This week's Torah portion of Vayera describes the wickedness of the people of Sodom. Amongst their many cruel ways they took pleasure in persecuting travelers and mistreating the poor and needy. Their actions were antithetical to the kindness and hospitality epitomized by Avraham. Yet it is the same Avraham who prayed on their behalf and beseeched G-d to spare them. Avraham's actions illustrate a fundamental Jewish principle: We should not hate the wicked, though we might hate their actions. It is vital that we always bear in mind that all human beings were created in the image of G-d. The best way to react to someone who is acting in an inappropriate manner is to teach him or her about proper behavior. As the Talmud (Berachot 10a) puts it, "Let us pray for the demise of sins, not the demise of sinners."
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Zvi Kahn
The selection of books in our library has been increased and updated with newer books and recent titles over the last few years as result of the success of our Scholastic Book Fairs. Proceeds from the Book Fairs directly support the addition of new books to our library.
The Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the K-8 Library beginning November 12-16.

Lower School students have the privilege of Library as a specialty to support and enhance the curriculum. Reading aloud, taking pride in borrowing books, knowledge and appreciation of a library collection are important values that the students learn at Library. We are guiding the students to be motivated for a lifelong investment in reading and learning.
Boys and girls, their parents, grandparents and CTA staff and friends can begin ordering from the online Scholastic Book Fair this coming Monday, November 5. Go to our Scholastic homepage at http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/cta and click on Visit Online Fair. There are also e-Books for purchase. Online ordering is Nov. 5-25. Orders will be shipped, free, to the school and delivered to your child after the fair closes. Want to help grow our library? Considering a classroom gift? See the library and classroom wish lists online and in the library, too.
Sunday, November 4: Daylight Savings Time Ends; turn clocks back 1 hour
8th Grade departs for Washington
Monday, November 5: Pizza Bagels-Volunteer: Y. Levi
Choir Practice, 4-4:45
Tuesday, November 6: Tacos- Volunteer: L. Hoffman
Wednesday, November 7: Lasagna-Volunteer: L. Polster
Prospective Kindergarten Open House, 7:30 pm
Thursday, November 8: Sloppy Joes-Volunteer: J. Margolies
Prospective Kindergarten Open House, 9:30 am
Friday, November 9: Fish Sticks-Volunteer: M. Rosenberg
2:00 pm Friday Dismissal Schedule Begins
Monday, November 12: Executive Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
November 12-16: Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, November 14: Parent-Teacher Conferences, Grades K-12 - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, November 21: Thanksgiving Program, Grades K-4, 9:30 am
2:00 pm Dismissal
November 22-23: Thanksgiving Vacation - NO SCHOOL
November 30-December 1: Rabbi Shlomo Riskin Scholar-in-Residence Weekend
Sunday, December 2: CTA Scholarship Dinner, Hyatt Regency, 5:30 pm
CTA Scrip Office, 864-0299 ext. 112
Monday-Thursday- 7:30am-4pm; Friday- 7:30am-3pm
The Scrip Office keeps a variety of available scrip on hand. Special order scrip from hundreds of stores is available by sending your request to scrip@torahacademy.org. To see a complete selection of all of the Scrip choices, go to www.glscrip.com. To benefit CTA with online purchases, register at www.iGive.com.
"I heard through the Grapevine..." The Scholastic Book Fair is coming Nov 12-16! We need your help volunteering again! Monday & Tuesday: 11:00-1:00 and 1:30-2:30; Wednesday any time between 10:00- 3:00, and Friday 11:00-1:00. Remember your time is credited at $25/hr towards your annual Give & Get commitment of $2000 per family! Please call or email Cheryl Miller for available times: chmiller813@gmail.com or 286-5370.
"L'chaim and Todah Rabah to...Joni Schottenstein for regularly purchasing Giant Eagle & Target Scrip, especially for groceries. HERE'S A GREAT IDEA: Aliza Finegold has out of town friends who have purchased over $6,000 in scrip over the past year, and the benefits go to CTA!! Think about getting your family and friends, even those out of town, to purchase scrip through you, and contribute towards your own G&G commitment!
Reminder about our NEW Call & Deliver Program for Scrip. Email scrip@torahacademy.org or call 864-0299 to order scrip and we can have it delivered to your home.
