


The month of Tishrei is the busiest month of the Jewish year. In addition to our Chumash, Navi, and Mishna classes, we have also been busy learning about the upcoming holidays. Last Wednesday, as a culminating activity for all of the learning that has taken place surrounding the holidays, the children in each grade participated in a Rosh Hashanah "seder."  They played games, sang songs, listened to stories, and learned new aspects about the familiar and not so familiar "simanim" (symbolic foods such as apples and honey, dates, carrots, pomegranates, garlic, spinach, banana squash, and more). During Aseret Yemai Teshuvah (The Ten Days of Repentance), the students had the opportunity to go outside to the stream near the school and participate in a tashlich program and also a "kaparot" (giving charity) activity in the classroom. For Sukkot, the students will enjoy many exciting plans to continue the celebrations (sukkah hop, color war with Morah Elana, Simchat Beit Hashoayva and more). Stay tuned...


To celebrate the beautiful bentching which takes place daily at CTA, we honored our first "Benchers of the Month" for this school year.  Yasher Koach goes to Julia Cieplinski, Roni Delman, and Rebekah Klynn.


With great appreciation we would like to thank all of the Judaic teachers for helping us learn about the High Holidays.


I want to wish you all Shabbat Shalom and Gmar Chatimah Tovah.



By Galit Golan, Hebrew Language Coordinator

Galit 2010

One of our main goals at CTA is to strengthen the bond between our students and the state of Israel, and keep the students involved and connected to the current events in Israel, as well as to keep them informed about world events which effect Israel.  With the current happenings in Syria, many of the students felt concerned and worried about its effect on Israel. Lior Abarbanel, Columbus' new community Shalich, came to the school and talked with our 7th& 8th grade students about the situation in Russia. Using a very thorough and informative Power Point presentation he prepared, Lior portrayed the situation in Syria and its potential implications on Israel.  The students showed much interest and asked many questions. In addition, age-appropriate in-class updates about the topic are given in grades 5-12. Below are pictures from the discussion led by Lior Abarbanel. Gmar Chatima Tova, and shalom for Israel and for the entire world.  


By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz 

Weitz What a Month!  Across the globe many have the notion that September is all chagim and school doesn't really start until October. We would like to formally invite the masses to visit our Upper School Judaic Studies to witness how much pre-October learning, albeit fun, is going on.  Beginning with Rosh Hashanah, our H.S. hears words of inspiration from our community rabbis to help awaken in us each holiday's unique spirit. The Junior High programs entail interactive presentations from our Community Kollel and other presenters. Sukkot takes on new meaning when, after learning the halachic mechanics behind sukka engineering, our students have a chance to tackle our school's complex sukka challenges. Learning and living Sukkot hands-on is fun and effective.  Stay tuned for Upper-School Chol HaMoed excitement just around the corner! 



 What's New with Mrs. Claman:

As we mentioned last Dateline, Mrs. Shira Claman just completed her Master's in Education from YU's Azrieli Graduate School for Jewish Education and Administration. Azrieli empowers Jewish Educators with arguably the most robust tools and experience available for teaching North American Jewish Youth, including;

  • Creating assessments and curriculum development for Judaic studies courses
  • Designing interdisciplinary thematic unit plans and becoming a reflective practitioner.
  • The guidance of world renowned educators like Dr. David Pelcovitz
  • Online seminars and networking with Jewish educators across North America

Reflecting on the experience, Mrs. Claman remarked "Teaching at CTA has been a transforming experience for me, providing me with a wonderful context to implement the skills and techniques that I have gleaned.It is my hope that, by extension, the students of Columbus Torah Academy benefit from the my experience at Azrielli"


  Food for Thought: Working with a 12 month calendar, why did Hashem decide to put so many chagim in Tishrai (Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot & Shimini Atzeret/Simchat Torah) as opposed to spreading them out over the year? For example, Cheshvan, the next Jewish month, has no yom tov at all! 


The option to buy a class composite was not included on the school picture form. It was left off inadvertently. If you are interested in buying a class composite, please go to the CTA website, Downloadable Documents, and print out a Class Composite form and turn it in on Picture Retake day, Thursday, Oct. 3. Forms are also included in your picture packet which went home today!


