Torill and I just finished a 4-week camping vacation.
The weather was very supportive for this (northern) part of the world.
(Where as summer arrives, everyone is longing for the sun.)
We drove (in our small, old but great, Mazda camper) a big circle through Norway, Sweden, Denmark - and then back across Norway. We had only 2 days of rain. Nature was abundant and close. We had great visits with friends as well!
So in considering a theme for this newsletter my thoughts centered around a 4 hour kayak trip we did in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a bit windy - but perfect temperature. We made a big loop around one of the islands. (Stockholm is basically a city built over a series of islands.) We covered 10 kilometers and had a great time in our (rented) double kayak.
As we were near the end of our journey - Spirit entered my mind with "welcome home". I felt a strong surge of appreciation for that deeply loving inner contact. And also appreciation for the exuberance of my body feeling strong, and in a sense - at one with the elements. I then remembered the joy of kayaking episodes in my past.
(I have owned 3 kayaks in years past. Kayaking and cross-country skiing stand out in my mind as the greatest of fun. Close to Nature and very 'grounding'.)
Torill had a similar sense of Joy - while doing Qi Gong in the middle of 4 great - very old trees in a beautiful place near Viborg Denmark.
Such experiences in Nature are for many people, a spontaneous sense of the Divine. While not everyone would use my choice of words - still the beauty of our inner connection to a sense of the Divine is often triggered through a natural environment!
Much Love and blessings!
from Lin & Torill
Visualize a beautiful child of light within you. Begin to breathe in a deep way, but naturally. Ask the child to come out and play. Bring the child out and do a little bow. Start to dance a bit with the child in your thoughts. Feel the playfulness of the child moving through your feet, touching the earth. A sense of longing comes up, that your hands may express. Touch the earth and feel the wind, the air, the sky, with your hands, with your face. You find yourself at a beautiful seashore with the child. You both lay down on a beach blanket. You lay down and feel the sun. Feel the golden light of the sun flowing in you and through you. You are the daughter of the most high, the son of the most high. And the other sons and daughters, both in the Spirit and in the flesh, will more and more come to be your friends. Be aware of the simple joys of life. Therein lies happiness. Therein lies your true consciousness. God bless you. ( From Divine Chuckles, pages 177-178, LDM©2005) |