The Give & Get (G&G) Commitment for 2012-2013 is $2,000 per family. G&G is fulfilled through donations, Scrip purchases, solicitations & volunteering. The weekly G&G Grapevine gives you ideas of how to easily do your part. Send a record of all G&G volunteer hours to gandg@torahacademy.org.
If you would like to volunteer, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kim Abelman, at 855-5195 or kimabel3@gmail.com. Volunteer time is worth $25 per hour towards Give & Get.
By Dror Karavani, Lower School Judaic Studies Coordinator

The Shabbat parties in grades 2, 4, 5, and 6 are very special and unique. Rabbi Elbaz and Morah Robin lead the children in each grade in different fun activities, focusing on the connection of the Shabbat and the parsha of that week. Around tables, set with light snacks, the girls light the candles, Shalom Aleichem is sung and Kiddush is said. Rabbi Elbaz then teaches a new song related to the parsha, adding to many other songs already taught and sung so beautifully by the children. In grade 6, the students themselves are assigned the task of giving a D'var Torah during the Shabbat party. At other times, they have prepared original skits on the week's parsha and performed it for the younger grades. At times, Rabbi Hauser tells the children stories with an important lesson to be learned. In order to enrich the students' knowledge of the parsha, different games are also played. In addition, educational parsha videos in Hebrew and English are sometimes shown to the students' delight. All in all, the Shabbat parties in grades 2, 4, 5, and 6 deepen the connection of the children with the week's parsha and the beauty of Shabbat. (Submitted by: Rabbi Tzion Elbaz)
This week is a special parsha for the third graders, since they're studying Parshat Vayeira in their classroom. In addition to the learning, the students prepared and acted in skits from the parasha using the Chumash skills they've been taught. It was so nice to see the stories which we've learned, come to life.
By Fourth Grade Teaching Team of Rabbi Elbaz, Mrs. Lerner and Morah Minna
Activities in the 4th grade have been varied and exciting! In Judaic Studies, the students learn Chumash, Navi, Dinim (Laws), and Parasha. The subjects are taught in a variety of ways in order to reach all our different learners. Both in Chumash and Navi accurate reading of the texts is stressed. Reading games like "Go Pasuk" encourage students to read their most accurately paying attention to each and every letter and vowel. Building a strong vocabulary is also certainly a goal. To help our students achieve this, different activities are given to reinforce the teaching of these new words. Teacher created worksheets, games of matching, bingo, and hangman are all designed to help students retain the new vocabulary. A strong vocabulary enables our students to comprehend these Biblical texts more easily. Analyzing word families by looking for the common root (shoresh) is an important skill we are constantly working on. Drama is also used in our classroom. Students act out using the Torah language meaningfully to show their understanding of the topic we are learning. Projects using the computers and art enable students to express creatively what they have learned and help in retention of the material. Tal Am workbooks are also used to enhance our understanding in Chumash lessons. The children are progressing beautifully and I have high expectations for further success throughout the school year.
In Hebrew language, the fourth grade is very busy studying about our new student of the Tal Am family. Her name is Karen. She is a very lovely young lady with special needs. She uses a wheelchair to get around. We are learning how the school and her classmates are accommodating, accepting, and showing empathy towards her needs. We are working hard on sentence structure and formal grammar (present and past tense). The students are enjoying our current topic, "Fall". We learn about the weather in the fall, the changing of the leaves and all the fall colors as well as the fun we can have with raked leaves.
Our General Studies class in the Fantastic Fourth Grade has spent this first quarter learning Things that Matter: The Scientific Method, States of Matter, Geography, Government, Number Sense, Authors' Purpose, Creative Writing Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Cause-Effect Relationships, and Empathy. We have conducted weekly science investigations which have included building and testing straw models, investigating the physical properties of different states of matter, and testing the solubility of salt and sugar in water. Through these weekly science investigations we are learning how to make sound hypothesis, clear observations, and reasonable conclusions. Look for updates as we get ready to participate in our Superheroes Writers' Workshop. We love to do hands on projects in many of our curricular areas. Our recent study of geography culminated in a magnificent map project. The students used their knowledge of map symbols, grids, cardinal and intermediate directions, and landforms to create maps of fictitious islands. These island maps indicate the location of the students' secret superhero lairs. The students had to write a set of directions to their lairs. These directions include cardinal and intermediate directions, landforms and grid points. We will soon have these magnificent projects ready for display on our hallway bulletin board.
