building ctalogogreyscale
The Columbus Torah Academy
181 Noe Bixby Rd, Columbus OH 43213

February 15, 2013

           5 Adar 5773

  Candlelighting 5:48p.m.
This Week on E-Dateline
Headmaster's Message
Purim is Coming
Purim Information
Preview of the Week
Dates to Remember
Scrip Update - Places to Purchase Scrip
Give & Get Grapevine
News from the Lower School Judaic Studies Department
Say It In Hebrew
News from the Upper School Judaic Studies Departmentl
PTO Donation Offer
Standardized Tests for High Schoolers, Assessment Offered
Mentsch of the Month Announced in Junior High
Happenings in First Grade
Sixth Grade to Hold Shabbaton
Mazal Tov To
Thank You To
Condolences To
PTO Purim Cards
Spring Fling Planning Committee Meeting
Grandparents and Special Persons Day - March 1
Good Luck Lady Lions!
Lost & Found
Community News
New Prizes for Box Tops
Box Tops for Education
Parsha Terumah Quiz
A Riddle from Israel
Join Our Mailing List


In this week's Torah portion of Terumah we learn about the Mishkan, which was a portable sanctuary that the Jewish people were commanded to construct during their travels in the wilderness. The Mishkan was erected each time the nation camped and was dismantled when they resumed their journey. The Mishkan contained several sacred items, such as the Ark, the Menorah (candelabrum), the Shulkhan (Table) and two Altars. The Ark was placed in the innermost chamber of the Mishkan, called the Kodesh Hakedoshim (Holy of Holies). The Ark held the stone tablets that Moshe brought down from Mt. Sinai along with Moshe's original Torah scroll. The Torah states that the Ark should be made of acacia wood and covered with gold both inside and outside. The way this was done in practice was to construct three boxes, two of gold and one of wood. The smaller golden box was placed inside of the wooden box and those two boxes were then placed inside of the larger golden box. Several commentators ask why the Ark included wood at all. Why wasn't it made completely of gold as was the Menorah? Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch answers that wood symbolizes growth. By insisting on having a middle box of wood, the Torah is emphasizing that we should never think that everything is "golden" and perfect. We must always strive to grow and improve, never letting complacency or stagnation set in. 


Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Zvi Kahn


Rosh Chodesh Adar kicked off the Hebrew month of Adar with joy and celebration as the month which includes the holiday of Purim (read about Silly Hat Day inside Dateline). Classrooms from K-12 have been preparing and focusing on aspects of the holiday - learning about the story from the Megilla, discussing what we can learn from the Purim experience and how to incorporate the joy of Purim into daily life.  Purim will be celebrated on Saturday night, February 23 and Sunday, February 24.


At school, we will have special Purim-style activities on Friday, February 22.  Kindergarten-6th grade classes will attend a carnival during the day and participate in the costume parade. All Lower School students should wear or bring a costume on Friday in order to participate in the Purim parade and presentation. There will be a costume contest judged by the Lower School Student Council with prizes awarded for the most creative costumes. We suggest that children bring approximately $4.00 to $5.00 on Thursday, February 21, to purchase tickets so that they may enjoy the various booths and refreshments at the carnival. Tickets are $.25 each or 5 for $1.00. Tickets can be purchased at the door on Friday as well. The 7th graders are organizing the carnival, and all proceeds go toward their Washington, D.C. trip next year. The 8th -12th grade classes will also mark the occasion with special Purim-style activities on Friday, including a fun field trip (details sent via email under separate cover). 


In advance, wishing you and your families a Happy Purim!