Jamie Bindell is teaching Judaic Studies in Kindergarten. Jamie, a CTA high school alumna, received her B.A. in Fine Arts from Yeshiva University Stern College for Women and continued her studies in Fashion Design at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Before coming to CTA, Jamie was a much-loved teacher at the JCC pre-school. Jamie has also received rave reviews as the Youth Director at Congregation Beth Jacob. The kindergarten students are enjoying the start of the New Year with Morah Jamie.


Come celebrate the holiday of Sukkot at a special Sukkot Story Time in the CTA sukkah.  This event is geared to toddlers and preschoolers with their parent or caregiver.  Story Time will be on Tuesday, September 24 at 3pm and will include activities, stories and snack.  Story Time is FREE!  For more information or to RSVP, contact or 614-864-0299, ext 118.


CTA's new class for parents will meet on Tues., Sept. 24 at 7:30 pm at the home of Gary Liebesman & Stacy Leeman (parents of CTA kindergartener, Yonah & 4th grader, Yaki).  This month's topic is Happiness through the Holiday of Sukkot. Rabbi Drandoff facilitates this monthly group for parents to engage in an open conversation about Jewish topics and connect to the love of learning at CTA.  The class complements what our children are learning in school and is structured in the style of a Jewish day school classroom.  The class is spearheaded by a committee of parent volunteers which include who welcome you to join them:  Wendy Almasanu, Lara Blumberg, & Gary Liebesman.  For more information or directions to the Liebesman Family Sukkah, contact or 614-864-0299, ext 118.


Pictured are participants at the August session entitled, "The Inner Me" which focused discussion on defining personal goals in preparation for Rosh Hashanah.


Information about the upcoming CTA Scholarship Dinner was emailed to all parents this week.  The Annual Dinner event is scheduled for Sunday, November 24, 2013 and will be held at a NEW location this year - the Hilton Downtown Columbus.  Honorees for the evening are Drs. Daniel and Leslie Chase, dedicated parents, supporters and volunteers to our school.  Dan is the current President of the Board of Trustees and he and Leslie have served on countless committees and subcommittees in their more than 14 years of involvement with CTA. Co-chairs for the event are Esther Bernzweig, Dalia Koppes and Murielle Rosenberg.  A Silent and Student Artwork Auction are planning conjunction with the event.  In addition, a Journal of Celebration will be published highlighting our students through words and pictures and expressing appreciation for our honorees and our school.  To get involved in any aspect of the dinner, contact one of the co-chairs or Help with solicitations for the Journal count dollar for dollar towards your family Give & Get Commitment or volunteering for this event will count towards it as well. To download a Journal Contract, go to


CTA is proud to be a beneficiary agency of the Columbus Jewish Federation. The school receives a yearly allocation from the Federation that helps subsidize each and every student's tuition. Thank you CJF!


Sam Rosenstein (Class of '11) on his engagement to Emunah Winer

Rachel (Szames) Licker (8th Grade Class of '99) on the birth of a son

David Ciranni (Class of '05) on his marriage to Ronit Rapoport

Chanan Siegel (Class of '01) on his marriage to Giselle D'Souz

Benji Sapir (Class of '00) on his engagement to Lauren Greenbaum

Bari Dolinger (Class of '08) on her engagement to Avi Gorbacs


Tal Frank (8th Grade Class of '86), Alon Frank (8th Grade Class of '88)

   Daniel Frank (8th Grade Class of '88); and Sharon (Frank) Bramy (8th

   Grade Class of '88) on the loss of their father Moshe Frank 

Matthew Bailey on the passing of his grandfather


High School Student Council elections took place this week. Congratulations to this year's officers:


Co-Presidents - Noah Hazan and Aleeza Hartstein

Vice President - Nathaniel Keri

V.P. Activities - Becky Portman

V.P. Chessed - Zach Sukienik

Treasurer - Ariella Hartstein

Events Coordinator - Rosie Kalef

Secretary  - Hannah Blumenfeld


PTO's annual Innisbrook Sale will kick off October 21. More information to come.