Parents of children who will be ready for Kindergarten for Fall 2013 are warmly invited to attend an Open House this coming Wednesday, November 7 at 7 pm, or Thursday, November 8 at 9:30 am. The Open House will be an opportunity to learn about CTA's Kindergarten program, view the newly renovated classrooms, meet teachers and administrators and ask questions about curriculum. Kindergarteners for Fall 2013 must be five years old by August 15, 2013. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP for the Open House, please contact sherszage@torahacademy.org Private tours are always available if the Open House is not convenient or you would like further information.
The deadline for sponsorships and ads for the Scholarship Dinner Tribute Book honoring Sonia Modes Schottenstein has been extended to November 20. Please note that we are now accepting purchases of $18 listings on our Grandparent, Yeladim (Children), Alumni, and Memorial Pages. If you would like to be included on these pages, please contact info@torahacademy.org Volunteers are currently making calls for these pages and you may get a call to participate. Invitations for the Gala Dinner at the Hyatt Regency should be appearing in your mailbox this week. We look forward to seeing you.
By Rabbi Zecharia Weitz, Upper School Judaic Studies Coordinator
A hallmark of Beit Medrash study that dates back over two thousand years is the chavruta system. What is incredible is that the way it looked in the halls of Babylonia is essentially the same as it looks in the classrooms of CTA and schools around the world today: mini-groups (usually pairs) of students collaborate to learn, review and intellectually debate the material in order to sharpen each other's understanding. It is interesting to note that as educational philosophy advances, the need for differentiated instruction has been identified as crucial. (In short, differentiated instruction refers to exposing students to the material in a variety of ways to allow all types of learners an access to understanding.) A tool that has been found to be especially powerful is what has been coined review," which can take the form of peer tutoring, cooperative learning, or peer assessment - essentially, the chavruta system of the Sages. In the Upper Schooll Judaic Department, chavruta learning is employed starting in junior high and eventually becomes the primary mode of instruction. Food for Thought: Avraham's willingness in this week's parsha to sacrifice his son Yitzchak is deeded one of the greatest expressions of reverence towards G-d of all time, and remains a merit fo us even today. Not to detract from Avraham, but there were many people in history, Jew and non-Jew alike, who went so far as to actually lose their children in order to keep their faith. Why is Avraham considered categorically unmatched?
Help the environment by recycling your used cell phones and donating them to CTA. And help CTA raise money!
Drop off your old cell phones and chargers at CTA in a box located in the lobby. The money raised will benefit the Scholarship Fund.
This campaign will be on-going, so bring those old cell phones gathering dust in your home and bring in your old ones whenever you upgrade to the latest phone. For more information, contact info@torahacademy.org.
Please make the following correction in your copy of the Parent Directory:
Rabbi Benjamin and Ahuva Weinschneider, phone: 237-3923
The 2012 CTA High School Yearbooks have arrived! Full of memories from the 2011-2012 school year, the books are a special keepsake. Each student in the high school received a yearbook free of charge, thanks to the hard work of the yearbook staff to sell ads and hold fundraisers to offset the cost of printing. If you would like to own your own copy of the Yearbook, you can purchase a copy for $30. Please contact Yearbook Advisor, Ms. Amy Neiwirth, at aneiwirth@torahacademy.org
Work has already begun on creating a beautiful Yearbook for the 2012-2013 school year.
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. There will be no school on that day. Please email Norma Whitmyre at nwhitmyre@torahacademy.org to schedule your conferences. Please be sure to include the teachers you want to see and the time you would like to start.
The Columbus Baseball Invitational hosted over 50 CTA students and family members to watch game three of the World Series at Congregation Torat Emet last Motzai Shabbat.
Viewers were treated to pizza, popcorn, and ice cream while the San Francisco Giants edged the Detroit Tigers 2-0 for their third straight win, all but clinching the 108th Fall Classic.
