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masthead 12

payton community monthly meeting


The monthly Payton Community Meeting is a brief and informative opportunity to hear what is going on at school directly from our principal. The meetings start at 6:15PM. They are generally held on the first Wednesday of every month, but always check the monthly calendar (at right) in case the schedule has changed. All meetings are held in the Library.  


The FOP Fundraising Team meeting will be held after the Payton Community Meeting. Everyone is welcome!

fop fundraising is

a year-round effort  

The Friends of Payton needs your valuable donations to support Payton's educational mission There are three ways to do it:

1. Mail a check payable to FOP at 1034 N. Wells St., Chicago, IL 60610  


2. Drop a check into the FOP box in the school office. Make it payable to FOP.


3. Contribute online via credit card by clicking the donate button on Payton's homepage. All contributions are tax deductible and all amounts are equally appreciated. 

lsc meetings are
 open, next is 5/05

Parents, guardians, and the public are welcome at Local School Council (LSC) meetings, which are held monthly in the Payton Library at 6:00PM.


The LSC is an elected body that has three main responsibilities: School Budget, Continuous Improvement Work Plan (formerly SIPAAA), and Principal Evaluation, Retention and Selection.


All are welcome to attend and to make comments during the "Public Comments" portion of the meeting.


For more on the LSC, including a schedule of upcoming meetings, minutes of previous meetings, and a roster of members, please visit the LSC page of the Payton website.

two more ways to  
stay current

Check the school website periodically (some people set a reminder on their calendars to do this once or twice a week) at www.wpcp.org. 


Two other ways to keep up on what's happening at school are to watch the PNN (Payton News Network) OR check Advisory Announcements.


You can also subscribe to receive the announcements via email or RSS.
check grades & attendance online

ParentConnection is a secure online portal for sharing classroom attendance and grades between teachers, students, and parents and guardians.

To activate a student on your ParentConnection account you must obtain the student personal identification number (PIN), which you can do on this web page on the Payton sites.

Once you have obtained the PIN you will be able to complete the application process. If you experience any problems while looking up a PIN, please email

when your student is sick or absent  for another reason
To report your student's absence you must submit a written note, available on the website under the Parents drop down menu. Or you may click here for Reason For Absence Note. Student absences will remain unexcused until a signed Reason For Absence Note is submitted to the Office.
gallery 34: payton in pictures

Find great photos of Payton happenings at Gallery 34. It is continually updated.

payton alumni
Please go to

www.wpcp.org/alumni for current news on Payton Alumni Association activities.

share stories and ideas for this newsletter 

Please send us current Payton news to share with other Payton families. Here are the submission guidelines:

Less is more -- 200 words or less works best in an e-newsletter. If that's not enough room to tell the whole story, include a phone number, email address, or web link to give our readers more details. Send text as a Word attachment or type it into the body of your email.

Include a picture or two if you have them; send pictures as .jpg attachments, do not embed them in your Word document.

All submissions are due the 20th of the preceding month. Send them to: fopnewseditor@gmail.com 

the pptw
newsletter team

Katie Merrell
President, Friends of Payton
Marcia Matalon May
VP, FOP Communications

Jeanne Lamar


Deb Hass
Associate Editor

Susan McColgan
Associate Editor

Jane Barclay

Steve Gallancy

Gaute Grindheim

Susan Pearsall

Rachel Shefner

Marion Shuck

Debbie Shepard

brought to you by friends of payton 

Friends of Payton (FOP)

is a volunteer-run organization of parents, guardians, community leaders, and others who raise funds and provide volunteer assistance to support Walter Payton College Prep. 
Our mission is to enrich educational and extracurricular activities with outside resources to supplement the limited funding allotted to Payton through the public school system.
Katie Merrell
Executive Vice President
Jane Barclay

VP, Communications
Marcia Matalon May
VP, Fundraising 
Candise Cho
Tracey Lowenthal
Assistant Treasurer 
David Laures
Lynn Brahin
walter payton college prep high school
1034 North Wells Street
Chicago, Illinois  60610
A Letter From the Principal
Participate Volunteer Donate
International NIght - Friday, May 2
FOP Gala was Sweet
Best Buddies are the Best!
PED Talks Need...You?
Global Travel: China Exchange Photos
National Honor Society
Fine Arts
Payton Athletics
Student Government
Some details were not available at the time of this issue's publication. Contact the Payton administration with questions: 312-534-0034.


