Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to have joined the AWARE-NS team as we come together with a renewed focus on front-line workers and reflecting the needs and wants of our stakeholders. We are in the process of developing an operational 'Go Forward' Plan to implement the stakeholder review recommendations and fine tuning our focus regarding key health and safety issues faced by homecare/home support and Community Services sectors. The team at AWARE-NS is currently developing a responsive and solution based plan that will help serve you better. I look forward to connecting with you on many levels and am seeking opportunities to work collaboratively together. This will help AWARE-NS identify and deliver programs and services that are relevant to you, as well as foster and support a culture of safety in your workplace. In this newsletter, we are providing you with an update on a new AWARE-NS initiative: Workplace Violence Prevention. You will see program updates, but most importantly links to information, resources, and tools to bring to your workplace. We will continue to keep you informed of what is up and coming as this work progresses. Do you have an idea or an issue you wish to discuss? Please invite me to your workplace - let us help you. Contact Information: Susan Dempsey, Executive Director AWARE-NS t. 902-832-3536 e.