December 2014
Advent wreath


I love everything about the season of Advent -- the waiting and watching and wondering, the parties and presents, the Nativity scene and the Advent wreath, the music and the little kids with sticky fingers at Christmas morning Mass. It also helps that my birthday is December 26 -- oh, what a glorious time of year! Advent is a time of joyful anticipation of the birth of Christ and as with any celebration, the planning and preparation is almost as important as the event itself. Of course, as Christians we know that the real preparation of the season takes place in our hearts. Advent is also a season marked by peace and reflection. Be sure to take a few moments in the middle of the hustle and bustle to remember the One whom we are waiting for ... He shall be called �Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.�

Advent Blessings on your ministry,
Heidi Busse

Ways to Watch this Advent
by Julianne Will



Watch for signs of Jesus all around you each day. Watch for someone to hold a door for the next person, or shovel a neighbor�s walk, or help carry something heavy. Watch for someone to offer a compliment or to share a seat on the train or to give away a treat. Each night at dinner, take turns describing the ways you saw Jesus in others.

Watch for ways to be Jesus to those around you each day. Watch for opportunities to say hi to someone who looks lonely or to cheer up a crying child or to clean up a mess that you didn�t make. Offer these moments up to Jesus in silent prayer at dinner each night. Or write those moments on slips of paper and add them as cushion for Baby Jesus in the manger in your Nativity scene.

Pause and Watch... with nothing to do... Watch for the first star of the evening one night, then read from the Bible the story of the star announcing Jesus� birth in Luke 2:1-20.

From �An Advent Pilgrimage: Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus�
by Abp. J. Peter Sartain

Advent pilgrimage

As we begin Advent, we hear Jesus say that back in the days of Noah folks went about regular business right up to the day Noah entered the ark. �They did not know until the flood came and carried them all away� (Mt 24:39). He warns us that it will be the same with his second coming. �So will it be [also] at the coming of the Son of Man.�

Jesus says, �You also must be prepared� (Mt 24:44). Salvation is not something off in the distant future, so far away that it makes no demands on us in the present. The Lord Jesus will come again, at an hour we least expect; but he is also present now, especially in the sacraments, in his word, in the poor, and in our prayer. Each moment holds out to us the promise of coming face to face with him.

Inspire conversation and help parishioners dive deeper into their preparation with a thought-provoking new Advent booklet.

Expecting a Miracle: Advent by the Nativity scene
By Susan Erschen

Nativity scene


A Christmas tradition started by St. Francis may help us keep our focus more on the coming miracle than the latest sales. By choosing the name of Francis, our Holy Father has called the world to pay more attention to the beloved saint from Assisi, who taught us to live simply and care for the poor. One way St. Francis reminded us of our Lord�s kinship with the poor was through the Nativity scene. We may think the Nativity scene is as ancient as the celebration of Christmas itself. Yet, Nativity scenes were unheard of until St. Francis set up the first one in a cave outside of Greccio, Italy, in 1223.

We may be able to keep our balance a little better this Advent by focusing on the rich symbolism of the Nativity scene. Inspiring words from Pope Francis, weekly Scripture readings and simple prayers can also help us find new ways to make this season of Advent a time of prayerful preparation, mercy, joy and expectation.

Bookmark to read and share all four weeks� reflections, prayers and helpful ideas from the Advent In Focus.

Featured items

Welcome! Thank You for Coming

With its simple, accessible message, this pamphlet reaches people with the message that your parish welcomes and invites everyone to come, to worship, and to be a part of the life of the Church.
Pack of 50, $15.95
Also in Spanish

Pope Francis' 10 Secrets to Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy. This pamphlet summarizes each of the 10 secrets, including things like: making Sunday a holy day, taking care of nature, creating jobs for young people, stopping negative thinking, taking time for leisure activities, working for peace, and more. Let us each work toward happiness!
Order now
Also in Spanish

A Year of Mercy with Pope Francis: Daily Reflections

Spend a few minutes every day with the Holy Father as you read a brief meditation by him followed by a few reflection questions designed to help you ponder and receive God's love.
Paperback, $16.95

December 6 - Saint Nicholas
December 8 - Immaculate Conception
December 9 - Saint Juan Diego
December 13 - Saint Lucy
December 14 - Saint Lucy
December 25- Christmas
December 28- Holy Family

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