5/02    International Night, 5-9PM, Atrium 
5/05    Local School Council Meeting, 6-8PM, Library 

5/5-16  AP Exams

5/07    Payton Community Meeting & FOP Board Elections,

           6:15PM, Library

5/09    Instrumental Spring Concert, 6-7PM, Recital Hall

5/12    Local School Council Meeting, 5:30-8PM, Library

5/16    Explore and Plan Test

5/16    Class of 2014 Prom

5/22    Spring Choir Concert, 7-9PM, Recital Hall

5/26    No School - Memorial Day

5/28    Seminar Day

5/28    First Annual Junior Book Awards, 8AM, Recital Hall

5/28    Class of 2014 Senior Luncheon, 1-3PM, Galleria Marchetti

5/29    Class of 2014 Awards Ceremony, 2:45-3:30PM, Recital Hall

5/30    Class of 2014 Graduation Rehearsal, 2:45-3:30PM, Recital




6/02    Class of 2014: Graduation, 4:30-7PM, Moody Bible Church    

6/04    Last Payton Community Meeting, 6:15-7PM, Library

6/9-11  Semester Finals

6/13    Seminar Day/Last Day of School: Field Day

6/23    Last Local School Council Meeting, 6-8PM, Literacy Center

 *PLEASE NOTE: Throughout the year, the Payton calendar may differ from the online Chicago Public Schools calendar. For the Payton calendar, please click here

Class of 2014 - Entering the Home Stretch 

Dear Payton Parents and Guardians,


It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Gala, a night of friendship and celebration. Your support of our people and programs enables us to continue to cultivate the emerging strengths and maturity of our students. Thanks to you all, with a particular note of thanks to Candise Cho and her exceptional team for hosting the evening.    


We are in the home stretch of the school year, with many notable Payton activities and events to report:

Accolades. The Future Problem Solvers Team won the state championship, the NHS sponsored the blood drive, Juan Aguirre and Maya Rodriguez were named to the IHSA Academic Team Honorable Mention, we had 4 symposium winners at the State Science Fair and 5 students selected for Illinois Junior Academy of Science Fair, the JV and Varsity debate teams had a wonderful showing at the state (2 teams were Octafinalists, 2 teams were in the semifinals, and numerous speaker awards, including the tournament's most valuable debater award), and the Certamen (Latin) Team earned buckets of awards at the Illinois Junior Classical League tournament.  

Recognitions. Following our nomination by the U.S. Dept. of Education, we have submitted our application for the National Blue Ribbon Award, Payton was named the 2nd most challenging high school in the Midwest, and was named one of the top-50 high schools in the United States by U.S. News and World Report.

Students.  AP testing is occurring, 91 students and 11 teachers traveled abroad on Payton-sponsored trips over spring break, we are working with the incoming freshmen and their families to ensure their transition into Payton is exciting and smooth.


All of this is just an extension of what we witness every day in every classroom: students' commitment to their growth, faculty generously sharing their time and talents, and the foundational strength of families supporting their children at home and at school.


Complex emotions arise amidst it all because our seniors, whom we love and have had a hand in nurturing fort the past 3 � years, will soon leave Payton and move on to the next stage of their lives. They are making their college selections and it is so good to hear their growing excitement about the upcoming undergraduate experiences. Yes, the class of 2014 will attend some exceptional schools and many have scholarship dollars available to make the undergraduate experience more accessible (e.g. 2 students earned the Gates Millennium Scholarship, 3 earned National Merit Scholarships, and 1 earned a National Achievement Scholarship), but more exciting is hearing them talk about their college plans-courses and majors, clubs and activities, travel programs, and professors with whom they plan to conduct research, etc. They are well positioned for their futures and we are excited for them, even as we know we'll miss their voices next year in Payton's halls and classrooms.


We are fortunate to be part of this remarkable community. Thank you for all that you do to make it so. 


