Message from our Executive Director
With the heat of the summer winding down, and with vacation time over, it is time to get back into routine with renewed energy and focus!
Over the summer months, the AWARE-NS staff have been busy creating tools, resources and OHS program development. Heather's Fall training schedule has been set and notices are being sent to inform when OHS training is happening in your community.
Check out the website for our new e-learning courses. We have noted on Heather's Fall training schedule, important sector events and dates to mark on your calendar.
September is Continuing Care Month - 'Your Home, Our Passion'. We recognize the contributions of many care givers and service providers who provide dedicated care and service to those in need!
We hope you will join us for the AWARE-NS Annual General Meeting being held September 24, 2015 where we will release our 2014-15 Annual Report.
Susan Dempsey,
Executive Director, AWARE-NS
AWARE-NS is pleased to announce that three new courses have been added to our self-directed online learning campus!
They are:
WHMIS 2015 (formerly referred to as GHS)
NS OHS Act and Regulations (required for JOHS training certificate through AWARE-NS)
Steps for Safety- Preventing Workplace Violence
Heather is coming, to a town near you!
It's that time again, for packing lunches and bringing along a sweater...just in case. The kids are off to learn new things in class and so can YOU!
We have developed a new classroom session, Hazard ID. Our OHS Specialist and Facilitator, Heather Matthews is getting back on the road in October to provide this training along with a re-offering of our Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis training.
Email invitations have been sent, but if you haven't received one please contact Trisha, OHS Coordinator to register training@awarens.ca and for more information.
See sessions listed below.
Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis
Hazard ID
| October 1 - Bedford | October 1 - Bedford
| October 8 - Yarmouth
| October 8 - Yarmouth
| October 14 - Truro
| October 8 - Truro
| October 16 - Waterville
| October 16 - Waterville
| October 20 - Sydney
| October 20 - Sydney
| October 21 - Baddeck
| October 21 - Baddeck
| October 27 - Amherst
| October 27 - Amherst
| October 28 - Antigonish
| October 28 - Antigonish
| October 30 - Liverpool
| October 30 - Liverpool
September is...
Continuing Care Month
Click on the link below for more information
Continuing Care 2015
Thank a member of your continuing care team, today!
Safety Information for Small and Medium Businesses
As an employer, you must manage all aspects of your business - including the health and safety of your workers. You're busy and you just want to know what is required of you so you can successfully run your business. We can help you navigate the complexities of regulation and legislation around workplace health and safety.
We have partnered with the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (WCB) and Labour and Advanced Education (LAE) to host a business information event.
Join us at your convenience on October 6 or 7, and talk to representatives from WCB, LAE and other industry safety associations, and learn about programs and services that can help your small or medium business be successful. Do you have questions about injury prevention, safety training, return-to-work management? We'll have answers!
Who Should Attend?
Small and medium business owners, operators, safety representatives, bookkeepers, accountants, and human resource professionals.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
12pm to 8pm
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
7am to 2pm
Rodd Grand Yarmouth
417 Main Street, Yarmouth
There is no cost to attend, no RSVP required. For more information contact Trisha, training@awarens.ca
| |
Workshop 3 is ready to roll! Heather Matthews, AWARE-NS and Louise Barker, WCB are ready to share the next step in the "Steps for Safety" series of workplace violence prevention workshops. You'll come away with increased knowledge, better communication skills and a tool to help with seamless integration into your organization.
E-invites will be sent out in the coming week, or you can register with Trisha by contacting her through the following methods:
1-902-832-3868 ext 104
1-877-538-7228 ext 104
To get the most of these kilometeres travelled, you'll note that Heather will be re-offering Hazard ID in the afternoon. You may register for this as well, if needed.
Steps for Safety Workshop 3
Hazard ID
| November 18 - Waterville
| November 18 - Waterville
| November 24 - Sydney
November 24 - Sydney
| November 25 - Baddeck
| November 25 - Baddeck
| December 1 - Yarmouth
| December 1 - Yarmouth
December 2 - Liverpool
| December 2 - Liverpool
| December 8 - Amherst
| December 8 - Amherst
| December 9 - Antigonish
| December 9 - Antigonish
| December 14 - Bedford
| December 14 - Bedford
| December 15 - Truro
| *no offering in Truro at this time
Database Development -THANK YOU!
Development and growth doesn't happen overnight, we sure know it! Over the past few months, we have developed a customized data base to manage our training enrollments, participation levels and contact information for participating organizations.
The data entry has been tedious and over-whelming at times, but we are getting caught up! Thank you to Kenzie, for his hard work and attention to detail!
Why is this important? This database, will make it much easier to track who has taken which courses and what courses/sessions are still needed, among other important details. We will have the ability to send customized reports to your organizations for OHS staff education participation levels.
We understand that some of you have been waiting for certificates of completion...they are on their way!
Also, we are trying something new to be even more efficient. When someone registers more than one person, we'd like to have the list of names of participants in advance of the session. Our hope is to have certificates ready, in-hand for the classroom training.
Thank you for engaging with us and your patience during this period of growth. - AWARE-NS staff
201 Brownlow Avenue, Unit 1Dartmouth, B3B 1W2
Phone 1-877-LETS-ACT (538-7228) Local Phone 1-902-832-3868
Fax 1-902-832-3445