AWARE-NS News | September/2013 |
Hazard ID: News, Updates, Resources |
Facility Based Workplace Inspections: 2 Part Series
Article By: Christian Goudge
Get Your Sherlock On! There are two ways to find hazards in the workplace: proactively seeking them out or waiting until they find us by causing an accident. All too often hazards are discovered as a result of someone getting hurt. In an effort to reduce workplace accidents and injury a recurring, proactive approach to identify hazards must be used.
Call for OHS Writers
Next Month: Community Based Care
 Are you a safety ninja with exceptional skills in Community Based Care? Want to share your passion for safety with others? Write for our blog! No experience required. Our online communications specialist would be happy to work with you on subject matter and formatting. Community Based Care Article Deadline: October Sept 27, 2013. |
Spot The Hazards
Contest - Win A Gift Bag Of OHS Goodies!
Think you can spot all the hazards in this photo?
Visit our "Spot The Hazards" contest page and give it a shot!
Deadline To Enter September 20th, 2013
Soteria Strains
NEW Documentation
The Soteria Strains Working Group has released two new research reports that were prepared by the Nova Scotia health Research Foundation on their behalf.
Musculoskeletal Injury Tracking and Prevention - Jurisdictional Review: Key Informant Interview Analysis AND Musculoskeletal Injury Tracking and Prevention - Jurisdiction Review: Literature Review Read More |
Upcoming Events
NEW Events Added
Workplace Injuries: Top 10 Injured Body Parts
 Article By: Heather Matthews Any guess as to the top 10 body parts injured in Healthcare and Community Services workplaces? If you were to ask anyone in these sectors what is the number one body part injured, most would get it right. Backs are the number one body part injured in all six groups (Hospitals, Special Care Homes, Nursing Homes, Ambulance Services, Homecare and Family & Social Services) within our sector. Continue Reading |
Our Team Is Growing!
Welcome Valerie MacLeod
Executive Coordinator
 Valerie is AWARE-NS's new Executive Coordinator. She comes with a diverse background in business coordination and event planning. Most recently she was the Atlantic Regional Coordinator, for SimplexGrinnell and oversaw the coordination and implementation of all safety and health care service projects from Halifax to St. John's. Valerie is a seasoned professional who has over twelve years' experience in developing and implementing strategic systems in diverse work environments. Contact Valerie at valerie@awarens.ca |
Our Team Is Growing!
Welcome Morah MacEachern
Knowledge Solutions Specialist
 Morah MacEachern is AWARE-NS's new Knowledge Solutions Specialist. She has over 25 years in the health and community service sector. Morah started her career in municipal government in the area of community development, ending her tenure with government as a senior director. In the mid-nineties Morah changed careers and moved to the non-profit sector, where over the next 15 years she held senior leadership positions with national and regionally based non-profit organizations. Morah has worked extensively with non-profit Boards of Director's at the national and regional level providing leadership and education in the area of board governance and effective board management. Morah is also a workplace educator and has delivered workplace education programs to various sectors throughout the province. She holds a Masters of Education degree from Dalhousie University. Contact Morah at morah@awarens.ca |
Administrative Penalties Feedback Opportunities
Action Required! Throughout consultations for the Workplace Safety Strategy, concerns were raised by stakeholders related to the administrative penalties system.
Earlier this year, an initial stakeholder consultation was completed to gather feedback on the proposed framework of the new system. This framework has guided the detailed development of the proposed new system. As a safety leader in the province, you are invited to attend a stakeholder session to provide your feedback on the proposed new system. View Feedback Opportunities |
e-Campus SAVE 50%
 Promo Code 627760
WHMIS Refresher
WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Refresher is a hazard communication system designed to ensure workers using hazardous materials, also known as controlled products, have all the necessary information to safely handle, store and dispose of these materials. This course is intended for individuals who already have a solid understanding of the subject matter contained in this course. Click To Redeem |