June 6 2013
Dear PSO Members,

What a great year this has been for the PSO! 
Whether it was a social event just for fun, bringing enrichment activities to our children or great teaming to reach our fund raising commitment to the school - you all came together to make great things happen.  From the PSO Executive Board - WE THANK YOU.

In this year end newsletter:
  • Updates on year end committee activities
  • Summer Box Tops: keep clipping and shopping online 
  • 2012/13 year end report from the PSO Executive Board
  • Around the Parish 
Welcome new members of the PSO Executive Board:
  • Co-President (Incoming) - Colleen Simpson
  • Treasurer (Incoming) - Colleen Wade
  • VP of Room Parents - Liz Argento 
In closing, we'd like to thank our outgoing PSO Executive Board members who have completed their two-year terms. 
Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
Michelle McGregor, Monique Rupert and Jenny Mosher
Continuing PSO Executive Board members:
Carrie Flick, Kathy Dominik, Anne Erie, Susan Bradley, Katie Surico and Cathy Daly


Jun 8: Art Studio party- spots still available

Jun 15: Bocce and Pinstripe- spots still available

July 20: St Joe's Parish Block Party hosted by the Men's Club

Aug 21: Back to School Social
  • Meet & Greet the teachers, new families and principal 
  • Drop off school supplies
Aug 22: School Starts

Aug 25: Back to School mass hosted by the School Board

Annual Pasta Dinner -

A GREAT time was had by parents and children at the annual pasta dinner.  As usual, the cakewalk was hopping! 

To our teachers who serve a mean pasta noodle and sauce:  
 Mrs Hara, Mrs Zavatter, Mr Crowley, Ms Reschke, Ms Pontarelli and Ms. Breen.  THANK YOU

To all our parent volunteers and our 6th grade students and first grade families who continued the tradition of scooping the ice cream and running the cake walk- nice job!  A special shout out to the graduates who came back and helped clean up - THANK YOU

We couldn't do this without our sponsors:  Please shop these businesses that do so much for us - and thank them!
  • Heavenly hearth ( bread)
  • Ridgeview ( butter)
  • Scandinavia catering ( salad dressing)
  • Maggianos little Italy ( cheese and oil)
  • Ziers ( sauce)

To our Co-chairs, Patty Ohle and Megan Finnegan, cool in the kitchen. Thank you for volunteering and bringing us another fun Pasta Dinner.

Jubilee Jog     

We had 431 registrants this year.  Cool weather brought out dedicated runners, walkers of all ages. Supporters along the route cheered everyone on.  A great time was had by all while raising funds for our third major fundraiser of the year.  THANK YOU to all our volunteers who make this event possible, especially Brian Bradley announcer extraordinaire, Helen Considine and Carmel Glynn for staffing the volunteers.

We also are able to once again donate to the Peg Foley fund honoring a very special lady. 

Our community continues to show great support for our school - remember to thank them  and shop Wilmette.
We would like to thank @ Properties, Road Runner, all of our Angel Plan donors, The Crystal Cave, GrowthSpurts, Baek's Tiger Martial Arts, Northshore Fitness, The Northwest Passage, Lad & Lassie, Wilmette Cleaners and others for their amazing contributions.

Corner Bakery had a branded tent present and served muffins and bagels to the race participants. Peapod donated a $100 gift card so we could provide bottled water and bananas, and Zico Coco Water provided some great product for all the runners to enjoy!

We had some really great new sponsors providing healthy cash donations such as SJS Cross Country Team, First Bank and Trust, Wilshore Electric and Guaranteed Rate...
What a great demonstration of support for St. Joseph School!


THANK YOU to our talented Co-Chairs who brought a great event together.  Amy Corr, Christine MacVay and Deborah Mabin 

Summer Box Tops:  box top

Quick/Easy ways you can continue to support the PSO St Joseph efforts over the summer:

1. Keep clipping Box Tops - collection boxes will be at the church all summer long so you can drop them off.  Fun, easy activity for the kids.  

2. Shop on-line? Shop through theBox Tops Marketplace
and raise easy money for St Joe's at no extra cost to you. No gift cards to track, pay the way you'd like. Tell your extended family and friends. Anyone can shop the Marketplace and raise money for St Joe's.

Schools raise thousands of dollars through Box tops Marketplace - we can too!

Need uniforms? Shop Land's End Uniforms
Need to send a gift?  