Purim letter  

Monday, February 18: Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 19: Hamburgers-Volunteer: D. Koppes
Lower School Student Council Meeting, 4-5pm
Wednesday, February 20: Pizza-Volunteer: T. Levison
Thursday, February 21: Sloppy Joe-Volunteer: O. Gerberg
Mid 3rd Quarter
Friday, February 22:  Tuna-Volunteer: S. Lubow
Purim Festivities
Friday, March 1: Grandparents and Special Persons Day, 12:30-2pm
March 7-10:  Varsity Boys NYC Shabbaton
Friday, March 8: 1st Grade Iditarod
Sunday, March 10: Daylight Savings Time; turn clocks back 1 hour
Monday, March 11:  Executive Board Meeting, 7:30pm
March 11-15: OGT Exam Grade 10
Thursday, March 14: 2nd Grade Chag HaChumash
It's Basketball Season!

Boys Varsity Team NYC Shabbaton
March 7-10, 2013

CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 112
Monday-Thursday- 7:30am-4pm; Friday- 7:30am-1:30pm

The Scrip Office keeps a variety of available scrip on hand. Special order scrip from hundreds of stores is available by sending your request to To see a complete selection of all of the Scrip choices, go to To benefit CTA with online purchases, register at  

Reminder: We have a new Call & Deliver Program for Scrip.  Email or call 864-0299 to order scrip and have it delivered to your home!  


The $2,000 per family Give & Get commitment for 2012-2013 is fulfilled through donations, Scrip purchases, solicitations and volunteering.  Send a record of all G&G volunteer hours to


If you would like to Volunteer, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Abelman, at 855-5195 or Volunteer time is worth $25 per hour towards Give & Get.  


By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator


Rosh Chodesh Adar:  The spirit of Judaism is a very important part of our curriculum. At every opportunity, we try to strengthen the connection to our Jewish tradition from the academic side as well as the experiential side. The month of Adar is definitely a wonderful time to do this. On Monday, Rosh Chodesh Adar was welcomed into school through many exciting ways. Students from different grades were dancing together, eating the special hamentashen treats and enjoying the decorations throughout the Dror2 2-15 lunchroom. Smiles were seen everywhere, as the students marveled atseeing the hats worn in honor of Silly Hat Day. Our students will most definitely not forget this Rosh Chodesh! Our teachers were also not forgotten. The teachers from the Shiloh school in Kfar Saba sent a surprise treat to them, wishing continued communication between the two schools.


Dror1 2-15  

Sixth Grade Shabbaton:  Rabbi Elbaz's 6th Grade class will enjoy a Shabbaton this weekend, which will begin with a Shabbat seudah at his house and continue with activities throughout Shabbat. We are very proud of the students who helped organize the games and divrei Torah.  As always, thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Elbaz for organizing the Shabbaton and ensuring that our children have a well-rounded and fun education in and out of the classroom.

By Galit Golan, Hebrew Language Coordinator


Galit 2010

Last Friday during Shishi Ivrit, our monthly Hebrew Award Ceremony. The students learned about the Purim spirit in Israel, and watched a Power Point presentation of the Purim carnival, or in Hebrew עדלאידע in the city of Holon.  The students learned about the city of Holon, which is located about twenty minutes from Tel Aviv. The city of Holon defines itself as the city of children (עיר הילדים ). Each Purim, Holon offers one of the biggest Purim carnivals in Israel, with floats, marching bands, dancers, music, and of course, a lot of costumes. The students saw pictures of the עדלאידע in Holon, and were excited to see that there was even a huge float of President Obama. In addition, the students learned the song  מלכות החרמון about the Hermon Mountain in Israel, while looking at pictures of the mountain on the Power Point presentation. As part of the program, awards were given to student who excelled in their Hebrew studies during the month of Shvat.  The teachers had a hard time choosing the awardees among many excellent students. Moreh David Adar awarded Nathaniel Keri, Orri Benatar and Eli Lubow for excellence in Achievements. Morah Kelly Adar awarded Basya Fedorovskaya for Midot Tovot and Derech Eretz. Morah Galit Golan awarded Dani Lane for effort and achievements.  Mazal Tov and Yishar Koach to all our students! 


