News & Information for West Middle School

My School Anywhere Update
This is a reminder that you have access to our online and mobile directory and instructions on how to login. All remaining invitations were sent out this week , our apologies for the delay.
  • Username: Your username is your email address.
  • Password: The system sent you an email with your login credentials. At that time you were issued a temporary password that you can change when you login.
  • Forgot your password or lost the email? Go to the login page and click: Forgot my Password to reset.
Smartphone Access: you can access the directory from any internet connected device, including your smartphone. Click on the login link above from your smartphone and you'll be directed to the mobile app.
Please click here for detailed mobile instructions:  https://www.myschoolanywhere.com/gomobile.html 
Please send any questions or concerns to wayzatawestms@gmail.com.

This is a reminder that this Wed. Nov. 9 is the FINAL turn in date for all cookie dough and magazine orders.
Students should bring their orders to lunch were they can turn orders in and collect prizes.

Donations are also welcome and count towards prizes.  Checks should be made to WMS PTA.

Thank you for your support of PTA and our school!
Laura Clark (lauranrob@msn.com )
Kelley Doucet (kelleylawlor@yahoo.com)
PTA News
The next PTA meeting will be held on Thursday November 17 at 12:00 in the Auxiliary Gym.  Our guest speaker will be Dr. Chace Anderson who will give an update on what is happening in and around the school district.
Wayzata West Spirit Wear Online Store
Need some early inspiration for holiday shopping? Introducing the WMS Spirit Wear Online Store which offers a fabulous range of exclusive Wayzata sportswear and accessories for students and family members alike. The Store features quality performance wear including many items from Under Armour. Easy online ordering with the option to ship for free to school or pay an additional fee for UPS delivery to your home. (Please note: if you are ordering items as a gift for your WMS student, you will want to request shipping to home as items will otherwise be distributed to students in their Advisory classrooms). Contact Heather Felt at 
 hjfelt@comcast.net with questions.

Order deadline is November 21 with delivery the week of December 20.

To browse or shop, simply visit www.rambow.com and enter your school code: WMSTROJANS     

Give to the Max to the Wayzata Education Fund
Please consider supporting the Wayzata Education Fund on Give to the Max Day, Thursday, November 17.  Click here to make your secure online gift.
The Wayzata Education Fund provides grants directly to Wayzata educators across the district to support their innovative curricular ideas. An all-volunteer organization, the Fund has donated over $200,000 to support teacher-inspired projects.

Plymouth Parks and Recreation: Wayzata Middle Schools Ski/Snowboard Club - 2016/2017 Season
Dear Ski/Snowboard Club Families,
Plymouth Parks and Recreation is again offering a Friday after-school ski and snowboard program through the Wayzata East, West and Central Middle Schools for the 2016/2017 school year. Trips are open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, and take place on Fridays in January and February. Buses load afterschool and return to school at approximately 11:15 p.m. Beginners and experienced skiers/boarders are all welcome. All trips are chaperoned by adults. Lessons and rentals are available.
Meeting includes trip information, program brochure with pricing and details.
  • Date: Monday, December 12
  • Time: 7:00 p.m.
  • Location: Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Ave N, Plymouth 55447



  • Program brochures will be available on the City of Plymouth Website (www.plymouthmn.gov) beginning December 1.
  • Program brochures will be available on school websites beginning in early December. 
  • Registration will openThursday, December 15 at 10 a.m.
  • NEW THIS YEAR Online registration is now available!  Walk-in and mailed-in registrations will also be accepted. 
Note: mailed in registrations will be opened and processed at the same time as walk-in registrations.
  • Starting Monday, December 19 - Phone-in registrations accepted and processed. 
  • Emailed or faxed registrations are not accepted at this time.
  • Note: space is limited and trips fill quickly
  • Online registration: Create an account at www.plymouthmn.gov
  • Walk-in location and mailing address: Plymouth City Hall, 3400 Plymouth Blvd, Plymouth 55447.
  • Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 4:30 PM.
Adult Volunteer chaperones are needed. Enjoy the slopes or stay warm in the chalet. Chaperones receives free lift and rental. Note: Trips may be cancelled if there is insufficient chaperone coverage. If interested, contact Plymouth Parks and Recreation at recreation@plymouthmn.gov.
  • Trainings:   Mon. Jan 2 at 6:30 pm for new chaperones. Mon. Dec 12 at 5:45 pm for returning chaperones.
Trip Dates -  2017
East Middle School
Central Middle School
West Middle School
Fri. Jan. 13
Trip1- Trollhaugen
Trip1- Trollhaugen
Trip1- Trollhaugen
Fri. Jan. 20
Trip 2- 
Wild Mt
Trip 2- 
Wild Mt
Trip 2- 
Wild Mt
Fri. Feb 3
Trip 3- 
Afton Alps
Afton Alps
Trip 3- 
Afton Alps
Fri. Feb 10
Trip 4- 
Wild MT
Wild MT
Trip 4- 
Wild MT
Fri. Feb 24
Trip 5- 
Afton Alps
Trip 5- 
Afton Alps
Trip 5- 
Afton Alps
If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact us at your convenience.  Thank you.
Plymouth Parks and Recreation
plymouthmn.gov // 763-509-5200