Tim Devine, Principal 

Payton Community News


Wed., May 7: Payton Community Meeting, 6:15PM. Find out what's happening around Payton from Principal Tim Devine. Fundraising Team will meet afterward.

Fri., May 2: International Night, 5-9:30PM. Join us at the annual celebration of food, dance, and culture from around the world to help raise money for international trips.



Fri., May 2: International Night, 5-9:30PM. Donate food and beverages.  Contact Ms. Gallegos if you can help.

Mon., Jun. 16: Teacher Appreciation Lunch. Help serve and clean up at this annual tradition to honor our amazing teachers and staff, or volunteer to drop off some homemade treats for dessert. Contact FOP  if you can help.

Now-June: Senior Parents - Join the Senior Parent Activities Committee to help plan the many special events for seniors this spring. Contact Michelle Mowery to volunteer. 



Food for International Night!

Baked goods for Teacher Appreciation Lunch!


To let us know how you will help, email us at FOP

Join Us for International Night 2014!



You are invited to attend Payton's Annual International Night (I-Night) on Fri. May 2 beginning at 5PM.
All proceeds from I-Night go to support next year's trips and exchanges. This event reduces the cost of trips and helps ensure all Payton students have the opportunity to travel, regardless of economic background. It's a fun, family-friendly night that showcases our school's cultural diversity through live performances, games, art, and exquisite food!


I-Night 2014 Details

International cuisine and Cultural Activity Booths (5-6:30PM) 

General admission is free and includes activity and culture booths as well as delicious food from around the world at a GREAT price (Food tickets are .50 cents each and go a long way!)

Performances in Recital Hall (7-8:30PM) 

Don't miss out on our special performances, which include song, dance, martial arts, and much, much more! Performance tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults, available for purchase during lunch this week and at the door.

Food Donations: We are in need of food and beverage donations for I-Night. Any and all food donations from different world cultures are welcome. Please tell us what food you plan to donate by using this Google form.

Invite Your Friends! International Night is our biggest fundraiser of the year for international trips. Payton students had eye-opening and life-changing experiences abroad this year, and with support from the school community we can continue to make this available to students for years to come. Please pass the word on by inviting family, friends, and community members to this fun night that showcases Payton's cultural diversity through live performances, games, art, and international food.

Pre-Gala Online Auction and Sweet Soiree a Success!


The Friends of Payton Fundraising Team is happy to report another successful year, with thanks to those who participated in the Online Auction, attended the Soiree and volunteered. We raised much needed funds that will help finance Payton's programs, technology, travel scholarships and more! It was our pleasure to work together to support our wonderful school. We hope everyone who attended the Soiree had fun socializing, bidding, dining, and dancing. A detailed report will be provided at the next Payton Community Meeting on May 7. If you have comments or suggestions for us to consider for next year's Auction or Soiree, please click here and email us.


The Drum Roll Please ...Thanks to the generous support from our community during the Annual Appeal, Teacher Wish Lists, Online Auction and Soiree, FOP has exceeded this year's fundraising goal and surpassed last year's net profit by 30%!


Next Fundraising Team Meeting - Please join us on Wed. May 7 at 7PM, after the Payton Community Meeting. The meeting will be brief and we would love to hear your feedback.


What It Takes to Raise Funds for Items CPS Will Not Cover:

Number of Volunteers Needed:  100+

Number of Hours Needed:  1,000+

Number of Supporters Needed:  Infinite

Community Coming Together to Celebrate Our Amazing School:  PRICELESS!

Payton Best Buddies the Best in Illinois!



The Payton chapter of Best Buddies was named "Outstanding Chapter of the Year" by Best Buddies Illinois. The award was presented on Apr. 5 at the annual Best Buddies Friendship Walk at Loyola University. Nearly 20 members of the Payton chapter participated in the walk this year, raising over $1500 as a team.  


Best Buddies is an international organization that aims to promote friendships between people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Payton chapter meets twice a week during Enrichment Periods. Anyone interested in getting involved should contact Ms. Sarah Spencer (Special Education), the faculty advisor of Best Buddies.