Blood Drive at the JCC College Ave. - Wednesday, September 25, 11:30am-5:30pm- Please note changed hours.  The need for blood donors is never completely satisfied.  New donors must be found when long time donors can no longer give. You can arrange an appointment by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-Give Life or go to the Red Cross website at sponsor code: tolifecolumbus.  


HAZAMIR COLUMBUS - All 8th-12th grade musical Jewish teens are welcome! Rehearsals begin Sunday, Sept. 22, from 1-3pm and are conducted by Cantor Jack Chomsky. For more information, please contact Susan Lubow at or 562-3056.


SCREAMFREE PARENTING - October 3, 10, 17 & 24, 7-8:30pm, JCC. A 4-session workshop presented by Rhyonda Moskowitz, Parent Coach and Educator and Certified Screamfree Parenting Facilitator, on the revolutionary approach to raise your kids by keeping your cool. For more information, go to 


FUNFEST - Sunday, October 6, 2013, 10am-6pm at the JCC. Live entertainment including The Harmony Project and Conspiracy Band; Carnival Games, Prizes and Entertainment including Balloon Blaster, Ring Toss and Speed Pitch Ball; Kosher Carnival Booths including BBQ Brisket, Bourbon Chicken, Kosher Dill Pickles on a Stick. Contact the JCC for more information at 231-2731. Volunteer opportunities are available. Please contact Shelly Igdaloff at
to volunteer and receive FREE admission.



It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation:


To Scholarship Fund by:

 Paul and Karan Tanenbaum in memory of Sara Shatz's mother, Miriam

   Karlsberg, in Judy Goldberg's mother, Martin Hoffman, Eugene's father,

  Lev Simakovsky, a Refuah Shlaima to Jay Schottenstein, and with

  thanks to Marlene Sobol, Terri Barnett, Agi Hartstein, and Debbie


Yale and Lauren Levy in memory of Michelle Langus Gelber's aunt Vicky

  Garfunkel, Moshe Frank, and Donna Cohen's mother and wishing a

  speedy recovery to Shirly Benatar

Alan and Sara Shatz in memory of Rubin Louis and Miriam Cohn

  Karlsberg, Moshe Frank, and Refuah Shlaima to Sheila Zwelling, Stuart

  Cole, and Jay Schottenstein

Bob, Patti, Josh, and Rachel Wolf wishing Mazel Tov to Rabbi Weitz, his

  wife, and family on the birth of their beautiful daughter

Gary Liebesman and Stacy Leeman in memory of Marty Hoffman

Jared and Lauren Rubin in honor of Joey and Lindsay Schottenstein


To the Annual Giving Fund by:

 Hal and Rebecca Levy wishing the community a Happy and Healthy New








By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz

1.    What two days are the happiest days on the Jewish calendar?

      a.    Yom Kippur and the 15th of Av.


2.    Why is Yom Kippur such a happy day?

      a.   We are granted forgiveness for our sins.


3.   What are some of the acts that are prohibited on Yom Kippur?

      a.   Eating, drinking, wearing leather shoes, washing, and applying oils and the like.


4.   There is a special mitzvah to do what on Erev Yom Kippur (the day prior to Yom Kippur)?

      a.  Eat.


5.   What is the name of the special meal we eat before Yom Kippur?

     a.  The seudat hamafseket (meal of separation).


6.  What are the essential steps to repentance?

     a.  Regretting the sin, accepting to no longer engage in that sin, and to verbally confess to Hashem that one has done the particular sin. We must also seek forgiveness from anyone we have harmed in any way.


7.  What day on the Jewish calendar is Yom Kippur?

     a.  The 10th of Tishrei


8.  What historically occurred to "create" the holiday of Yom Kippur?

     a.  We were given the second Luchot (Tablets) to replace those that were shattered due to the sin of the Golden Calf.


9.  What is the name of the final Tefilla that we say on Yom Kippur?

     a.  Neillah.


10.  After breaking the fast, there is a custom to "jump into" doing mitzvot immediately after Yom Kippur. What particular mitzvot do we engage in?

     a.  Building the sukkah and choosing a lulav and etrog.



Why is there a custom to say the "baruch shem" verse in Shema out loud on Yom Kippur?



During the Maariv (evening) prayer after Yom Kippur we are still fasting. Why?


I hope you enjoy the electronic version of our Dateline. Please check out our website at