Galit1 2-15 Galit2 2-15 Galit3 2-15  


By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz, Upper School Judaic Studies Coordinator

Scenic Shabbaton Retreat  Weitz

Despite the low-key publicity, there was actually a full fledged CTA high school Shabbaton in a beautiful retreat center equipped with a shul, cafeteria, indoor and outdoor gyms, all overlooking a scenic ravine. The best part was that we didn't have to pay a cent because it all happened at our very own CTA.


What was particularly impressive was that the entire Shabbaton - divrie Torah, Torah reading, davening, programming, food, etc. was coordinated by the 11th grade. Under the direction of Rabbi Drandoff, students took full responsibility for this complex endeavor and did a fantastic job. The Shabbaton was attended by the majority our high school and chaperoned by the Claman, Delman, Drandoff and Weitz families. The food was great (thanks Mrs. Tanenbaum!) and the sessions and programming kept us busy all Shabbat.


The grand-finale on Motzie-Shabbat debuted yet another CTA original sport: glow-in-the-dark dodge ball (you would have to see it). This Shabbaton added a tangible boost to school spirit and added depth to our hallmark camaraderie.


Food for Thought: This parsha marks the beginning of the thorough and detailed coverage of the MIshkan and its vessels. We refer to the Torah as a "Living Torah" because the concepts therein are always relevant and never outdated or obsolete. What relevance does the construction of this temporary temple have for the post-Mishkan world? 


Christine's Garden, located at 2733 E. Main Street, will donate 10% of every order (up to $5.00) to the CTA PTO. The offer expires 12/31/2013. For on-line purchases, log onto and enter the code FHGM05CTA. For in-store or phone purchases (235-4510), give the code to the salesperson.


Plan test On February 7th, CTA 10th graders took the PLAN test, the practice ACT. In October, they took the PSAT. College admissions offices accept both the SAT and the ACT.   While the tests have some important differences, there is a lot of overlap. Taking both tests and comparing the results often helps students decide to which test they are more suited. Another way to find out is the Princeton Review Assessment (PRA), a diagnostic test designed by the test prep company Princeton Review. CTA is hosting a PRA on Sunday, April 7th for all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. To register for the PRA, contact or call 1-800-273-8439.


Congratulations to Rena Kahn and Yehuda Morris, mentsches of the month for Junior High for the months of Shevat and Tevet, respectively.  Awardees received a $10 gift card for their behavior and good middos towards teachers and fellow students.  Other nominees include:  Rochel Kaltman, Shahar Razker, Shoshie Wasserman, Yehuda Morris, Josh Needleman and Dasha Kupersberg.


First Grade2 First grade had a recent visit from the 11th graders in Mrs. Moreno's Effective Communications class. The older students shared the skills they have been practicing by reading a story to the first graders.  Pictured is Nathaniel Keri sharing an exciting story.  The 1st graders were very impressed with his skills.


First Grade1 

Also in first grade, the class tree tradition continues as the class made its monthly "pilgrimage" to the new Buckeye tree!  At the beginning of each month, the first graders visit the tree, rain or shine (or snow!).  We take a picture with the tree in the background.  Then the first graders sketch a picture of the tree in their Class Tree Book, and each student gets to say what they notice about the tree.  As the seasons change, we watch the tree change too. 


6th grade This Shabbat, Parshat Teruma, will be a very special Shabbat for our sixth graders. They will be enjoying an amazing Shabbaton that was planned by their teacher, Rabbi Elbaz. The sixth grade Shabbaton has become a CTA tradition. Rabbi Elbaz got things going five years ago when he started teaching at CTA. The children are so excited about it and are looking forward to the rich and varied program that includes dinner at the Elbazes on Friday night along with zmirot, divrei Torah on the themes of "Hakarat HaTov" from Rabbi Elbaz and "Love for Israel" from students, Sarah Feiga and Ariel. There will also be games that the students prepared.