PED Talkers Needed 




Every week, one of the Enrichments offered to Payton students is the PED Talk, modeled after the TED Talk series. A wide range of outside speakers have participated and, at a recent meeting, the faculty sponsors asked students who they would like to speak in the future. The list that was created is below. If you have access to any anyone on this list, please contact PJ Karafiol (Math).


1.  Google employee or consultant

2.  Michio Kaku

3.  Former or current NFL player to discuss CTE

4.  Criminal Lawyer

5.  Psychiatrist 

6.  Chicago reporter or sports journalist

7.  Music Film Producer, someone who scores films

8.  Marine Biologist

9.  Jose Angel- Illegal: Reflections of a Undocumented Immigrant

10. Bruce J. Katz - Metropolitan Revolution

11. Person involved in International Relations trade/politics, etc.

12. Psychologist, with experience in setting up a practice

13. Hosts of Curious City - WBEZ Program

14. Surgeon

15. Engineer- Aerospace, Chemical, or Environmental

16. Anthropologist

17. Male Model

18. Entrepreneur

19. Video Game Developer

The Payton Prep Initiative for Education (PPIE) is looking for Marketing, Strategy and PR committee members. We are specifically interested in individuals with experience or background in: Development, Public Relations, Advertising, Consumer Package Goods Marketing, Non-Profit Organizations, and Website or Internet Marketing.  


Please email Susan Pearsall if you would like to join PPIE as a volunteer or can help us recruit people with the skills listed above.

China: Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong in Pictures

An adventurous group of Payton students left our fair city on Mar. 15 in the company of faculty leaders Mr. John Belcaster (Social Studies), Ms. Michelle Mowery (English), and Mr. Matt Silvia (Science). Armed with fresh typhoid anitbodies, lots of Purell, and great curiosity, they trekked across Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Take a look:

The National Honor Society, Sweetness Chapter


The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that recognizes outstanding high school students. Its goal is to honor students who have excelled in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Payton's chapter of the NHS is comprised of juniors and seniors who engage in service work throughout the year. This year's NHS service programs and events included:  

-Student Tutoring

-Homework Club

-Blood Drive

-Benton House volunteering

-Salazar kids Halloween volunteering

-Group volunteering event for The Ugly Sweater Run

-Volunteering at Best Buddies events

-Getting snow off teachers' cars


To be eligible for election to the National Honor Society at Payton, a junior or senior student must have:

-a weighted GPA of 4.5 or higher,

-completed all of your service learning requirements,

-had zero disciplinary infractions in the preceding 12 months,

-met the attendance requirements. (0 unexcused absences and no more than 9 unexcused tardies for the entire school year)

Students meeting these criteria will be invited to apply to for NHS membership. Faculty advisor Mr. Walt Kinderman (Science) and a five-member faculty team review the applications and select students for NHS membership.
Music color graphic  FINE ARTS
 Music News and 
 Performance Dates



The Payton Concert Choir walked away from the Apr. 5 All-City Choir Festival with "Honors Superior" in sight reading and a "Superior" rating for overall performance. Way to go! 


The Seminar Madrigal Choir will entertain at the International Night festivities on May 2 singing "Il Est Bel et Bon."


Sounds of Sweetness continues to make amazing music and several of the young men are creating their own arrangements. The pieces will be featured at the Spring Concert on May 22.


The Payton Concert Band hosted guest conductor/clinician Dr. Charles T. Menghini, President of Vandercook College of Music in Chicago on Apr. 29. Dr. Menghini listened to the band's three "contest" selections and then worked with our young musicians to enhance tone production, rhythm, and style. We hope to have Dr. Menghini back soon!


For the ninth consecutive year, the Payton Jazz Orchestra has been invited to perform at the CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy) annual Chicago event on May 19 at Navy Pier.  


Please mark your calendars for the Spring Band Concert on Fri. May 9 at 7PM and Thurs. May 22, at 7PM for the Spring Choral Concert in the Payton Recital Hall. Tickets cost $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors.


