13. september, 2013 
karl madis
eesti köök ja külalised
seenioride klubi
eesti kool
eesti kirik
ott lepland
SUVEALBUM / Summer album

Los Angelese eestlaste suvealbum

Our Los Angeles Estonians' summer album
Karl Madis performing in Estonian House LA

Laup�eval, 21. septembril             
kell 6 p.l.                                              TULEN!    Like us on Facebook
Eesti Majas

Esineb Los Angelese Eesti Majas Karl Madis.

Enne kontserdi algust kl 5 p.l. avatud Eesti K��gi kohvik.    

Eelm��gist pilet annetusena $15 / perepilet $30 
Kohapeal pilet annetusena $20 / perepilet $40 
Tshekk saata LA eesti maja aadressil (W 24th St, Los Angeles CA 9007) Eesti Seltsi nimele.

Karl Madis alustas lauljateed lastekooris Ellerhein. Popmuusika juurde tuli ta juba koolip�evil, esimesed esinemised solistina olid tal 1975.a. Ta on �ppinud Tallinna Muusikakooli estraadiosakonnas. Valdavalt tuntakse  Karl Madist popsolistina. Talle sobivad moodsad tantsur�tmid ja ballaadilikud lood. Oma esinemisse toob ta vaheldust suupilli, saksofoni, viiuli, klaveri ja kitarrisoolodega. Karl Madis on olnud ansambli Karavan solistiks alates 1983. a.

Karavan 25 live  - Mona Lisa
Karavan 25 live - Mona Lisa



Saturday, September 21st, 2013

at 6 pm

Estonian House


Karl Madis will perform at the Estonian House.

Prior to the concert, the Estonian Kitchen will be open at 5 pm

Tickets at the door are a $20 donation / family group ticket $40.


Karl Madis began his singing career in the children's chorus Ellerhein.  He began playing pop music while still a student.  His first performances as a soloist came in 1975.  He studied at the Tallinn School of music in the variety show section as a saxophonist and is known predominantly as a pop soloist.  Modern dance rhythms and ballad-like tunes suit him best.  As part of his instrumental repertoire Karl performs harmonica, saxophone, violin, piano and guitar solos.  Karl Madis has been soloist for the Karavan ensemble since 1983.

EESTI K��K JA K�LALISED - Estonian Kitchen and the Guest


Eesti K��k ja K�lalised alustas oma sarja 2010 aasta jaanuaris. Meie k�lalisteks on olnud mitmed nimekad Los Angelese eestlased, kes on endale omal alal nime teinud nii Eestis kui kogu maailmas. Siinkohal teeme kokkuv�tte nelja aasta jooksul toimunud kohtumistest Los Angelese eesti majas. T�name k�iki k�lalisi, k�lastajaid ja kokkasid kes peale loengut kosutavat l�unas��ki pakkusid!  

K�lalisi kutsus: Reet Rand

Tehnikaga tegeles: Aivar Kokam�gi

K��gis toimetasid: Mall Arusalu, Leila McLaughlin, Kaie Pallo, Kadi Dugan, Sigrid Tipton

Kokkuv�te eesti k��gi k�lalistest  - Loe edasi!


The "Estonian Kitchen and Guests"
inaugurated its series in January 2010.  Our guests have been numerous noted Los Angeles Estonians who have made a name for themselves in Estonia as well as worldwide. Here is a listing of get-togethers over four years at the Los Angeles Estonian House.  We offer our thanks to all our guests, visitors as well as the cooks who prepared tasty luncheons after each lecture.
Guests were invited by Reet Rand 
Technical support by Aivar Kokam�gi 
Cooks: Mall Arusalu, Leila McLaughlin, Kaie Pallo, Kadi Dugan, Sigrid Tipton
SEENIORIDE KLUBI / The Seniors' Club

Iga kuu teise kolmap�eva hommikul kell 11 on seenioride klubi koosolek.
Ettekanne. L�unas��k 5 dollari eest. Pakutakse shampanjat.

Info:  Kaie Pallo email 

The Seniors' Club meets every second Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Entertainment, lunch $5.00. Champagne.

EESTI KOOL / Estonian School
Ootame koiki Los Angelese piirkonna eesti lapsi eesti kooli!
Esimene koolip�ev 6. oktoober, 2013 
algusega 9.45 e.l.
Info: Kadi Dugan  - email 
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All Estonian children from Greater Los Angeles are invited to attend the Estonian School!

First day of school October 6th, 2013
at 9.45 am
EESTI KIRIK / Estonian Church
P�hap�eval, 22. septembril, 2013
kell 11 el   
L�ikusp�ha jumalateenistus Garden Grove'is Linda ja Edgar Kaskla kodus. Samas j�rgneb koguduse suvep�ev. L�unas��k, koosviibimine, loterii. Kohvilauale palutakse tuua k�psiseid ja kooke.

J�rgmised Koguduse Teated ilmuvad septembri l�pul, kattes oktoobri ja novembri kuud.
Koguduse teated kliki siia
Koguduse veebileht
Congregation's website - click here

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013
11:00 a.m 
Church Service and Summer Picnic at Linda and Edgar Kaskla's home.  Lunch, gathering, lottery.  Please bring cakes/cookies to share.

Next Congregational Announcements will appear at the end of September, covering October and November.    


19. oktooobril esineb Los Angelese Eesti Majas Ott Lepland
J�lgige oktoobrikuu uudiskirja ja Los Angelese Eestlasi Facebookis.

Eelm��gist pilet annetusena $15 / perepilet $30
Kohapeal pilet annetusena $20 / perepilet $40
Tshekk saata LA eesti maja aadressil (W 24th St, Los Angeles CA 9007) Eesti Seltsi nimele.

Ott Lepland
will perform at the Estonian House on October 19, 2013

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ERSO KALIFORNIAS / ERSO performing in California

Eesti Riiklik S�mfooniaorkester (ERSO) ja Eesti Filharmoonia kammerkoor tulevad s�gisel USAsse esinema

Kontserdid Californias:
30. oktoobril Santa Barbaras - Granada Theatre
1. novembril Northridge'is - Valley Performing Arts Center
2. novembril Stanfordis - Bing Concert Hall
3. novembril Aliso Viejos - Soka Performing Arts Hall
Enamikku kontserte juhatab maestro Neeme J�rvi.


We are glad to announce a concert tour in the United States this fall by the renowned Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) and the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir.  Most concerts will be conducted by the internationally distinguished Estonian conductor Maestro Neeme J�rvi, and many concerts will be held near your area.  Hopefully you, your friends and colleagues will be able to attend one of these memorable concerts.  You are also welcome to arrange receptions, or similar functions related to these concerts in your area.

Concert dates in Los Angeles area:
October   30th   Santa Barbara, CA (Granada Theatre)
November  1st   Northridge, LA (Valley Performing Arts Center)
November  2nd Stanford, CA (Bing Concert Hall)
November  3rd    Aliso Viejo, CA (Soka Performing Arts Hall)



Tellida saab nii paberlehte kui lehe pdf versiooni internetis. Tellimisleht - kliki siia!


VES pood


TOIMKOND / Editors

Toimetajad/Editorial Reet Rand, Leila McLaughlin 
Keeletoimetaja/Syntactic editor Margus V�lja
Keeletoimetaja/Syntactic editor/English Matti Riivald
Kaast��/Contributors Renee Meriste
Fotod/Photos T�name k�iki suvealbumi fotograafe!

Tagasiside/Feedback/Koputaja email  

Los Angelese Eestlased uudiskiri ootab oma lugejate kaast�id! Saatke need 10. kuup�evaks aadressil [email protected] 


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