On Shabbat day the students can look forward to davening and having a Kiddush luncheon at Torat Emet where they will hear Chassidic stories from Rabbi and Mrs. Unterman, and divrei Torah from Avigail Levi and David Ben Moshe on the topic of the Mishkan. After lunch they will sample different games prepared by Mark, Neil and Shmuel. After singing more zemirot at Seudah Shlisheet, they will hear a D'var Torah from Rabbi Zack on the plague of Dever (death of cattle) and more divrei Torah from Shmuel Metz and Neil Kalef.


We will end our Shabbat (but not the Shabbaton) with Havdalah sung by Mr. Noam Even with his guitar and afterwards enjoy a puppet show that Addison, Gali and Orli prepared. Finally, our students will conclude their Shabbaton with a movie in the shul.


Thank you in advance to all the parents who are helping, especially the Kalefs and Hartsteins for hosting the students.


Henry and Shana Hazan on Avior becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Mr. Egal Ziv on Ari becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Avigayil Ginsburg (Class of '08) on her engagement to Menachem Rapp


Shelly and Mousa Aframian, Dr. Aryeh and Judith Cohen, Naomi and David Myers, Dr. Jaime Goodman and Bernie Schubach and Debbie and Marvin Szatmary for this month's delicious Faculty & Staff Rosh Chodesh Lunch!


Leslie Hoffman and Becca and Miles Hoffman on the loss of grandmother

    and great-grandmother, Rachel Nankin


Hot off the press!! The CTA PTO Purim postcards are back from the printers and they are beautiful. Amy Neiwirth and her first grade art class have created adorable, bright and colorful designs. If you missed your chance to pre-order, cards are now available for sale at the front desk.  A pack of 20 are $18.00 - cash or check (made out to CTA PTO). The PTO thanks you for your support.


Please join us this Monday, February 18, at 7:30 pm, at the home of Shari Herszage, 303 S. Ardmore Road, to begin plans for the 2013 Spring Fling which will be held on Sunday, April 28.  We WANT YOU to be on the planning committee. The Spring Fling is a great event open to the entire community which features amusement rides and lots of fun for the whole family! Earn Give & Get by taking a leadership role on the planning committee. Some of the subcommittee choices include: PR, Food, Volunteers, and Activities.  If you cannot make the meeting and want to be involved, contact Shari Herszage ( or Chaya Aviva Katz (  


winnie & piglet Grandparents and Special Persons Day will be held in the Lower School for grades K-6 on Friday, March 1 from 12:30-2 pm.  Students in grades K-6 received invitations to color and send to their grandparent or special person.  The program will feature a short presentation in the shul and then invitees will go to the classrooms to engage in learning activities with the students.  Please do not plan to bring younger children.  If you do not have a grandparent in town, help your child choose an adult (ie:  babysitter, neighbor, rabbi, teacher) who will enjoy spending time with them at school. If you need more invitations, please contact Shari Herszage at  


Good Luck Lady Lions who are participating in the Miami Girls Basketball Tournament this weekend, February 13-17.  See scores and updates at the Twitter site at Players include:  Sarah Nutis, Esther Geiger, Alyssa Karmia, Aleeza Hartstein, Shoshana Ginsburg, Ellie Chase, Hava Parks, Molly Cohen & Ariella Hartstein (manager).


It has been a time-honored Jewish tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Todah Rabah to the following for their donation:


To Scholarship Fund by:    

Seth and Leslie Hoffman in memory of Leslie's grandmother, Rachel Nankin


To the Annual Giving Fund:

Clara Davidson in memory of daughter, Elaine Nemzer



Do you recognize any of these coats & jackets?




GALLERY PLAYERS AT THE JCC PRESENTS "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF": Saturdays, March 2 & 9 at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, March 16 at 8:30 p.m.; Sundays, March 3, 10 & 17 at 2:30 p.m. and Thursdays, March 7 & 14 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost: $20/JCC Member, $25/Non-Member and $10/Students. If you would like to come for a discounted 
rate of only $15.00 on Sunday, March 17, please contact Norma Whitmyre at You don't want to miss Director of Performing Arts, Laurie Alexander as Grandma Zeitl, 5th & 6th Grade General Studies Teacher, Kate Willis as Shaindel (Motel's mother) and her husband Scott Willis as Lazar Wolf, parent, Amy Judd as Frumah Sarah and students, Rosie and Neil Kalef.


