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Notes from APP and NMDC
Volume 1, Issue 39
March 8, 2013
In This Issue
Logger Business Training
New ACT Board
Advancing Aroostook
Logger business management training to be held at UMFK 


   FORT KENT - The first of its kind in the region, business management training program for loggers and off road truck drivers is set for May 14-15 at the University of Maine Fort Kent.

   The seminar, which covers business planning; accounting with QuickBooks; equipment availability and quality; tracking production and inventory; logging and trucking operation planning; human resources and insurance, will be segmented into four modules over the two days.

   "The entire focus of the course is to help make them better business people," said Dana Saucier, consultant from Genesis Performance Partners, who is coordinating the event with Northern Maine Development Commission. "We have found historically that we have extraordinary individuals who make up this industry. Logging and trucking contractors are some of the most dedicated individuals who work long hours, dedicated to professionalism and to doing the best quality work that they can. Unfortunately not all of them have the best training in the business management field so this is critical to advancing their skills."

   Subject matter experts who have experience working with contractors in banking, insurance, human resources and the logging industry will teach the modules.

   The registration fee is $100 per company, with up to two employees able to attend. Attendance is capped at 30 companies, but depending on interest, this program as well as additional trainings may be offered in the future, so organizers are encouraging as many contractors and potential contractors to sign up. If participants successfully complete both days of training $50 of the registration fee will be reimbursed.

   To offset the cost of the training, several corporate partners have signed on at various levels. Platinum sponsors are Katahdin Trust Company, NorState Federal Credit Union, TD Bank, Irving Woodlands LLC, Varney Agency, UMFK and NMDC. Contributing at the Gold level are United Insurance, LEADers Encouraging Aroostook Development and Aramark Dining Services. Acadia Federal Credit Union and Key Bank are Silver sponsors.

   Additional details will be released as the course date draws closer.

   Registration forms are available by contacting Judy Dinsmore at NMDC at (207) 493-8736 or by email at Forms are also available on the NMDC website,

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New ACT board begins work  


   AROOSTOOK COUNTY - The new Aroostook County Tourism (ACT) board of directors is hard at work after meeting as a group for the first time recently at the Oxbow Lodge.

   The tourism board, restructured late last year as a smaller body to improve attendance at meetings and to focus tourism efforts in Aroostook County, is comprised of 12 members representing the different geographic areas of Aroostook County and

ACT Board
   The new Aroostook County Tourism Board met at Oxbow Lodge for its first meeting. Front, from left, are: Lori Weston, Sammi LaBelle, Judy Sherman and Gina Clark. Middle row: Theresa Fowler, Jim Bennett, Kevin Ward, Romeo Parent and Kathy Mazzuchelli. Back row: Mark Shea, Mike Fawcett and Leslie Jackson. Absent when photo was taken was Scott Thompson and Steve Dobson.

stakeholders in the industry, from lodging to dining to various outdoor recreation pursuits.

   "We are very fortunate to have many dedicated people who love Aroostook County and are committed to promoting the area as a destination," said Leslie Jackson, regional tourism developer for Northern Maine Development Commission (NMDC). "With a new mission and structure in place, ACT is committed to making great things happen to support our tourism businesses."

   Members of the board are Lori Weston, Sammi LaBelle, Judy Sherman, Gina Clark, Theresa Fowler, Kevin Ward, Romeo Parent, Kathy Mazzuchelli, Mark Shea, Mike Fawcett, Scott Thompson and Steve Dobson. ACT is a standing committee of NMDC and as such, Jackson serves as the administrator of ACT and Jim Bennett, who is on the NMDC Executive Board, serves as Chairman.

   Members of the reorganized board said they are excited to be part of this effort.

   "As the marketing manager at one of The County's larger wintertime venues [Bigrock Mountain], I feel that I can offer valuable insight on how best to highlight the many outdoor recreational activities that The Crown of Maine has to offer," said Shea.

   Sherman added, "I want to be involved in ACT to promote The County and all we stand for - hard working, friendly and courteous - to promote Made in Aroostook arts and crafts, farming, logging and the abundance of wildlife."

   LaBelle said ACT has a big mission, which can only be accomplished by working together.

   "All of the communities with events going on at similar times need to cooperate with each other to get the word out on what is going on so that people can plan vacations and short trips to be a part of these events," she said. "We have to somehow get people from away to come and experience what we have to offer. And we need to make those experiences exceptional so that they come back and bring more people with them."

   Jackson said that cooperation could be achieved by interested people joining the ACT network, which will be kicked off at a tourism summit to be held this May.

   "The ACT Network will include anybody, including previous board members, who have an interest in tourism that wants to be involved in the outreach that we do," she said. "They will receive tourism updates, provide feedback and if possible work trade shows. There is a lot of opportunity for people to get involved."

   The date of the summit has been set for May 8, but a location has not been finalized.

   ACT board seats are for one- and two-year terms. Anyone wishing to serve in the future or is interested in ACT activities is encouraged to contact Jackson at (207) 498-8736 or by email at


Advancing Aroostook
Titan Challenge
A look at Junior Achievement's Titan Challenge program.

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