osv.comMay 8, 2014

The Church's changing face
Staggering numbers from a new study show how important Hispanics are to the future of Catholicism in the United States.
Veterans in the Holy Land
The Heroes to Heroes programs takes former U.S. soldiers on pilgrimage, where they find faith, hope and healing.
Tough times for adoption agencies
Unwilling to abandon Church doctrine and place children with same-sex couples, Catholic charities are being forced to adapt.
An incredible journey
A priest recounts how he died -- and then toured heaven, hell and purgatory with his guardian angel.
Couple restores art, culture
An Italian duo salvage and clean priceless works -- many in Afghanistan and Iraq -- that have been harmed over time or by war.
Editorial: Embracing our future
A study on Hispanic ministry shows that if parishes don't make that demographic a priority, they will face an "uncertain future."

"In the Church there are climbers, people driven by ambition! ... But if you like climbing, go to the mountains and climb them; it is healthier!"
-- Pope Francis, in his May 5 homily, on those who follow God for the wrong reasons.
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