CIRCUS OF THE KIDS AT THE JCC: Has your child ever wanted to run away and join the circus? If so, the chance of a lifetime is right around the corner. The Tallahassee, Florida-based CIRCUS OF THE KIDS is coming to the JCC this summer for a week of circus fun. The only program of its kind, world-renowned CIRCUS OF THE KIDS specializes in taking ordinary youngsters and turning them into fire-eaters, trapeze artists, and trick bicyclists. Registration for this unique camp has already begun. The first 50 children who register will be selected to join the circus. Auditions are slated for June 16, and the spine-tingling, jaw-dropping performances are on June 20 and 21.To register for CIRCUS OF THE KIDS camp, please contact Diana Goggins at 614-559 6251 or


GRAETER'S PIES are no longer certified kosher. Pies that were produced in 2012, however, are certified kosher. Please inquire in-store of how to determine when pies were produced. In addition, not all Graeter's stores are certified kosher. Please look for a letter of certification in all Graeter's stores in Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati. If you have any questions please call the Vaad office at 614-654- 1645 or email us at


BEXLEY LIBRARY TO HOST AUTHOR GARY SCHMIDT:  Bexley City Schools, the Bexley Education Foundation, and Bexley Public Library will host a visit with two-time Newbery Honor-Winning Author and National Book Award Finalist Gary Schmidt on Wednesday, February 27 from 7-8 p.m. Adults and students are invited to meet Mr. Schmidt who will discuss his experiences and the importance of writing for children and young adults.  Mr. Schmidt is the author of Wednesday Wars which is geared toward the 4-8th grade students.

Boxtops 2-15


Boxtop program 2-15



1.  How many types of items were the Jewish people asked to donate for the Mishkan?

     a. 13.


2.  The donation of silver for the Mishkan differed from the donation of other items. How? 

     a.  No fixed amount of the other items was required. The silver was given as a fixed amount: a half-sheckel.


3.   What property do techelet and argaman share that orot eilim m'adamim do not share?

     a. They are wool; orot eilim are not.


4.  What property do the above three share that shesh and orot techashim do not share?

     a.  They are dyed; shesh and orot techashim are not.


5.  Onkelos translates "tachash" as "sasgona." Why?

     a.  The tachash delights (sas) in its multi-colors (g'vanim).


6.  What kind of trees did Yaakov plant in Egypt that were ultimately used for the Mishkan?

     a. Arazim - cedars.


7. Describe two uses of (a) oil; (b) spices; (c) jewels?

     a.  (a) The oil was lit int he menorah and used for anointing; (b) The spices were used in the anointing oil and for the incense; (c) The precious stones were for the ephod and the choshen.


8.  Why is the Torah referred to as "testimony"?

     a.  It testifies that G-d commanded us to keep the mitzvot.


(Parsha Terumah Quiz originally appeared on the

Ohr Somayach website,


As part of our partnership with the Shiloh school in Israel, we will be receiving riddles each week relating to the Parasha.  You will notice this each week on this back page.  The goal is to have the parents and children discuss the parasha, while trying to figure out the connection between the picture and the parasha.  All answered riddles should be given to the Judaic teacher on Monday. The names of the winners will be announced and sent to our friends in Israel.


Riddle 2-15

What is the connection between the symbol of the Israeli paratroopers and one of the Kailim (vessels) of the Mishkan? Look in Chapter 25, Verse 20. You will find the answer there. 

Saul Myers The winner of last week's riddle is Saul Myers.

Moreh Dror Karavani will collect all of the submitted answers, put them into a box, and save them for the big raffle! You will hear more about this very soon. Keep your answers coming.
I hope you enjoy the electronic version of our Dateline. Please check out our website at