Calling all choir alums! Please join us for the grand finale at the Spring Concert. The music will be posted on the Payton website in early May.

sports icon PAYTON SPORTS
Grizzlies Teams Battling Opponents, and Rain
Boys Baseball  This very young team has faced some daunting challenges with the unrelentingly bad weather (10 non-conference games were cancelled), the departure of 10 graduating seniors, and a few injuries this spring...but the season is young, too! Although down 0-3 in conference play, the team just handed a 4-2 loss to a tough non-conference competitor, Brooks, and is, to quote new varsity coach Fred Huerta, "extremely resilient" as it faces 10 more conference bouts during a very tightly packed schedule unfolding in the next couple of weeks. Check out up-to-date schedule here, and support this up-and- coming team of Grizzlies!
Girls Soccer  After tying Northside 1-1 last Tuesday in a tough match that found the Lady Grizzlies down until a last-minute (literally) score by Stella Binion (FR), the team has held on to a winning 4-3-1 record. With recent victories against Curie (1-0) and Benito Juarez (2-1), the girls are on a roll as they head off into the CPS playoffs next week and then on to State in the latter part of May. The JV team is having a great season, and is currently 5-2-0, having recent scored wins against Curie (2-0) and Juarez (3-1).

Girls Softball  Led by new and enthusiastic coach, George Stavrakas (previously at Lane Tech), the girls are tied for first place in the city after racking up two wins against Clemente. The weather forces them into a tight and action-packed schedule these next two weeks, as they (hopefully) head onward to City Championships May 16, and then to State (as a Division 3A team, their prospects are excellent). Home games are right at the diamond at Wells and Oak, so please come cheer these hardworking girls on! 

Boys Tennis  The team sports a 2-3 record so far, with wins over Whitney Young and Brooks, and hard-fought losses that came down to third-set tiebreakers. With "must win" matches coming up against Taft and Morgan Park this week, the team has a chance to advance to the CPS championships and beyond. 

Boys Water Polo  After the departure of many members of last year's strong senior-led team, the Grizzlies are rebuilding with a young team, fielding mostly freshmen and sophomores. Nevertheless, they prevailed over previously undefeated Westinghouse last week and are in the running for a place in the upcoming city championships.  

Girls Water Polo  The Lady Grizzlies have two matches to go to achieve a winning season, and from there, upcoming events include the first stage of finals this weekend at Jones, quarterfinals at Whitney Young next Thurs. May 8, and then Sectionals at UIC on May 15.  

Girls Track & Field  Nia McFall (FR) finished 6th in the 100m finals and 4th in the 200m at the F/S City Championships this past weekend. Other strong performances at the F/S City meet included
Rebecca Peebles (FR) placing 6th in the 400m. Varsity will compete in the City Trials this Tues. May 6, hoping to qualify for the City Championships on Sat. May 10. The team is hoping to peak at Sectionals on May 16 and earn a chance to qualify individuals for the State Finals.   
Student Council Icon

Student Government in Session  

Reported with the help of Eleanor Musick,(SR), VP of Student Government

CALLING ALL EXTROVERTS! Student Government is winding down its year with a talent show in late May. The time and date are TBD but it will be after all AP exams are completed. We're looking for students to showcase their talent - any and all individual musicians, student bands, comedians, poets, or others with talent to share. We are also looking for a charismatic student to MC this event. Interested students should contact Eleanor Musick, Aaron Fogelson, or Andie Linker. 

Local School Council (LSC) 


At the LSC meeting on Apr. 21, Principal Devine reported that this year has been a big year for Payton's global travel program. Thus far, 140 students have traveled to China, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Mexico. The goal is for all students to have the opportunity to travel and learn by the time they graduate. In other news: 

-Colleges and university admissions letters have been sent and students must make their decision by May 1.

-The Payton physical facilities passed their Health Inspection with flying colors.  

-Mr. Glenn Rode (Music) brought the U.S. Navy Band for a concert at Payton

-There is a new restaurant in Payton's neighborhood: Hashbrown. Its owners have provided wonderful support to Payton students with special needs in real life training. They have further extended their generosity to our community by providing a 10% discount to Payton families dining at Hashbrown.

-The PARCC exam will take over for the Prairie State test next year across Illinois public schools.  

-Student programming for the 2014-2015 school year is underway.


Finally, Payton student Donald Campbell was recently featured in a Comcast special about the Special Olympics! 

Please join us at the next LSC meeting on May 5 at 6PM in the Library.