Happy Summer! Check out all the happenings this month.
Summer Youth Camp
There are still spaces available for the last week of the Youth Summer Camp. Have fun with the Bounce House, relays, jump rope games, obstacle courses and much more!
Sign up here: Youth Summer Camp Registration

We had a really great time the last few weeks.
 Click on the photo to see more!
Brown Bag Lunch Lecture - July 16 at 12 p.m.
Vandalizing the Past: Impacts of Graffiti and Vandalism on Rock Art and
 Historic Structures at Joshua Tree National Park
with Dr. Jason Theuer Chief of Cultural Resources at Joshua Tree National Park

Graffiti and vandalism on public buildings and private property is not a new occurrence. Recently publicized incidents of graffiti have received significant attention on social media and in the press, but the park has suffered repeatedly from incidents of graffiti and vandalism for decades. The Cultural Resources Branch at Joshua Tree National Park has undertaken 3 major restoration efforts over the past decade to mitigate the effects of a variety of types of graffiti on prehistoric rock art and historic structures.

Bring your lunch, bring your friends, or just bring yourself to our Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series once a month.  Speakers will present topics of special interest for high desert residents. The lectures start at 12:00 p.m. Admission is  $ 5 - Free for Members -  beverages will be served.


Spend a day on the farm and enjoy farm country games and activities! Petting Zoo, Face Painting, Crafts, Sack Races,
Hay Rides, a Scarecrow Contest and much more...

on display through September 12
Eat Well, Play Well encourages healthy living by teaching the science of making healthy food choices and helping children and adults discover there are many fun and interesting ways to stay active. Visitors will discover what an appropriate serving size looks like, see firsthand what it takes to burn off calories, test their flexibility and balance, review the latest clinical research and realize that they can reduce their risk of disease with healthy choices.
EAT WELL, PLAY WELL was produced and is toured by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.  This exhibit was made possible by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) grant from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 
Enjoy some beautiful summer nights with the
Town of Yucca Valley Music Festival 
click here for the full program 

The Hi-Desert Nature Museum welcomes its first Bobcat Sponsor!
The sponsorship was given in the honor of Stanley Zarakov.
Thank You!
If you are interested in becoming a member/sponsor click here.

Visit the Museum

The Hi-Desert Nature Museum is located in the Yucca Valley Community Center Complex at 57116 Twentynine Palms Highway. The museum is open Thursday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is free, donations support the educational mission of the museum. The Hi-Desert Nature Museum is operated by the Town of Yucca Valley.

For more information on our programs and events contact the museum at (760) 369-7212 or visit our website at www.hidesertnaturemuseum.org 


To view a full schedule of Yucca Valley events, sports programs and recreation classes visit the Town's website at www.yucca-valley.org