March 2015

Could you be at risk of developing COPD? 

Primarily caused by cigarette smoking, COPD is a lung disease that causes damage to lung tissue over time, making it increasingly harder to breathe.

n Canada, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of hospital admission and death, yet it remains underappreciated, leading to underdiagnosis and undertreatment.

Primarily caused by cigarette smoking, COPD is a lung disease that causes damage to lung tissue over time, making it increasingly harder to breathe. COPD is also known as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

"Early screening for COPD in at-risk patients is essential, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can impact future long-term health," says Dr. Adam Hutchinson-Jaffe, Respirologist and COPD Clinic Lead at North York General Hospital.

Learn more and see our COPD infographic.                                                                    


Profile: Surgical Oncologist Dr. Peter Stotland

 From left, Dr. Peter Stotland with surgical resident Dr. Natalie Wong-Chong and clinical clerk Gilly Akhatar-Denesh

Recently, Surgical Oncologist Dr. Peter Stotland took a moment to discuss surgical advances and why he enjoys working at North York General Hospital.

"The advances being made in laparoscopic surgery are very exciting. North York General is one of only a few hospitals in Canada that offers transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) for colorectal cancer. TAMIS is a procedure that removes tumours in the rectum faster than traditional procedures, causing less pain and a shorter recovery time."

Learn more about Dr. Peter Stotland. 


Signs and symptoms of an eating disorder
The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder.

Eating disorders are serious conditions often developed in the teen and young adult years, although they can develop at other ages. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. 

North York General Hospital's Dr. Marla Engelberg, Psychologist and Clinical Team Leader of our Adolescent Eating Disorders Program, highlights how eating disorders can affect teens, and gives us some warning signs parents can look out for. 

Learn more about eating disorders.

Let's talk about vaccinations and measles

Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent measles.

Vaccinations and measles have been a hot topic for many Ontarians. 

Along with public health officials debunking vaccination myths, urging people to check their immunizations records and get vaccinated, some parents on social media say an anti-vaccination movement has put their children at serious risk by making them vulnerable to infectious diseases.

The Pulse talked to North York General Hospital's Dr. Kevin Katz, Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control, about what you can do to stay safe and protect others. 

Read about vaccinations and measles.


Two options for urgent care

North York General Hospital offers two options for urgent care.

Emergency services at North York General Hospital include both the Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency at the General site and the Urgent Care Centre (UCC) at the Branson Ambulatory Care Centre. The Emergency Department (ED) at 4001 Leslie Street is one of Canada's busiest.


The ED and the UCC offer different services for different types of conditions according to Sandy Marangos, Director of Emergency and Mental Health. "Typically, the ED treats life-threatening conditions, illnesses or injuries and the UCC is specifically designed to manage less serious problems, concerns or injuries," she says. 

Find out more about our emergency services. 


X-rays, X-rays! Read all about . . . our imaging services

North York General Hospital offers a full range of medical imaging services for our community.

Did you know North York General Hospital offers a full range of medical imaging services for our community? 


In fact, state-of-the art ultrasound, X-ray, CT and MRI services are all available through the Gulshan & Pyarali G. Nanji Ultrasound, CT and Radiography Centre as part of the Volunteer Services Centre for Medical Imaging at the General site, and ultrasound, mammography and X-ray services are available at our Branson Ambulatory Care Centre.

"Not only do my colleagues pursue excellence in the care we provide and technology we use, they put patients first, answering questions, reassuring, offering comfort, whatever our patients need," says Dr. Elizabeth LaMere, Chief Radiologist and Medical Director, Medical Imaging.  

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