Here are just a few examples: 
Gap, Lands End, Carters, Cooking.com, Crate and Barrel, Coach, Hannah Anderson, Harry & David, Justice, L.L. Bean, Melissa & Doug, Nordstrom, Omaha Steaks, Orbitz, OshKosh, Ralph Lauren, Sears, Shutterfly, Sur la Table, Target, Toys R Us, Vera Bradley, William Sonoma, Vistaprint. List of Companies 
Create your login, select St. Joseph Wilmette as your school to support, click on 'earn' and start shopping today.

We had a great year coming in just under our target and are already starting to collect for the next school year which starts July 1st.

Thank you to Sheila Batka who has helped re-establish this program for the PSO. It's easy, the kids can help so keep it going during the summer. 
PSO Executive Board
2012-13 Year End Summary Report

  • Our 2012-2013 fundraising goal was $145,000.  Due to the great fundraising efforts by all the chairs of the committees, the volunteers and our generous families we should end the year approximately $155,000.  Our fundraising money goes directly to pay for school operations.   
  • The PSO has funded the school operations by $150,000 for this year.
  •  Implemented the online store for ease of purchasing back to school items and attending our school events.  This has been a convenient way for families to sign up for items.  If you have any feedback on improving the online store, please email stjosephstore@stjosephwilmette.com.   

VP Communications: 
  • Established
     a communication strategy.  
  • Introduced a regular PSO newsletter that included financials to address transparency.
  • Further established web presence of PSO Board, Committee and Event information.
  • Teamed with committees to establish communication plans
  • Engaged Parish Organizations to share their news with school families
  • Conducted Winter/Spring Event PSO survey to better understand the specific activity interests of the PSO members, so that more timely and effective planning can be accomplished. 
VP Civics, Safety, Legislative 
  • Advised Co-Presidents on meeting protocol, advised Nominating Committee on officer nominations and advised Board on by-law questions as needed. Assisted with review and updating of officer and chair descriptions.
  • Circulated parking lot safety reminders and procedures throughout the year, met with Principal on issue of fire lane parking during concerts, attended monthly village wide District 39 civics and safety  meetings.   
  • Organized bike safety day for 2nd and 4th graders at St. Joe's and assisted with the Dist 39 year end appreciation breakfast for crossing guard and bus drivers.
  • Legislative:Evaluated By-laws for updating and researched applicable materials and by-laws of other parent organizations .
VP Enrichment:  
  • A number of new vendors were introduced to the students this year for after school enrichment activities along with some old favorites. Some new vendors included - Creative kids Corner Cooking Class, Cookie decorating, Guitar lessons.  Also held were two education programs from Cook Country Forest Preserve and Mr Freeze.
The PSO sponsored the quiz show for the students by American Eagle Productions during Catholic Schools week.  
VP Room Parents:  
  • Worked with room parents to organize volunteer efforts for several events including Ofest, Pizza Day, Field Day and Benefit and Socials.
  • Assisted room parents as needed with communications to classes, and grade specific activities.  

Thanks again for everyone's efforts in helping the Parish School Organization achieve our goals this year.  


Our 2013-14 PSO Executive Board:

C=Continuing, I=Incoming,* = Voting Position 





VP Room Parents*

VP Civics and Safety, Legislative*

VP Enrichment*

VP Communications*

PSO Fundraising Results to Date 
Goal: $145,000
(% reflects Net Profit)

Around the School and Parish

  • St. Joseph Parish Men's Club  - MARK YOUR CALENDAR 
  • HAPPY HOURS ON FAITH: Sign up Today! 
    Would you like to get a glimpse into the spirituality of Pope Francis I? Come join us for the first of our "Happy Hours on Faith".    
The development of "Happy Hours" arises out of the Parish Transformation project, and is meant to provide small group faith sharing/development opportunities for all of our parishioners, particularly our younger parents.  This specific program will look at Communion and Liberation, an international Catholic movement started by Monsignor Luigi Giussani in Italy in 1954, and now in over 80 countries in the world, whose focus is to make individuals coworkers in the Church's mission to all members of society.  Pope Francis I has been a supporter of Msgr. Giussani, and his writings.
    • When: Friday, June 14th
    • Where: Dave & Ann Erie's home in Golf at 54 Briar Road
    • Agenda: The evening will begin with appetizers from 5:30-6:00PM, the discussion session from  6:00-7:00 PM, and desserts from 7:00-7:30 PM.
    • RSVP: If you would like to attend, please send an e-mail to annerie@sbcglobal.net or call 847-486-1534.

            We hope that you will join us!  


2013/14 School Calendar 


PSO Newsletter ideas or feedback? Your comments are welcome, please email:


See you on August 21st for the
Back to School Social