osv.comNovember 6, 2014
World Meeting of Families: Are you ready?
Church notables, including Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, help prepare Catholics for the Philadelphia meeting in the first of 10 In Focuses exploring the preparatory catechesis: "Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive."
Should the Church split from civil marriage?
With rapidly changing state laws on marriage, Helen Alvar� considers whether or not it's time to reconsider current processes.
A vocations boost
The Melchizedek Project gathers men in small groups to support one another as they discern the priesthood.
A closer look at 'encounter'
An international forum in Rome is exploring how to achieve Pope Francis' mission of helping those on the peripheries of society.
Jesuit massacre 25 years later
The moving first-person account of eyewitness Lucia Cerna honors the eight people who lost their lives in El Salvador.
Editorial: After Brittany
With the decision of Brittany Maynard to kill herself, Americans are increasingly likely to see death as the answer.

"There's not a decline in Catholic population; there's a decline in Catholic life."
-- Father George Rutler, of the Archdiocese of New York, on Nov. 3 regarding the parish mergers.
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