Schools and Mental Health Services

In his book Brainstorm (2013), Dr. Daniel J. Siegel outlines seven activities which are scientifically proven to keep our bodies healthy, our minds strong, and our brains continuing to grow throughout our lives. He has placed these activities on "The Healthy Mind Platter". We will be incorporating the Healthy Mind Platter into our teaching at West this school year. We will feature one in detail in issues of the Wednesday Weekly.
Down Time
Youmay be relieved to know that we don't need to be focused all the time.  In fact, giving yourself a break from doing what you do is the whole idea of these simple seven daily mind activities. Every day we can have some downtime to enable our minds to unwind and our brains to sort themselves out.  Downtime is when we have no plans, nothing we are trying to accomplish, nothing that needs to be done. During this period, the brain seems to recharge the batteries, allowing the mind to intentionally be given a break.

Downtime is quite different from unintentional mind wandering. If the task at hand is to focus on something, like a conversation with someone or an assignment or talk at school, letting our minds wander off task without the choice to do that can be pretty disruptive to what we are trying to achieve. Some studies even suggest that it's not good for our health and happiness.

Instead, downtime means that we designate a time to just chill out, to have nothing on the calendar, to let our imaginations go wherever they will. Vacations are great time to just hang out, but on a daily basis, it is also good to set aside time to take a brain break, to relax and unwind. Give yourself permission to do this intentionally.  That is the goal of downtime, when we intentionally have no set goal. It is really important, even in limited amounts, every day!
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Worth Repeating

It's Time to Order your Yearbook
Now is a good time to order your 2016-17 yearbook. Click here to choose your price and package.
West News
Each 8th grade advisory group will get a chance to work in the WMS TV studio and produce several news shows.  These shows are broadcast live during our advisory period every Wednesday and Friday throughout the school year. 

Once again this year, the WMS News shows will be broadcast on ED's TV Monday through Friday at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

ED's TV is on:
     Cable Channel 19 (analog) and Channel 107.6 (digital) on Mediacom Cable in Wayzata and in the Lake Minnetonka area
     Cable Channel 22 on Comcast Cable in Plymouth & the Northwest Suburbs
     Cable Channel 14 on Comcast Cable in Minnetonka & the Southwest Suburbs.

West News is also posted online.  In addition to being posted to the WMS website, you may also find it on the Wayzata Public Schools YouTube Channel accessed through the West homepage .
Proud to be part of
Excellence. For each and every student.

November 10 & 11 - No School 

November 17 -
Student Stars - 8:15 a.m. @WMS Gym

November 17 - PTA Meeting - noon @WMS Aux Gym

November 17 & 18 - 7th Grade Courage Retreat

November 23-25 - NO SCHOOL

December 1-3 -
Fall Play Thursday & Friday 7 p.m. - Saturday 2 p.m. @WMS Gym


Lunch Menus


School Calendar


Parent Handbook


Health Office & Attendance Line


School Board Agendas & Minutes


Communicator Newsletter


Community Connections Flyers

West's Student Newspaper
1st issue of the year!
"Barry Avenue Journal"

Vol.2, issue 1  
Vision 21/Activities
Click here for the latest on Activities and Vision 21.

West Middle School

West Middle School
149 Barry Ave North, Wayzata, MN 55391-1012
Phone: 763-745-6400 Fax: 763-745-6491  

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