The CBI is a one of a kind baseball tournament, welcoming yeshiva high schools from around the nation for a three day classic in the heartland. In recent years, the CBI has garnered national attention and had been dubbed by the Jewish Press "The Jewish World Series."
The 2013 spring classic is scheduled for May 19-21.
"We had such a great tournament this past spring," said CTA Coach Matt Bailey. "We wanted to say thank you to the kids and past sponsors, and keep the baseball fires burning over the winter." "We're looking forward to CBI 2013, and this was a nice bridge to get there," remarked CTA Headmaster Rabbi Zvi Kahn.
With the ballgame on Torat Emet's big screen, the crowd, and the peanuts and crackerjack, Saturday night fulfilled the mission of CBI to bring communities together, as it looks toward continuing the great tradition in 2013.
For further information or sponsorship regarding CBI, go to their website at
Plans are well underway for a very exciting weekend leading up to this year's Scholarship Dinner. Internationally-known author, thinker and lecturer, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, will be the scholar-in-residence at a special CTA-Torat Emet program from November 30-December 1. Rabbi Riskin will also be the guest speaker at the Tribute Dinner honoring Sonia Modes Schottenstein on Sunday, December 2. Please save the dates and be on the lookout for more details.
It has been a time-honored tradition to give tzedakah in recognition of important events. Today Rabah to the following for their donation:
To Scholarship Fund by:
David and Miriam Portman in honor of Al Dembe's birthday, in memory of
Monica Calabrese's father, Rita Neymotin's father, and Rafe Wenger's
Al and Shelly Dembe in honor of Yaakov Metz's Bar Mitzvah, Aron
Ackerman's Bar Mitzvah, Sigal Import's Bat Mitzvah, the Berkovich
wedding, Alison Barnett's wedding, in honor of the birth of a grandson to
Alan and Sara Shatz, and in memory of Silvia Wolfson's father, Yaacov
Gary Liebesman and Stacy Leeman in memory of Silvia Wolfson's father
Tzion and Robin Elbaz in memory of Monica Calabrese's father, Rafe
Wenger's father, Naomi Myers' brother, and Smadar Melmed's mother
Rick and Sheila Zwelling in honor of Al Dembe
Robert and Patti Wolf in honor of and a thank you to Eliza Delman for her
Andrew and Tricia Rosenstein wishing refuah shlaima to Rabbi Avi and
Pearl Ben moshe's daughter Ella Batsheva and refuah shlaima to Chaya
Katz's father
To The Wishing Tree Fund:
Harold and Elaine Shindel
1. Whyd did G-d appear to Avraham after the brit mila?
a. Avraham was sick, so G-d came to "visit" him.
2. Why was Avraham sitting at the entrance to his tent?
a. He was looking for guests.
3. What were the missions of the three angels?
a. To announce Yitzchak's birth, to heal Avraham and to destroy Sodom.
4. Why did Avraham enjoin the guests to wash the dust off their feet?
a. He thought they were among those who worship the dust, and he didn't want any object of idolatry in his home.
5. Why did Avraham ask specifically Yishmael, and not someone else, to prepare food for the guests?
a. To train him in the performance of mitzvot.
6. Why did the angels ask Avraham where Sarah was?
a. To call attention to Sarah's modesty, so as to endear her to her husband.
7. When G-d related Sarah's thoughts to Avraham, He did not relate them precisely. Why?
a. For the sake of peace.
8. What "cry" from Sodom came before G-d?
a. The cry of a girl who was executed for giving food to the poor.
(Parsha Vayera Quiz originally appeared on the
Ohr Somayach website, www.ohr.edu)
As part of our partnership with the Shiloh school in Israel, we will be receiving riddles each week relating to the Parasha. You will notice this each week on this back page. The goal is to have the parents and children discuss the parasha, while trying to figure out the connection between the picture and the parasha. All answered riddles should be given to the Judaic teacher on Monday. The names of the winners will be announced and sent to our friends in Israel.
What is the connection between the picture and the parasha? Look in Chapter 18, Verse 4. You will find the answer there.
The winner of last week's riddle is Bina Newman.
Moreh Dror Karavani will collect all of the submitted answers, put them into a box, and save them for the big raffle! You will hear more about this very soon. Keep your answers coming.